Package org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.javaee6

Examples of org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.javaee6.ApplicationType

     *       2.2 No, Construct the EXCLUDED_JAR_URLS, which is required by many other components,
     *          even the Servlet Container for dynamic ServletRegistration/FilterRegistration
    public static WebFragmentEntry[] absoluteOrderWebFragments(EARContext earContext, Module module, Bundle bundle, WebAppType webApp, Map<String, WebFragmentEntry> webFragmentEntryMap)
            throws DeploymentException {
        AbsoluteOrderingType absoluteOrdering = webApp.getAbsoluteOrderingArray()[0];
        Set<String> expliciteConfiguredWebFragmentNames = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        List<WebFragmentEntry> orderedWebFragments = new LinkedList<WebFragmentEntry>();
        boolean othersConfigured = absoluteOrdering.getOthersArray().length != 0;
        if (othersConfigured) {
             * If the <others/> element appears directly within the <absolute-
                    ordering> element, the runtime must ensure that any web-fragments not
                    explicitly named in the <absolute-ordering> section are included at that
                    point in the processing order.
             *  Seems that in xmlbeans, there is no way to know the initial order of the elements
             *  So using native operation of Node to iterator all the sub elements of absolute-ording
            NodeList absoluteOrderingChildren = absoluteOrdering.getDomNode().getChildNodes();
            int iOthersIndex = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < absoluteOrderingChildren.getLength(); i++) {
                Node node = absoluteOrderingChildren.item(i);
                if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    if (node.getNodeName().equals("name")) {
                        String webFragmentName = node.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue();
                        if (webFragmentEntryMap.containsKey(webFragmentName) && !expliciteConfiguredWebFragmentNames.contains(webFragmentName)) {
                    } else if (node.getNodeName().equals("others")) {
                        iOthersIndex = expliciteConfiguredWebFragmentNames.size();
            //Process left named web-fragment.xml files
            for (String webFragmentName : webFragmentEntryMap.keySet()) {
                if (!expliciteConfiguredWebFragmentNames.contains(webFragmentName)) {
                    orderedWebFragments.add(iOthersIndex++, webFragmentEntryMap.get(webFragmentName));
        } else {
            for (JavaIdentifierType javaIdentifier : absoluteOrdering.getNameArray()) {
                String webFragmentName = javaIdentifier.getStringValue();
                // Only process the web-fragment.xml when it is present and it is not processed before
                if (webFragmentEntryMap.containsKey(webFragmentName) && !expliciteConfiguredWebFragmentNames.contains(webFragmentName)) {
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            // read in the entire specDD as a string, we need this for getDeploymentDescriptor
            // on the J2ee management object
            specDD = JarUtils.readAll(specDDUrl);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //construct a default spec dd
            ApplicationClientDocument appClientDoc = ApplicationClientDocument.Factory.newInstance();
            appClient = appClientDoc.getApplicationClient();
            specDD = appClientDoc.xmlText();

        if (appClient == null) {
            //we found application-client.xml, if it won't parse it's an error.
            try {
                // parse it
                XmlObject xmlObject = XmlBeansUtil.parse(specDD);
                ApplicationClientDocument appClientDoc = convertToApplicationClientSchema(xmlObject);
                appClient = appClientDoc.getApplicationClient();
            } catch (XmlException e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Unable to parse application-client.xml", e);
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        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not get manifest from app client module: " + moduleFile.getName(), e);

        String specDD;
        ApplicationClientType appClient = null;
        try {
            if (specDDUrl == null) {
                specDDUrl = JarUtils.createJarURL(moduleFile, "META-INF/application-client.xml");

            // read in the entire specDD as a string, we need this for getDeploymentDescriptor
            // on the J2ee management object
            specDD = JarUtils.readAll(specDDUrl);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //construct a default spec dd
            ApplicationClientDocument appClientDoc = ApplicationClientDocument.Factory.newInstance();
            appClient = appClientDoc.getApplicationClient();
            specDD = appClientDoc.xmlText();

        if (appClient == null) {
            //we found application-client.xml, if it won't parse it's an error.
            try {
                // parse it
                XmlObject xmlObject = XmlBeansUtil.parse(specDD);
                ApplicationClientDocument appClientDoc = convertToApplicationClientSchema(xmlObject);
                appClient = appClientDoc.getApplicationClient();
            } catch (XmlException e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Unable to parse application-client.xml", e);

