RegionScanner scanner = getRegion(e).getScanner(new Scan(get));
List<Cell> cells = Lists.newArrayList();
Cell prevCell = null;
ByteRange curFam = new SimpleByteRange();
boolean curColAllVersions = (request == OpType.DELETE);
long curColCheckTs = opTs;
boolean foundColumn = false;
try {
boolean more = false;
do {
// scan with limit as 1 to hold down memory use on wide rows
more = scanner.next(cells, 1);
for (Cell cell: cells) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Found cell " + cell);
boolean colChange = prevCell == null || !CellUtil.matchingColumn(prevCell, cell);
if (colChange) foundColumn = false;
prevCell = cell;
if (!curColAllVersions && foundColumn) {
if (colChange && considerCellTs) {
curFam.set(cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), cell.getFamilyLength());
List<Cell> cols = familyMap1.get(curFam);
for (Cell col : cols) {
// null/empty qualifier is used to denote a Family delete. The TS and delete type
// associated with this is applicable for all columns within the family. That is
// why the below (col.getQualifierLength() == 0) check.