* Tests combinations of valid and invalid user and group arguments to chown.
public void testChownUserAndGroupValidity() {
// This test only covers argument parsing, so override to skip processing.
FsCommand chown = new FsShellPermissions.Chown() {
protected void processArgument(PathData item) {
chown.setConf(new Configuration());
// The following are valid (no exception expected).
chown.run("user", "/path");
chown.run("user:group", "/path");
chown.run(":group", "/path");
// The following are valid only on Windows.
assertValidArgumentsOnWindows(chown, "User With Spaces", "/path");
assertValidArgumentsOnWindows(chown, "User With Spaces:group", "/path");
assertValidArgumentsOnWindows(chown, "User With Spaces:Group With Spaces",