DependencyManager is very closely-based on the similar class in the Geronimo server. DependencyManager is the record keeper of the dependencies in the Geronimo Eclipse Plugin. The DependencyManager does not enforce any dependencies, it is simply a place where components can register their intent to be dependent on another component, and where other components can query those dependencies.
Like the DependencyManager in the Geronimo server, it uses the nomenclature of parent-child where a child is dependent on a parent. The names parent and child have no other meaning are just a convenience to make the code readable.
The initial usage of this DependencyManager in the GEP is somewhat limited but other usages are possible
@version $Rev: 680897 $ $Date: 2008-07-30 09:18:42 +0800 (Wed, 30 Jul 2008) $