RowMutations rms = (RowMutations)row;
// Stick all Cells for all RowMutations in here into 'cells'. Populated when we call
// buildNoDataMultiRequest in the below.
List<CellScannable> cells = new ArrayList<CellScannable>(rms.getMutations().size());
// Build a multi request absent its Cell payload (this is the 'nodata' in the below).
MultiRequest multiRequest =
RequestConverter.buildNoDataMultiRequest(regionName, rms, cells);
// Carry the cells over the proxy/pb Service interface using the payload carrying
// rpc controller.
getStub().multi(new PayloadCarryingRpcController(cells), multiRequest);
// This multi call does not return results.
response.add(regionName, action.getOriginalIndex(), Result.EMPTY_RESULT);
} catch (ServiceException se) {
response.add(regionName, action.getOriginalIndex(),
// Are there any non-RowMutation actions to send for this region?
if (actions.size() > rowMutations) {
Exception ex = null;
List<Object> results = null;
// Stick all Cells for the multiRequest in here into 'cells'. Gets filled in when we
// call buildNoDataMultiRequest
List<CellScannable> cells = new ArrayList<CellScannable>(actions.size() - rowMutations);
try {
// The call to buildNoDataMultiRequest will skip RowMutations. They have
// already been handled above.
MultiRequest multiRequest =
RequestConverter.buildNoDataMultiRequest(regionName, actions, cells);
// Controller optionally carries cell data over the proxy/service boundary and also
// optionally ferries cell response data back out again.
PayloadCarryingRpcController controller = new PayloadCarryingRpcController(cells);
ClientProtos.MultiResponse responseProto = getStub().multi(controller, multiRequest);