        // parse vendor dd
        GerApplicationClientType gerAppClient = getGeronimoAppClient(plan, moduleFile, standAlone, targetPath, appClient, earEnvironment);

        EnvironmentType clientEnvironmentType = gerAppClient.getClientEnvironment();
        Environment clientEnvironment = EnvironmentBuilder.buildEnvironment(clientEnvironmentType, defaultClientEnvironment);
        if (standAlone) {
            String name = new File(moduleFile.getName()).getName();
            idBuilder.resolve(clientEnvironment, name + "_" + name, "car");
        } else {
            Artifact earConfigId = earEnvironment.getConfigId();
            idBuilder.resolve(clientEnvironment, earConfigId.getArtifactId() + "_" + targetPath, "car");
        EnvironmentType serverEnvironmentType = gerAppClient.getServerEnvironment();
        Environment serverEnvironment = EnvironmentBuilder.buildEnvironment(serverEnvironmentType, defaultServerEnvironment);
        if (!standAlone) {
            EnvironmentBuilder.mergeEnvironments(earEnvironment, serverEnvironment);
            serverEnvironment = earEnvironment;
            if (!serverEnvironment.getConfigId().isResolved()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Server environment module ID should be fully resolved (not " + serverEnvironment.getConfigId() + ")");
        } else {
            idBuilder.resolve(serverEnvironment, new File(moduleFile.getName()).getName(), "car");

        if (earName == null) {
            earName = naming.createRootName(serverEnvironment.getConfigId(), NameFactory.NULL, NameFactory.J2EE_APPLICATION);

        //always use the artifactId of the app client as the name component of the module name (on the server).
        AbstractName moduleName = naming.createChildName(earName, clientEnvironment.getConfigId().toString(), NameFactory.APP_CLIENT_MODULE);
        AbstractName clientBaseName = naming.createRootName(clientEnvironment.getConfigId(), clientEnvironment.getConfigId().toString(), NameFactory.J2EE_APPLICATION);

        //start installing the resource adapters in the client.
        Collection<ConnectorModule> resourceModules = new ArrayList<ConnectorModule>();
        GerResourceType[] resources = gerAppClient.getResourceArray();
        for (GerResourceType resource : resources) {
            String path;
            JarFile connectorFile;
            if (resource.isSetExternalRar()) {
                PatternType externalRar = resource.getExternalRar();
                String groupId = trim(externalRar.getGroupId());
                String artifactId = trim(externalRar.getArtifactId());
                String version = trim(externalRar.getVersion());
                String type = trim(externalRar.getType());
                Artifact artifact = new Artifact(groupId, artifactId, version, type);
                try {
                    artifact = clientArtifactResolver.resolveInClassLoader(artifact);
                } catch (MissingDependencyException e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Could not resolve external rar location in repository: " + artifact, e);
                File file = null;
                for (Repository repository : repositories) {
                    if (repository.contains(artifact)) {
                        file = repository.getLocation(artifact);
                if (file == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Missing external rar in repositories: " + artifact);
                try {
                    connectorFile = new JarFile(file);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Could not access external rar contents for artifact: " + artifact, e);
                path = artifact.toString();
            } else {
                path = resource.getInternalRar();
                try {
                    connectorFile = new NestedJarFile(moduleFile, path);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Could not locate connector inside ear", e);
            XmlObject connectorPlan = resource.getConnector();
            ConnectorModule connectorModule = (ConnectorModule) getConnectorModuleBuilder().createModule(connectorPlan, connectorFile, path, null, clientEnvironment, null, clientBaseName, naming, idBuilder);

        // Create the AnnotatedApp interface for the AppClientModule
        AnnotatedApplicationClient annotatedApplicationClient = new AnnotatedApplicationClient(appClient, mainClass);

