// TODO: not clear if we should try to recover from corrupt PB that looks semi-legit.
// If we can get the KV count, we could, theoretically, try to get next record.
throw new EOFException("Partial PB while reading WAL, " +
"probably an unexpected EOF, ignoring");
WALKey walKey = builder.build();
entry.getKey().readFieldsFromPb(walKey, this.byteStringUncompressor);
if (!walKey.hasFollowingKvCount() || 0 == walKey.getFollowingKvCount()) {
LOG.trace("WALKey has no KVs that follow it; trying the next one");
int expectedCells = walKey.getFollowingKvCount();
long posBefore = this.inputStream.getPos();
try {
int actualCells = entry.getEdit().readFromCells(cellDecoder, expectedCells);
if (expectedCells != actualCells) {
throw new EOFException("Only read " + actualCells); // other info added in catch