Package org.apache.hadoop.fs

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.fs.HdfsVolumeId

        new HashMap<LocatedBlock, List<VolumeId>>();
    for (LocatedBlock b : blocks) {
      ArrayList<VolumeId> l = new ArrayList<VolumeId>(b.getLocations().length);
      // Start off all IDs as invalid, fill it in later with results from RPCs
      for (int i = 0; i < b.getLocations().length; i++) {
        l.add(new HdfsVolumeId((byte)-1, false));
      blockVolumeIds.put(b, l);
    // Iterate through the list of metadatas (one per datanode).
    // For each metadata, if it's valid, insert its volume location information
    // into the Map returned to the caller
    Iterator<HdfsBlocksMetadata> metadatasIter = metadatas.iterator();
    Iterator<DatanodeInfo> datanodeIter = datanodeBlocks.keySet().iterator();
    while (metadatasIter.hasNext()) {
      HdfsBlocksMetadata metadata =;
      DatanodeInfo datanode =;
      // Check if metadata is valid
      if (metadata == null) {
      ExtendedBlock[] metaBlocks = metadata.getBlocks();
      List<byte[]> metaVolumeIds = metadata.getVolumeIds();
      List<Integer> metaVolumeIndexes = metadata.getVolumeIndexes();
      // Add VolumeId for each replica in the HdfsBlocksMetadata
      for (int j = 0; j < metaBlocks.length; j++) {
        int volumeIndex = metaVolumeIndexes.get(j);
        ExtendedBlock extBlock = metaBlocks[j];
        // Skip if block wasn't found, or not a valid index into metaVolumeIds
        // Also skip if the DN responded with a block we didn't ask for
        if (volumeIndex == Integer.MAX_VALUE
            || volumeIndex >= metaVolumeIds.size()
            || !extBlockToLocBlock.containsKey(extBlock)) {
        // Get the VolumeId by indexing into the list of VolumeIds
        // provided by the datanode
        HdfsVolumeId id = new HdfsVolumeId(metaVolumeIds.get(volumeIndex)[0],
        // Find out which index we are in the LocatedBlock's replicas
        LocatedBlock locBlock = extBlockToLocBlock.get(extBlock);
        DatanodeInfo[] dnInfos = locBlock.getLocations();
        int index = -1;
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        // Get the VolumeId by indexing into the list of VolumeIds
        // provided by the datanode
        byte[] volumeId = metaVolumeIds.get(volumeIndex);
        HdfsVolumeId id = new HdfsVolumeId(volumeId);
        // Find out which index we are in the LocatedBlock's replicas
        LocatedBlock locBlock = blockIdToLocBlock.get(blockId);
        DatanodeInfo[] dnInfos = locBlock.getLocations();
        int index = -1;
        for (int k = 0; k < dnInfos.length; k++) {
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        // Get the VolumeId by indexing into the list of VolumeIds
        // provided by the datanode
        byte[] volumeId = metaVolumeIds.get(volumeIndex);
        HdfsVolumeId id = new HdfsVolumeId(volumeId);
        // Find out which index we are in the LocatedBlock's replicas
        LocatedBlock locBlock = extBlockToLocBlock.get(extBlock);
        DatanodeInfo[] dnInfos = locBlock.getLocations();
        int index = -1;
        for (int k = 0; k < dnInfos.length; k++) {
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        // Get the VolumeId by indexing into the list of VolumeIds
        // provided by the datanode
        byte[] volumeId = metaVolumeIds.get(volumeIndex);
        HdfsVolumeId id = new HdfsVolumeId(volumeId);
        // Find out which index we are in the LocatedBlock's replicas
        LocatedBlock locBlock = blockIdToLocBlock.get(blockId);
        DatanodeInfo[] dnInfos = locBlock.getLocations();
        int index = -1;
        for (int k = 0; k < dnInfos.length; k++) {
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        new HashMap<LocatedBlock, List<VolumeId>>();
    for (LocatedBlock b : blocks) {
      ArrayList<VolumeId> l = new ArrayList<VolumeId>(b.getLocations().length);
      // Start off all IDs as invalid, fill it in later with results from RPCs
      for (int i = 0; i < b.getLocations().length; i++) {
        l.add(new HdfsVolumeId(null, false));
      blockVolumeIds.put(b, l);
    // Iterate through the list of metadatas (one per datanode).
    // For each metadata, if it's valid, insert its volume location information
    // into the Map returned to the caller
    Iterator<HdfsBlocksMetadata> metadatasIter = metadatas.iterator();
    Iterator<DatanodeInfo> datanodeIter = datanodeBlocks.keySet().iterator();
    while (metadatasIter.hasNext()) {
      HdfsBlocksMetadata metadata =;
      DatanodeInfo datanode =;
      // Check if metadata is valid
      if (metadata == null) {
      ExtendedBlock[] metaBlocks = metadata.getBlocks();
      List<byte[]> metaVolumeIds = metadata.getVolumeIds();
      List<Integer> metaVolumeIndexes = metadata.getVolumeIndexes();
      // Add VolumeId for each replica in the HdfsBlocksMetadata
      for (int j = 0; j < metaBlocks.length; j++) {
        int volumeIndex = metaVolumeIndexes.get(j);
        ExtendedBlock extBlock = metaBlocks[j];
        // Skip if block wasn't found, or not a valid index into metaVolumeIds
        // Also skip if the DN responded with a block we didn't ask for
        if (volumeIndex == Integer.MAX_VALUE
            || volumeIndex >= metaVolumeIds.size()
            || !extBlockToLocBlock.containsKey(extBlock)) {
        // Get the VolumeId by indexing into the list of VolumeIds
        // provided by the datanode
        byte[] volumeId = metaVolumeIds.get(volumeIndex);
        HdfsVolumeId id = new HdfsVolumeId(volumeId, true);
        // Find out which index we are in the LocatedBlock's replicas
        LocatedBlock locBlock = extBlockToLocBlock.get(extBlock);
        DatanodeInfo[] dnInfos = locBlock.getLocations();
        int index = -1;
        for (int k = 0; k < dnInfos.length; k++) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.fs.HdfsVolumeId

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