        String name = null;
        if (appClient.isSetModuleName()) {
            name = appClient.getModuleName().getStringValue().trim();
        } else if (standAlone) {
            name = FileUtils.removeExtension(new File(moduleFile.getName()).getName(), ".jar");
        } else {
            name = FileUtils.removeExtension(targetPath, ".jar");
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    public void addGBeans(EARContext earContext, Module module, Bundle earBundle, Collection repositories) throws DeploymentException {

        AppClientModule appClientModule = (AppClientModule) module;
        JarFile moduleFile = module.getModuleFile();

        ApplicationClientType appClient = (ApplicationClientType) appClientModule.getSpecDD();
        GerApplicationClientType geronimoAppClient = (GerApplicationClientType) appClientModule.getVendorDD();
        //First, the silly gbean on the server that says there's an app client
        // generate the object name for the app client
        AbstractName appClientModuleName = appClientModule.getModuleName();

        // create a gbean for the app client module and add it to the ear
        GBeanData appClientModuleGBeanData = new GBeanData(appClientModuleName, J2EEAppClientModuleImpl.class);
        try {
            appClientModuleGBeanData.setReferencePattern("J2EEServer", earContext.getServerName());
            if (!module.isStandAlone()) {
                appClientModuleGBeanData.setReferencePattern("J2EEApplication", earContext.getModuleName());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Unable to initialize AppClientModule GBean", e);
        try {
        } catch (GBeanAlreadyExistsException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not add application client module gbean to configuration", e);

        //Now, the gbeans for the actual remote app client
        EARContext appClientDeploymentContext = appClientModule.getEarContext();
        //Share the ejb info with the ear.
        //TODO this might be too much, but I don't want to impose a dependency on geronimo-openejb to get
        Map<EARContext.Key, Object> generalData = earContext.getGeneralData();
        for (Map.Entry<EARContext.Key, Object> entry : generalData.entrySet()) {
            EARContext.Key key = entry.getKey();
            if (key.getClass().getName().startsWith("org.apache.geronimo.openejb.deployment.EjbModuleBuilder$EarData")) {
                appClientDeploymentContext.getGeneralData().put(key, entry.getValue());

        // Create a Module ID Builder defaulting to similar settings to use for any children we create
        ModuleIDBuilder idBuilder = new ModuleIDBuilder();
        try {
            try {

                //register the message destinations in the app client ear context.
                namingBuilders.initContext(appClient, geronimoAppClient, appClientModule);
                // extract the client Jar file into a standalone packed jar file and add the contents to the output
                URI moduleBase = new URI(appClientModule.getTargetPath());
                try {
                    appClientDeploymentContext.addIncludeAsPackedJar(moduleBase, moduleFile);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Unable to copy app client module jar into configuration: " + moduleFile.getName(), e);

                // add manifest class path entries to the app client context
                addManifestClassPath(appClientDeploymentContext, appClientModule.getEarFile(), moduleFile, moduleBase);

                // get the classloader
                Bundle appClientClassBundle = appClientDeploymentContext.getDeploymentBundle();

                // pop in all the gbeans declared in the geronimo app client file
                if (geronimoAppClient != null) {
          , appClientDeploymentContext, appClientDeploymentContext);
                    //deploy the resource adapters specified in the geronimo-application.xml

                    for (ConnectorModule connectorModule : appClientModule.getResourceModules()) {
                        getConnectorModuleBuilder().addGBeans(appClientDeploymentContext, connectorModule, appClientClassBundle, repositories);

                //Holder may be loaded in the "client" module classloader here, whereas
                //NamingBuilder.INJECTION_KEY.get(buildingContext) returns a Holder loaded in the j2ee-server classloader.
                Object holder;
                // add the app client static jndi provider
                //TODO track resource ref shared and app managed security
                AbstractName jndiContextName = earContext.getNaming().createChildName(appClientDeploymentContext.getModuleName(), "StaticJndiContext", "StaticJndiContext");
                GBeanData jndiContextGBeanData = new GBeanData(jndiContextName, StaticJndiContextPlugin.class);
                try {
                    Map<EARContext.Key, Object> buildingContext = new HashMap<EARContext.Key, Object>();
                    buildingContext.put(NamingBuilder.GBEAN_NAME_KEY, jndiContextName);
                    Configuration localConfiguration = appClientDeploymentContext.getConfiguration();
                    Configuration remoteConfiguration = earContext.getConfiguration();

