List<IndexSpecification> indices = indexManager.getIndicesForTable(tableNameStr);
if (indices != null && !indices.isEmpty()) {
LOG.trace("Entering preWALWrite for the table " + tableNameStr);
String indexTableName = IndexUtils.getIndexTableName(tableNameStr);
IndexEdits iEdits = IndexRegionObserver.threadLocal.get();
WALEdit indexWALEdit = iEdits.getWALEdit();
// This size will be 0 when none of the Mutations to the user table to be indexed.
// or write to WAL is disabled for the Mutations
if (indexWALEdit.getKeyValues().size() == 0) {
return true;
LOG.trace("Adding indexWALEdits into WAL for table " + tableNameStr);
HRegion indexRegion = iEdits.getRegion();
// TS in all KVs within WALEdit will be the same. So considering the 1st one.
Long time = indexWALEdit.getKeyValues().get(0).getTimestamp();
.appendNoSync(indexRegion.getRegionInfo(), Bytes.toBytes(indexTableName), indexWALEdit,