Package org.apache.geronimo.jaxws.client

Examples of org.apache.geronimo.jaxws.client.EndpointInfo

                    throw new DeploymentException("No portType for binding: " + binding.getQName());

                boolean mtomEnabled = isMTOMEnabled(portType.getQName());
                EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName, mtomEnabled);
                this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);
                // prefer first binding listed in wsdl
                if (!this.portInfoMap.containsKey(portType.getQName())) {
                    this.portInfoMap.put(portType.getQName(), info);
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                    throw new DeploymentException("No portType for binding: " + binding.getQName());

                boolean mtomEnabled = isMTOMEnabled(portType.getQName());
                EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName, mtomEnabled);
                this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);
                // prefer first binding listed in wsdl
                if (!this.portInfoMap.containsKey(portType.getQName())) {
                    this.portInfoMap.put(portType.getQName(), info);
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                        String portName = gerPort.getPortName().trim();
                        URL location = getLocation(gerPort);
                        String credentialsName = getCredentialsName(gerPort);
                        List<WebServiceFeatureInfo> webServiceFeatureInfos = getWebServiceFeatureInfos(portName);
                        Map<String, Object> props = getProperties(gerPort);
                        EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName, props, webServiceFeatureInfos);
                        this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);

            } else {
                // Generated Service class specified.
                // Get the wsdl and service qname from the WebServiceClient annotation
                // of the generated Service class
                WebServiceClient webServiceClient =
                    (WebServiceClient) this.serviceClass.getAnnotation(WebServiceClient.class);
                if (webServiceClient != null) {
                    this.wsdlURI = getWSDLLocation(webServiceClient);
                    this.serviceQName = getServiceQName(webServiceClient);

                // wsdl really shouldn't be null at this point
                if (this.wsdlURI == null) {

        Catalog catalog = loadCatalog();

        WSDLLocator wsdlLocator = null;
        if (isURL(this.wsdlURI.toString())) {
            wsdlLocator = new CatalogWSDLLocator(this.wsdlURI.toString(), catalog);
        } else {
            wsdlLocator = new CatalogJarWSDLLocator(this.module.getModuleFile(), this.wsdlURI, catalog);

        Definition definition;
        WSDLFactory wsdlFactory;
        try {
            wsdlFactory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
        } catch (WSDLException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not create WSDLFactory", e);
        WSDLReader wsdlReader = wsdlFactory.newWSDLReader();
        wsdlReader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.importDocuments", true);
        wsdlReader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.verbose", false);
        try {
            definition = wsdlReader.readWSDL(wsdlLocator);
        } catch (WSDLException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Failed to read wsdl document", e);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException(e.getMessage(), e);


        Map<QName, Service> services = definition.getServices();
        if (services.size() == 0) {
            // partial wsdl, return as is

            if (this.serviceRefType != null && this.serviceRefType.isSetServiceCompletion()) {
                LOG.warn("Service completion is not supported with partial wsdl");
        } else {
            // full wsdl

            if (this.serviceRefType != null && this.serviceRefType.isSetServiceCompletion()) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Full wsdl, but service completion supplied");

            Service service = null;
            if (this.serviceQName != null) {
                service = definition.getService(this.serviceQName);
                if (service == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException(
                            "No service wsdl for supplied service qname "
                                    + this.serviceQName);
            } else if (services.size() == 1) {
                service = services.values().iterator().next();
                this.serviceQName = service.getQName();
            } else {
                throw new DeploymentException(
                        "No service qname supplied, and there are "
                                + services.size() + " services");

            // organize the extra port info
            Map<String, GerPortType> portMap = new HashMap<String, GerPortType>();
            if (serviceRefType != null) {
                GerPortType[] ports = serviceRefType.getPortArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) {
                    GerPortType port = ports[i];
                    String portName = port.getPortName().trim();
                    portMap.put(portName, port);

            Map<String, Port> wsdlPortMap = service.getPorts();
            for (Map.Entry<String, Port> entry : wsdlPortMap.entrySet()) {
                String portName = entry.getKey();
                Port port = entry.getValue();

                GerPortType gerPort = portMap.get(portName);

                URL location = (gerPort == null) ? getAddressLocation(port) : getLocation(gerPort);
                // skip non-soap ports
                if (location == null) {
                String credentialsName = (gerPort == null) ? null : getCredentialsName(gerPort);

                Binding binding = port.getBinding();
                if (binding == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No binding for port: " + portName);

