long genStamp = FsDatasetUtil.getGenerationStampFromFile(
blockFiles, blockFile);
long blockId = Block.filename2id(blockFile.getName());
ReplicaInfo newReplica = null;
if (isFinalized) {
newReplica = new FinalizedReplica(blockId,
blockFile.length(), genStamp, volume, blockFile.getParentFile());
} else {
boolean loadRwr = true;
File restartMeta = new File(blockFile.getParent() +
File.pathSeparator + "." + blockFile.getName() + ".restart");
Scanner sc = null;
try {
sc = new Scanner(restartMeta);
// The restart meta file exists
if (sc.hasNextLong() && (sc.nextLong() > {
// It didn't expire. Load the replica as a RBW.
newReplica = new ReplicaBeingWritten(blockId,
validateIntegrityAndSetLength(blockFile, genStamp),
genStamp, volume, blockFile.getParentFile(), null);
loadRwr = false;
if (restartMeta.delete()) {
FsDatasetImpl.LOG.warn("Failed to delete restart meta file: " +
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
// nothing to do here
} finally {
if (sc != null) {
// Restart meta doesn't exist or expired.
if (loadRwr) {
newReplica = new ReplicaWaitingToBeRecovered(blockId,
validateIntegrityAndSetLength(blockFile, genStamp),
genStamp, volume, blockFile.getParentFile());
ReplicaInfo oldReplica = volumeMap.add(bpid, newReplica);
if (oldReplica != null) {
FsDatasetImpl.LOG.warn("Two block files with the same block id exist " +
"on disk: " + oldReplica.getBlockFile() + " and " + blockFile );