Package org.apache.hadoop.fs.swift.exceptions

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.swift.exceptions.SwiftOperationFailedException

    SwiftObjectPath srcObject = toObjectPath(src);
    SwiftObjectPath destObject = toObjectPath(dst);

    if (SwiftUtils.isRootDir(srcObject)) {
      throw new SwiftOperationFailedException("cannot rename root dir");

    final SwiftFileStatus srcMetadata;
    srcMetadata = getObjectMetadata(src);
    SwiftFileStatus dstMetadata;
    try {
      dstMetadata = getObjectMetadata(dst);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      //destination does not exist.
      LOG.debug("Destination does not exist");
      dstMetadata = null;

    //check to see if the destination parent directory exists
    Path srcParent = src.getParent();
    Path dstParent = dst.getParent();
    //skip the overhead of a HEAD call if the src and dest share the same
    //parent dir (in which case the dest dir exists), or the destination
    //directory is root, in which case it must also exist
    if (dstParent != null && !dstParent.equals(srcParent)) {
      try {
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        //destination parent doesn't exist; bail out
        LOG.debug("destination parent directory " + dstParent + " doesn't exist");
        throw e;

    boolean destExists = dstMetadata != null;
    boolean destIsDir = destExists && SwiftUtils.isDirectory(dstMetadata);
    //calculate the destination
    SwiftObjectPath destPath;

    //enum the child entries and everything underneath
    List<FileStatus> childStats = listDirectory(srcObject, true, true);
    boolean srcIsFile = !srcMetadata.isDir();
    if (srcIsFile) {

      //source is a simple file OR a partitioned file
      // outcomes:
      // #1 dest exists and is file: fail
      // #2 dest exists and is dir: destination path becomes under dest dir
      // #3 dest does not exist: use dest as name
      if (destExists) {

        if (destIsDir) {
          //outcome #2 -move to subdir of dest
          destPath = toObjectPath(new Path(dst, src.getName()));
        } else {
          //outcome #1 dest it's a file: fail if differeent
          if (!renamingOnToSelf) {
            throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(
                    "cannot rename a file over one that already exists");
          } else {
            //is mv self self where self is a file. this becomes a no-op
            LOG.debug("Renaming file onto self: no-op => success");
      } else {
        //outcome #3 -new entry
        destPath = toObjectPath(dst);
      int childCount = childStats.size();
      //here there is one of:
      // - a single object ==> standard file
      // ->
      if (childCount == 0) {
        copyThenDeleteObject(srcObject, destPath);
      } else {
        //do the copy
        SwiftUtils.debug(LOG, "Source file appears to be partitioned." +
                              " copying file and deleting children");

        copyObject(srcObject, destPath);
        for (FileStatus stat : childStats) {
          SwiftUtils.debug(LOG, "Deleting partitioned file %s ", stat);

    } else {

      //here the source exists and is a directory
      // outcomes (given we know the parent dir exists if we get this far)
      // #1 destination is a file: fail
      // #2 destination is a directory: create a new dir under that one
      // #3 destination doesn't exist: create a new dir with that name
      // #3 and #4 are only allowed if the dest path is not == or under src

      if (destExists && !destIsDir) {
        // #1 destination is a file: fail
        throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(
                "the source is a directory, but not the destination");
      Path targetPath;
      if (destExists) {
        // #2 destination is a directory: create a new dir under that one
        targetPath = new Path(dst, src.getName());
      } else {
        // #3 destination doesn't exist: create a new dir with that name
        targetPath = dst;
      SwiftObjectPath targetObjectPath = toObjectPath(targetPath);
      //final check for any recursive operations
      if (srcObject.isEqualToOrParentOf(targetObjectPath)) {
        //you can't rename a directory onto itself
        throw new SwiftOperationFailedException(
          "cannot move a directory under itself");
      }"mv  " + srcObject + " " + targetPath);
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        URI createdUri = URI.create(uri);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        //failure to create the URI, which means this is bad JSON. Convert
        //to an exception with useful text
        throw new SwiftOperationFailedException(
            "could not convert \"%s\" into a URI." +
            " source: %s " +
            " first JSON: %s",
            uri, path, json.substring(0, 256)));
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    // like a partitioned file (len > 0 && has children)
    if (!fileStatus.isDir()) {
      LOG.debug("Multiple child entries but entry has data: assume partitioned");
    } else if (!recursive) {
      //if there are children, unless this is a recursive operation, fail immediately
      throw new SwiftOperationFailedException("Directory " + fileStatus
                                              + " is not empty: "
                                              + SwiftUtils.fileStatsToString(
                                                        statuses, "; "));
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    } else {
      // destination does not exist -trigger creation of the parent
      Path parent = file.getParent();
      if (parent != null) {
        if (!mkdirs(parent)) {
          throw new SwiftOperationFailedException(
            "Mkdirs failed to create " + parent);
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    SwiftObjectPath srcObject = toObjectPath(src);
    SwiftObjectPath destObject = toObjectPath(dst);

    if (SwiftUtils.isRootDir(srcObject)) {
      throw new SwiftOperationFailedException("cannot rename root dir");

    final SwiftFileStatus srcMetadata;
    srcMetadata = getObjectMetadata(src);
    SwiftFileStatus dstMetadata;
    try {
      dstMetadata = getObjectMetadata(dst);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      //destination does not exist.
      LOG.debug("Destination does not exist");
      dstMetadata = null;