                PortType portType = binding.getPortType();
                if (portType == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No portType for binding: " + binding.getQName());

                Map<String, Object> props = getProperties(gerPort);

                List<WebServiceFeatureInfo> webServiceFeatureInfo = getWebServiceFeatureInfos(portType.getQName());
                EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName, props, webServiceFeatureInfo);
                this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);
                // prefer first binding listed in wsdl
                if (!this.portInfoMap.containsKey(portType.getQName())) {
                    this.portInfoMap.put(portType.getQName(), info);
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                    throw new DeploymentException("No portType for binding: " + binding.getQName());

                boolean mtomEnabled = isMTOMEnabled(portType.getQName());
                EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName, mtomEnabled);
                this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);
                // prefer first binding listed in wsdl
                if (!this.portInfoMap.containsKey(portType.getQName())) {
                    this.portInfoMap.put(portType.getQName(), info);
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                        String portName = gerPort.getPortName().trim();
                        URL location = getLocation(gerPort);
                        String credentialsName = getCredentialsName(gerPort);
                        boolean mtomEnabled = isMTOMEnabled(portName);
                        Map<String, Object> props = getProperties(gerPort);
                        EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName, mtomEnabled, props);
                        this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);

            } else {
                // Generated Service class specified.
                // Get the wsdl and service qname from the WebServiceClient annotation
                // of the generated Service class
                WebServiceClient webServiceClient =
                    (WebServiceClient) this.serviceClass.getAnnotation(WebServiceClient.class);
                if (webServiceClient != null) {
                    this.wsdlURI = getWSDLLocation(webServiceClient);
                    this.serviceQName = getServiceQName(webServiceClient);

                // wsdl really shouldn't be null at this point
                if (this.wsdlURI == null) {

        Catalog catalog = loadCatalog();

        WSDLLocator wsdlLocator = null;
        if (isURL(this.wsdlURI.toString())) {
            wsdlLocator = new CatalogWSDLLocator(this.wsdlURI.toString(), catalog);
        } else {
            wsdlLocator = new CatalogJarWSDLLocator(this.module.getModuleFile(), this.wsdlURI, catalog);

        Definition definition;
        WSDLFactory wsdlFactory;
        try {
            wsdlFactory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
        } catch (WSDLException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not create WSDLFactory", e);
        WSDLReader wsdlReader = wsdlFactory.newWSDLReader();
        wsdlReader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.importDocuments", true);
        wsdlReader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.verbose", false);
        try {
            definition = wsdlReader.readWSDL(wsdlLocator);
        } catch (WSDLException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Failed to read wsdl document", e);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException(e.getMessage(), e);


        Map services = definition.getServices();
        if (services.size() == 0) {
            // partial wsdl, return as is

            if (this.serviceRefType != null && this.serviceRefType.isSetServiceCompletion()) {
                LOG.warn("Service completion is not supported with partial wsdl");
        } else {
            // full wsdl

            if (this.serviceRefType != null && this.serviceRefType.isSetServiceCompletion()) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Full wsdl, but service completion supplied");

            Service service = null;
            if (this.serviceQName != null) {
                service = definition.getService(this.serviceQName);
                if (service == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException(
                            "No service wsdl for supplied service qname "
                                    + this.serviceQName);
            } else if (services.size() == 1) {
                service = (Service) services.values().iterator().next();
                this.serviceQName = service.getQName();
            } else {
                throw new DeploymentException(
                        "No service qname supplied, and there are "
                                + services.size() + " services");

            // organize the extra port info
            Map<String, GerPortType> portMap = new HashMap<String, GerPortType>();
            if (serviceRefType != null) {
                GerPortType[] ports = serviceRefType.getPortArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) {
                    GerPortType port = ports[i];
                    String portName = port.getPortName().trim();
                    portMap.put(portName, port);

            Map wsdlPortMap = service.getPorts();
            for (Iterator iterator = wsdlPortMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                String portName = (String) entry.getKey();
                Port port = (Port) entry.getValue();

                GerPortType gerPort = portMap.get(portName);

                URL location = (gerPort == null) ? getAddressLocation(port) : getLocation(gerPort);
                // skip non-soap ports
                if (location == null) {
                String credentialsName = (gerPort == null) ? null : getCredentialsName(gerPort);

                Binding binding = port.getBinding();
                if (binding == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No binding for port: " + portName);

