* @throws ServiceException
public ScanResponse scan(final RpcController controller, final ScanRequest request)
throws ServiceException {
OperationQuota quota = null;
Leases.Lease lease = null;
String scannerName = null;
try {
if (!request.hasScannerId() && !request.hasScan()) {
throw new DoNotRetryIOException(
"Missing required input: scannerId or scan");
long scannerId = -1;
if (request.hasScannerId()) {
scannerId = request.getScannerId();
scannerName = String.valueOf(scannerId);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// If checkOpen failed, server not running or filesystem gone,
// cancel this lease; filesystem is gone or we're closing or something.
if (scannerName != null) {
LOG.debug("Server shutting down and client tried to access missing scanner "
+ scannerName);
if (regionServer.leases != null) {
try {
} catch (LeaseException le) {
// No problem, ignore
throw e;
int ttl = 0;
HRegion region = null;
RegionScanner scanner = null;
RegionScannerHolder rsh = null;
boolean moreResults = true;
boolean closeScanner = false;
ScanResponse.Builder builder = ScanResponse.newBuilder();
if (request.hasCloseScanner()) {
closeScanner = request.getCloseScanner();
int rows = closeScanner ? 0 : 1;
if (request.hasNumberOfRows()) {
rows = request.getNumberOfRows();
if (request.hasScannerId()) {
rsh = scanners.get(scannerName);
if (rsh == null) {
LOG.info("Client tried to access missing scanner " + scannerName);
throw new UnknownScannerException(
"Name: " + scannerName + ", already closed?");
scanner = rsh.s;
HRegionInfo hri = scanner.getRegionInfo();
region = regionServer.getRegion(hri.getRegionName());
if (region != rsh.r) { // Yes, should be the same instance
throw new NotServingRegionException("Region was re-opened after the scanner"
+ scannerName + " was created: " + hri.getRegionNameAsString());
} else {
region = getRegion(request.getRegion());
ClientProtos.Scan protoScan = request.getScan();
boolean isLoadingCfsOnDemandSet = protoScan.hasLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand();
Scan scan = ProtobufUtil.toScan(protoScan);
// if the request doesn't set this, get the default region setting.
if (!isLoadingCfsOnDemandSet) {
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
scanner = region.getCoprocessorHost().preScannerOpen(scan);
if (scanner == null) {
scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
scanner = region.getCoprocessorHost().postScannerOpen(scan, scanner);
scannerId = addScanner(scanner, region);
scannerName = String.valueOf(scannerId);
ttl = this.scannerLeaseTimeoutPeriod;
quota = getQuotaManager().checkQuota(region, OperationQuota.OperationType.SCAN);
long maxQuotaResultSize = Math.min(maxScannerResultSize, quota.getReadAvailable());
if (rows > 0) {
// if nextCallSeq does not match throw Exception straight away. This needs to be
// performed even before checking of Lease.
// See HBASE-5974
if (request.hasNextCallSeq()) {
if (rsh == null) {
rsh = scanners.get(scannerName);
if (rsh != null) {
if (request.getNextCallSeq() != rsh.nextCallSeq) {
throw new OutOfOrderScannerNextException("Expected nextCallSeq: " + rsh.nextCallSeq
+ " But the nextCallSeq got from client: " + request.getNextCallSeq() +
"; request=" + TextFormat.shortDebugString(request));
// Increment the nextCallSeq value which is the next expected from client.
try {
// Remove lease while its being processed in server; protects against case
// where processing of request takes > lease expiration time.
lease = regionServer.leases.removeLease(scannerName);
List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(rows);
long currentScanResultSize = 0;
long totalCellSize = 0;
boolean done = false;
// Call coprocessor. Get region info from scanner.
if (region != null && region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
Boolean bypass = region.getCoprocessorHost().preScannerNext(
scanner, results, rows);
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
for (Result r : results) {
for (Cell cell : r.rawCells()) {
currentScanResultSize += CellUtil.estimatedHeapSizeOf(cell);
totalCellSize += CellUtil.estimatedSerializedSizeOf(cell);
if (bypass != null && bypass.booleanValue()) {
done = true;
if (!done) {
long maxResultSize = Math.min(scanner.getMaxResultSize(), maxQuotaResultSize);
if (maxResultSize <= 0) {
maxResultSize = maxQuotaResultSize;
List<Cell> values = new ArrayList<Cell>();
try {
int i = 0;
synchronized(scanner) {
boolean stale = (region.getRegionInfo().getReplicaId() != 0);
while (i < rows) {
// Stop collecting results if maxScannerResultSize is set and we have exceeded it
if ((maxScannerResultSize < Long.MAX_VALUE) &&
(currentScanResultSize >= maxResultSize)) {
// Collect values to be returned here
boolean moreRows = scanner.nextRaw(values);
if (!values.isEmpty()) {
for (Cell cell : values) {
currentScanResultSize += CellUtil.estimatedHeapSizeOf(cell);
totalCellSize += CellUtil.estimatedSerializedSizeOf(cell);
results.add(Result.create(values, null, stale));
if (!moreRows) {
} finally {
// coprocessor postNext hook
if (region != null && region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
region.getCoprocessorHost().postScannerNext(scanner, results, rows, true);
// If the scanner's filter - if any - is done with the scan
// and wants to tell the client to stop the scan. This is done by passing
// a null result, and setting moreResults to false.
if (scanner.isFilterDone() && results.isEmpty()) {
moreResults = false;
results = null;
} else {
addResults(builder, results, controller, RegionReplicaUtil.isDefaultReplica(region.getRegionInfo()));
} finally {
// We're done. On way out re-add the above removed lease.
// Adding resets expiration time on lease.
if (scanners.containsKey(scannerName)) {
if (lease != null) regionServer.leases.addLease(lease);
ttl = this.scannerLeaseTimeoutPeriod;
if (!moreResults || closeScanner) {
ttl = 0;
moreResults = false;
if (region != null && region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
if (region.getCoprocessorHost().preScannerClose(scanner)) {
return builder.build(); // bypass
rsh = scanners.remove(scannerName);
if (rsh != null) {
scanner = rsh.s;
if (region != null && region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
if (ttl > 0) {
return builder.build();
} catch (IOException ie) {
if (scannerName != null && ie instanceof NotServingRegionException) {
RegionScannerHolder rsh = scanners.remove(scannerName);
if (rsh != null) {
try {
RegionScanner scanner = rsh.s;
LOG.warn(scannerName + " encountered " + ie.getMessage() + ", closing ...");
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Getting exception closing " + scannerName, e);
throw new ServiceException(ie);
} finally {
if (quota != null) {