                    if (!appClient.getMetadataComplete()) {
                        // Create a classfinder and populate it for the naming builder(s). The absence of a
                        // classFinder in the module will convey whether metadata-complete is set
                        // (or not)
                        appClientModule.setClassFinder(createAppClientClassFinder(appClient, appClientModule));
                    Map<JndiKey, Map<String, Object>> contexts = NamingBuilder.JNDI_KEY.get(earContext.getGeneralData());
                    Map<JndiKey, Map<String, Object>> clientContexts = new HashMap<JndiKey, Map<String, Object>>(contexts);
                    getJndiContext(clientContexts, JndiScope.module).put("module/ModuleName", module.getName());
                    buildingContext.put(NamingBuilder.JNDI_KEY, clientContexts);
                    namingBuilders.buildNaming(appClient, geronimoAppClient, appClientModule, buildingContext);

                    if (!appClient.getMetadataComplete()) {
                    //n the server
                    appClientModuleGBeanData.setAttribute("deploymentDescriptor", appClientModule.getOriginalSpecDD());
                    //in the app client
                    holder = NamingBuilder.INJECTION_KEY.get(buildingContext);
                    jndiContextGBeanData.setAttribute("context", NamingBuilder.JNDI_KEY.get(buildingContext));
                } catch (DeploymentException e) {
                    throw e;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Unable to construct jndi context for AppClientModule GBean " +
                            appClientModule.getName(), e);

                // finally add the app client container
                AbstractName appClientContainerName = appClientDeploymentContext.getModuleName();
                GBeanData appClientContainerGBeanData = new GBeanData(appClientContainerName, AppClientContainer.class);
                try {
                    appClientContainerGBeanData.setAttribute("mainClassName", appClientModule.getMainClassName());
                    appClientContainerGBeanData.setAttribute("appClientModuleName", appClientModuleName);
                    String callbackHandlerClassName = null;
                    if (appClient.isSetCallbackHandler()) {
                        callbackHandlerClassName = appClient.getCallbackHandler().getStringValue().trim();
                    if (geronimoAppClient.isSetCallbackHandler()) {
                        callbackHandlerClassName = geronimoAppClient.getCallbackHandler().trim();
                    String realmName = null;
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    private ApplicationInfo getEarPlan(File planFile, JarFile earFile, ModuleIDBuilder idBuilder) throws DeploymentException {
        String specDD;
        ApplicationType application = null;
        if (earFile != null) {
            try {
                URL applicationXmlUrl = JarUtils.createJarURL(earFile, "META-INF/application.xml");
                specDD = JarUtils.readAll(applicationXmlUrl);
                //we found something called application.xml in the right place, if we can't parse it it's an error
                XmlObject xmlObject = XmlBeansUtil.parse(specDD);
                application = convertToApplicationSchema(xmlObject).getApplication();
            } catch (XmlException e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Could not parse application.xml", e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                //ee5 spec allows optional application.xml, continue with application == null
                if (!earFile.getName().endsWith(".ear")) {
                    return null;
                //TODO return application.xml that we can make metadata complete?

        GerApplicationType gerApplication = null;
        try {
            // load the geronimo-application.xml from either the supplied plan or from the earFile
            XmlObject rawPlan;
            try {
                if (planFile != null) {
                    rawPlan = XmlBeansUtil.parse(planFile.toURI().toURL(), getClass().getClassLoader());
                    gerApplication = (GerApplicationType) SchemaConversionUtils.fixGeronimoSchema(rawPlan, APPLICATION_QNAME, GerApplicationType.type);
                    if (gerApplication == null) {
                        return null;
                } else {
                    URL path = JarUtils.createJarURL(earFile, "META-INF/geronimo-application.xml");
                    rawPlan = XmlBeansUtil.parse(path, getClass().getClassLoader());
                    gerApplication = (GerApplicationType) SchemaConversionUtils.fixGeronimoSchema(rawPlan, APPLICATION_QNAME, GerApplicationType.type);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                //TODO isn't this an error?