                PortType portType = binding.getPortType();
                if (portType == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No portType for binding: " + binding.getQName());

                boolean mtomEnabled = isMTOMEnabled(portType.getQName());

                Map<String, Object> props = getProperties(gerPort);

                EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName, mtomEnabled, props);
                this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);
                // prefer first binding listed in wsdl
                if (!this.portInfoMap.containsKey(portType.getQName())) {
                    this.portInfoMap.put(portType.getQName(), info);
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                PortType portType = binding.getPortType();
                if (portType == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No portType for binding: " + binding.getQName());

                EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName);
                this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);
                // prefer first binding listed in wsdl
                if (!this.portInfoMap.containsKey(portType.getQName())) {
                    this.portInfoMap.put(portType.getQName(), info);
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                        String portName = gerPort.getPortName().trim();
                        URL location = getLocation(gerPort);
                        String credentialsName = getCredentialsName(gerPort);
                        boolean mtomEnabled = isMTOMEnabled(portName);
                        Map<String, Object> props = getProperties(gerPort);
                        EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName, mtomEnabled, props);
                        this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);
            } else {
                // Generated Service class specified.
                // Get the wsdl and service qname from the WebServiceClient annotation
                // of the generated Service class
                WebServiceClient webServiceClient =
                    (WebServiceClient) this.serviceClass.getAnnotation(WebServiceClient.class);
                if (webServiceClient != null) {
                    this.wsdlURI = getWSDLLocation(webServiceClient);
                    this.serviceQName = getServiceQName(webServiceClient);

                // wsdl really shouldn't be null at this point
                if (this.wsdlURI == null) {
        Catalog catalog = loadCatalog();
        WSDLLocator wsdlLocator = null;
        if (isURL(this.wsdlURI.toString())) {
            wsdlLocator = new CatalogWSDLLocator(this.wsdlURI.toString(), catalog);
        } else {
            wsdlLocator = new CatalogJarWSDLLocator(this.module.getModuleFile(), this.wsdlURI, catalog);
        Definition definition;
        WSDLFactory wsdlFactory;
        try {
            wsdlFactory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
        } catch (WSDLException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not create WSDLFactory", e);
        WSDLReader wsdlReader = wsdlFactory.newWSDLReader();
        wsdlReader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.importDocuments", true);
        wsdlReader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.verbose", false);
        try {
            definition = wsdlReader.readWSDL(wsdlLocator);
        } catch (WSDLException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Failed to read wsdl document", e);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException(e.getMessage(), e);

        Map services = definition.getServices();
        if (services.size() == 0) {
            // partial wsdl, return as is

            if (this.serviceRefType != null && this.serviceRefType.isSetServiceCompletion()) {
                LOG.warn("Service completion is not supported with partial wsdl");
        } else {
            // full wsdl

            if (this.serviceRefType != null && this.serviceRefType.isSetServiceCompletion()) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Full wsdl, but service completion supplied");
            Service service = null;
            if (this.serviceQName != null) {
                service = definition.getService(this.serviceQName);
                if (service == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException(
                            "No service wsdl for supplied service qname "
                                    + this.serviceQName);
            } else if (services.size() == 1) {
                service = (Service) services.values().iterator().next();
                this.serviceQName = service.getQName();
            } else {
                throw new DeploymentException(
                        "No service qname supplied, and there are "
                                + services.size() + " services");

            // organize the extra port info
            Map<String, GerPortType> portMap = new HashMap<String, GerPortType>();
            if (serviceRefType != null) {
                GerPortType[] ports = serviceRefType.getPortArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) {
                    GerPortType port = ports[i];
                    String portName = port.getPortName().trim();
                    portMap.put(portName, port);

            Map wsdlPortMap = service.getPorts();
            for (Iterator iterator = wsdlPortMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                String portName = (String) entry.getKey();
                Port port = (Port) entry.getValue();

                GerPortType gerPort = portMap.get(portName);

