if (!memBlockInfo.getBlockFile().exists()) {
// Block is in memory and not on the disk
// Remove the block from volumeMap
volumeMap.remove(bpid, blockId);
final DataBlockScanner blockScanner = datanode.getBlockScanner();
if (blockScanner != null) {
blockScanner.deleteBlock(bpid, new Block(blockId));
LOG.warn("Removed block " + blockId
+ " from memory with missing block file on the disk");
// Finally remove the metadata file
if (diskMetaFile != null && diskMetaFile.exists()
&& diskMetaFile.delete()) {
LOG.warn("Deleted a metadata file for the deleted block "
+ diskMetaFile.getAbsolutePath());
* Block file exists on the disk
if (memBlockInfo == null) {
// Block is missing in memory - add the block to volumeMap
ReplicaInfo diskBlockInfo = new FinalizedReplica(blockId,
diskFile.length(), diskGS, vol, diskFile.getParentFile());
volumeMap.add(bpid, diskBlockInfo);
final DataBlockScanner blockScanner = datanode.getBlockScanner();
if (blockScanner != null) {
blockScanner.addBlock(new ExtendedBlock(bpid, diskBlockInfo));
LOG.warn("Added missing block to memory " + diskBlockInfo);