            // if we got one extract the validate it otherwise create a default one
            if (gerApplication == null) {
                gerApplication = createDefaultPlan(application, earFile);
        } catch (XmlException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException(e);

        EnvironmentType environmentType = gerApplication.getEnvironment();
        Environment environment = EnvironmentBuilder.buildEnvironment(environmentType, defaultEnvironment);
        idBuilder.resolve(environment, earFile == null ? planFile.getName() : new File(earFile.getName()).getName(), "ear");
        // Make this EAR's settings the default for child modules

        Artifact artifact = environment.getConfigId();
        AbstractName earName = naming.createRootName(artifact, artifact.toString(), NameFactory.J2EE_APPLICATION);

        // get the modules either the application plan or for a stand alone module from the specific deployer
        // todo change module so you can extract the real module path back out.. then we can eliminate
        // the moduleLocations and have addModules return the modules
        ModuleList moduleLocations = new ModuleList();
        LinkedHashSet<Module> modules = new LinkedHashSet<Module>();
        try {
            addModules(earFile, application, gerApplication, moduleLocations, modules, environment, earName, idBuilder);
            if (application == null && modules.isEmpty()) {
                //if no application.xml and no modules detected, return null for stand-alone module processing
                return null;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            // close all the modules
            for (Module module : modules) {

            if (e instanceof DeploymentException) {
                throw (DeploymentException) e;
            } else if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException) e;
            } else if (e instanceof Error) {
                throw (Error) e;
            throw new DeploymentException(e);

        String applicationName = null;
        if (application != null && application.isSetApplicationName()) {
            applicationName = application.getApplicationName().getStringValue().trim();           
        } else if (earFile != null) {
            applicationName = FileUtils.removeExtension(new File(earFile.getName()).getName(), ".ear");
        } else {
            applicationName = artifact.toString();
        return new ApplicationInfo(ConfigurationModuleType.EAR,
                application == null ? null : application.toString());
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            // Copy over all files that are _NOT_ modules (e.g. META-INF and APP-INF files)
            ModuleList moduleLocations = applicationInfo.getModuleLocations();
            if (ConfigurationModuleType.EAR == applicationType && earFile != null) {
                //get the value of the library-directory element in spec DD
                ApplicationType specDD = (ApplicationType) applicationInfo.getSpecDD();
                String libDir = getLibraryDirectory(specDD);
                ClassPathList libClasspath = new ClassPathList();
                for (Enumeration<JarEntry> e = earFile.entries(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                    ZipEntry entry = e.nextElement();
                    String entryName = entry.getName();
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            if (emptyRoleSemantic.equals(ServletSecurity.EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY)) {
            } else {
                AuthConstraintType authConstraint = securityConstraint.addNewAuthConstraint();
                for (String roleAllowed : rolesAllowed) {
            return securityConstraint;
        return null;
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    public void testLoadJavaEEDeploymentDescriptor() throws Exception {
        URL srcXml = classLoader.getResource("connector_1_6/ra.xml");
        XmlObject plan = XmlBeansUtil.parse(srcXml, getClass().getClassLoader());
        ConnectorDocument connectorDocument = (ConnectorDocument) plan.changeType(ConnectorDocument.type);
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                        // description
                        String descriptionAnnotation = annotation.description();
                        if (!descriptionAnnotation.equals("")) {
                            DescriptionType description = resourceRef.addNewDescription();

                        // authentication
                        if (annotation.authenticationType() == Resource.AuthenticationType.CONTAINER) {
                            ResAuthType resAuth = resourceRef.addNewResAuth();
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                        // description
                        String descriptionAnnotation = annotation.description();
                        if (!descriptionAnnotation.equals("")) {
                            DescriptionType description = envEntry.addNewDescription();

                        // lookup
                        String lookup = annotation.lookup();
                        if (!lookup.equals("")) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.javaee6.ApplicationType

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