if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Overriding primary encoding of " + getFontName() + " with: " + encoding);
AFMCharMetrics[] mapped = new AFMCharMetrics[256];
for (AFMCharMetrics cm : this.charMetrics) {
NamedCharacter nc = cm.getCharacter();
if (nc.hasSingleUnicodeValue()) {
int codePoint = encoding.mapChar(nc.getSingleUnicodeValue());
if (codePoint > 0) {
if (mapped[codePoint] != null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
AFMCharMetrics other = mapped[codePoint];
String msg = "Not mapping character " + nc + " to code point "
+ codePoint + " (" + Integer.toHexString(codePoint) + ") in "
+ encoding + ". "
+ other + " has already been assigned that code point.";
if (other.getUnicodeSequence()
.equals(nc.getUnicodeSequence())) {
msg += " This is a specialized glyph for the"
+ " same Unicode character.";
//TODO should these be mapped to a private Unicode area to make
//them accessible?
} else {