Utility for generating a Java class representing bidirectional class properties from the Unicode property files.
This code is derived in part from GenerateLineBreakUtils.java.
This work was originally authored by Glenn Adams (gadams@apache.org).
} if ( optimizable ) { // System.out.println( "interval = " + Util.printInterval( interval ) ); final Interval sliceInterval = t.transform( new BoundingBox( interval ) ).getInterval(); // System.out.println( "transformed interval = " + Util.printInterval( sliceInterval ) ); if ( iterableSource.supportsOptimizedCursor( sliceInterval ) ) { // check for FlatIterationOrder boolean flat = FlatIterationOrder.class.isInstance( iterableSource.subIntervalIterationOrder( sliceInterval ) );
// doesn't fit the interval, will force unoptimized cursor final long[] dimensionsUnoptimized = new long[] { 5001, 5000, 2, 2 }; // fits the interval, should be optimized final Interval interval = new FinalInterval( new long[] { 0, 0, 1, 1 }, new long[] { 4999, 4999, 1, 1 } ); // create and fill images final ArrayImg< IntType, ? > arrayImg = ArrayImgs.ints( dimensions ); // fits // the // interval