Knows how to configure a DConfigBean at the command line. The editing process is a series of reads and writes to the provided input and output streams, which basically presents information and a prompt to the user, gathers their input, and repeats. They can navigate through a tree of DConfigBeans and Java Beans, adding, removing, and editing properies on beans where appropriate.
Note: it might make sense to break this class up eventually. Particularly if we want to allow the user to navigate between arbitrary DDBeans (standard DD) and their matching DConfigBeans (server-specific DD). Right now they can only edit one tree at a time, either the whole DDBean tree, or the whole DConfigBean tree.
@version $Rev: 46019 $ $Date: 2004-09-14 04:56:06 -0500 (Tue, 14 Sep 2004) $