final long START_TXID = 1;
StorageDirectory sd = cluster.getNameNode().getFSImage()
File editLog = NNStorage.getInProgressEditsFile(sd, START_TXID);
EditLogValidation validation = EditLogFileInputStream.validateEditLog(editLog);
assertEquals("Edit log should contain a header as valid length",
HEADER_LEN, validation.getValidLength());
assertEquals(validation.getEndTxId(), START_TXID);
assertEquals("Edit log should have 1MB pre-allocated, plus 4 bytes " +
"for the version number",
EditLogFileOutputStream.PREALLOCATION_LENGTH + 4, editLog.length());
cluster.getFileSystem().mkdirs(new Path("/tmp"),
new FsPermission((short)777));
long oldLength = validation.getValidLength();
validation = EditLogFileInputStream.validateEditLog(editLog);
assertTrue("Edit log should have more valid data after writing a txn " +
"(was: " + oldLength + " now: " + validation.getValidLength() + ")",
validation.getValidLength() > oldLength);
assertEquals(1, validation.getEndTxId() - START_TXID);
assertEquals("Edit log should be 1MB long, plus 4 bytes for the version number",
EditLogFileOutputStream.PREALLOCATION_LENGTH + 4, editLog.length());
// 256 blocks for the 1MB of preallocation space
assertTrue("Edit log disk space used should be at least 257 blocks",