                URL location = (gerPort == null) ? getAddressLocation(port) : getLocation(gerPort);
                // skip non-soap ports
                if (location == null) {
                String credentialsName = (gerPort == null) ? null : getCredentialsName(gerPort);
                Binding binding = port.getBinding();
                if (binding == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No binding for port: " + portName);
                PortType portType = binding.getPortType();
                if (portType == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No portType for binding: " + binding.getQName());

                boolean mtomEnabled = isMTOMEnabled(portType.getQName());
                Map<String, Object> props = getProperties(gerPort);
                EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName, mtomEnabled, props);
                this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);
                // prefer first binding listed in wsdl
                if (!this.portInfoMap.containsKey(portType.getQName())) {
                    this.portInfoMap.put(portType.getQName(), info);
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                    for (GerPortType gerPort : serviceRefType.getPortArray()) {
                        String portName = gerPort.getPortName().trim();
                        URL location = getLocation(gerPort);
                        String credentialsName = getCredentialsName(gerPort);
                        boolean mtomEnabled = isMTOMEnabled(portName);
                        EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName, mtomEnabled);
                        this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);
            } else {
                // Generated Service class specified.
                // Get the wsdl and service qname from the WebServiceClient annotation
                // of the generated Service class
                WebServiceClient webServiceClient =
                    (WebServiceClient) this.serviceClass.getAnnotation(WebServiceClient.class);
                if (webServiceClient != null) {
                    this.wsdlURI = getWSDLLocation(webServiceClient);
                    this.serviceQName = getServiceQName(webServiceClient);

                // wsdl really shouldn't be null at this point
                if (this.wsdlURI == null) {
        JarWSDLLocator wsdlLocator = null;
        URL wsdlURL = null;
        try {
            wsdlURL = new URL(this.wsdlURI.toString());
        } catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
            // not a URL, assume it's a local reference
            wsdlLocator = new JarWSDLLocator(this.wsdlURI);

        Definition definition;
        WSDLFactory wsdlFactory;
        try {
            wsdlFactory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
        } catch (WSDLException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not create WSDLFactory", e);
        WSDLReader wsdlReader = wsdlFactory.newWSDLReader();
        wsdlReader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.importDocuments", true);
        wsdlReader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.verbose", false);
        try {
            if (wsdlURL != null) {
                definition = wsdlReader.readWSDL(wsdlURL.toString());
            } else if (wsdlLocator != null) {
                definition = wsdlReader.readWSDL(wsdlLocator);
            } else {
                throw new DeploymentException("unknown");
        } catch (WSDLException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Failed to read wsdl document", e);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException(e.getMessage(), e);

        Map services = definition.getServices();
        if (services.size() == 0) {
            // partial wsdl, return as is

            if (this.serviceRefType != null && this.serviceRefType.isSetServiceCompletion()) {
                LOG.warn("Service completion is not supported with partial wsdl");
        } else {
            // full wsdl

            if (this.serviceRefType != null && this.serviceRefType.isSetServiceCompletion()) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Full wsdl, but service completion supplied");
            Service service = null;
            if (this.serviceQName != null) {
                service = definition.getService(this.serviceQName);
                if (service == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException(
                            "No service wsdl for supplied service qname "
                                    + this.serviceQName);
            } else if (services.size() == 1) {
                service = (Service) services.values().iterator().next();
                this.serviceQName = service.getQName();
            } else {
                throw new DeploymentException(
                        "No service qname supplied, and there are "
                                + services.size() + " services");

            // organize the extra port info
            Map<String, GerPortType> portMap = new HashMap<String, GerPortType>();
            if (serviceRefType != null) {
                GerPortType[] ports = serviceRefType.getPortArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) {
                    GerPortType port = ports[i];
                    String portName = port.getPortName().trim();
                    portMap.put(portName, port);

            Map wsdlPortMap = service.getPorts();
            for (Iterator iterator = wsdlPortMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                String portName = (String) entry.getKey();
                Port port = (Port) entry.getValue();

                GerPortType gerPort = portMap.get(portName);

                URL location = (gerPort == null) ? getAddressLocation(port) : getLocation(gerPort);
                // skip non-soap ports
                if (location == null) {
                String credentialsName = (gerPort == null) ? null : getCredentialsName(gerPort);
                Binding binding = port.getBinding();
                if (binding == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No binding for port: " + portName);
                PortType portType = binding.getPortType();
                if (portType == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No portType for binding: " + binding.getQName());

                boolean mtomEnabled = isMTOMEnabled(portType.getQName());
                EndpointInfo info = new EndpointInfo(location, credentialsName, mtomEnabled);
                this.portInfoMap.put(portName, info);
                // prefer first binding listed in wsdl
                if (!this.portInfoMap.containsKey(portType.getQName())) {
                    this.portInfoMap.put(portType.getQName(), info);
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Related Classes of org.apache.geronimo.jaxws.client.EndpointInfo

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