    //check to see if the destination parent directory exists
    Path srcParent = src.getParent();
    Path dstParent = dst.getParent();
    //skip the overhead of a HEAD call if the src and dest share the same
    //parent dir (in which case the dest dir exists), or the destination
    //directory is root, in which case it must also exist
    if (dstParent != null && !dstParent.equals(srcParent)) {
      try {
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        //destination parent doesn't exist; bail out
        LOG.debug("destination parent directory " + dstParent + " doesn't exist");
        throw e;

    boolean destExists = dstMetadata != null;
    boolean destIsDir = destExists && SwiftUtils.isDirectory(dstMetadata);
    //calculate the destination
    SwiftObjectPath destPath;

    //enum the child entries and everything underneath
    List<FileStatus> childStats = listDirectory(srcObject, true, true);
    boolean srcIsFile = !srcMetadata.isDir();
    if (srcIsFile) {

      //source is a simple file OR a partitioned file
      // outcomes:
      // #1 dest exists and is file: fail
      // #2 dest exists and is dir: destination path becomes under dest dir
      // #3 dest does not exist: use dest as name
      if (destExists) {

        if (destIsDir) {
          //outcome #2 -move to subdir of dest
          destPath = toObjectPath(new Path(dst, src.getName()));
        } else {
          //outcome #1 dest it's a file: fail if differeent
          if (!renamingOnToSelf) {
            throw new SwiftOperationFailedException(
                    "cannot rename a file over one that already exists");
          } else {
            //is mv self self where self is a file. this becomes a no-op
            LOG.debug("Renaming file onto self: no-op => success");
      } else {
        //outcome #3 -new entry
        destPath = toObjectPath(dst);
      int childCount = childStats.size();
      //here there is one of:
      // - a single object ==> standard file
      // ->
      if (childCount == 0) {
        copyThenDeleteObject(srcObject, destPath);
      } else {
        //do the copy
        SwiftUtils.debug(LOG, "Source file appears to be partitioned." +
                              " copying file and deleting children");

        copyObject(srcObject, destPath);
        for (FileStatus stat : childStats) {
          SwiftUtils.debug(LOG, "Deleting partitioned file %s ", stat);

    } else {

      //here the source exists and is a directory
      // outcomes (given we know the parent dir exists if we get this far)
      // #1 destination is a file: fail
      // #2 destination is a directory: create a new dir under that one
      // #3 destination doesn't exist: create a new dir with that name
      // #3 and #4 are only allowed if the dest path is not == or under src

      if (destExists && !destIsDir) {
        // #1 destination is a file: fail
        throw new SwiftOperationFailedException(
                "the source is a directory, but not the destination");
      Path targetPath;
      if (destExists) {
        // #2 destination is a directory: create a new dir under that one
        targetPath = new Path(dst, src.getName());
      } else {
        // #3 destination doesn't exist: create a new dir with that name
        targetPath = dst;
      SwiftObjectPath targetObjectPath = toObjectPath(targetPath);
      //final check for any recursive operations
      if (srcObject.isEqualToOrParentOf(targetObjectPath)) {
        //you can't rename a directory onto itself
        throw new SwiftOperationFailedException(
          "cannot move a directory under itself");
      }"mv  " + srcObject + " " + targetPath);
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        URI createdUri = URI.create(uri);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        //failure to create the URI, which means this is bad JSON. Convert
        //to an exception with useful text
        throw new SwiftOperationFailedException(
            "could not convert \"%s\" into a URI." +
            " source: %s " +
            " first JSON: %s",
            uri, path, json.substring(0, 256)));
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    // like a partitioned file (len > 0 && has children)
    if (!fileStatus.isDir()) {
      LOG.debug("Multiple child entries but entry has data: assume partitioned");
    } else if (!recursive) {
      //if there are children, unless this is a recursive operation, fail immediately
      throw new SwiftOperationFailedException("Directory " + fileStatus
                                              + " is not empty: "
                                              + SwiftUtils.fileStatsToString(
                                                        statuses, "; "));
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    } else {
      // destination does not exist -trigger creation of the parent
      Path parent = file.getParent();
      if (parent != null) {
        if (!mkdirs(parent)) {
          throw new SwiftOperationFailedException(
            "Mkdirs failed to create " + parent);
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.fs.swift.exceptions.SwiftOperationFailedException

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