Package org.apache.fontbox.ttf

Examples of org.apache.fontbox.ttf.CMAPEncodingEntry

            //this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
            fd.setStemV( (fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f) );

            CMAPTable cmapTable = ttf.getCMAP();
            CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            CMAPEncodingEntry uniMap = null;
            for( int i=0; i<cmaps.length; i++ )
                if( cmaps[i].getPlatformId() == CMAPTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
                    int platformEncoding = cmaps[i].getPlatformEncodingId();
                    if ( CMAPTable.ENCODING_UNICODE == platformEncoding )
                        uniMap = cmaps[i];

            Map<Integer, String> codeToName = this.getFontEncoding().getCodeToNameMap();
            int firstChar = Collections.min(codeToName.keySet());
            int lastChar = Collections.max(codeToName.keySet());
            HorizontalMetricsTable hMet = ttf.getHorizontalMetrics();
            int[] widthValues = hMet.getAdvanceWidth();
            // some monospaced fonts provide only one value for the width
            // instead of an array containing the same value for every glyphid
            boolean isMonospaced = fd.isFixedPitch();
            int nWidths=lastChar-firstChar+1;
            List<Float> widths = new ArrayList<Float>(nWidths);
            // use the first width as default
            // proportional fonts -> width of the .notdef character
            // monospaced-fonts -> the first width
            int defaultWidth = Math.round(widthValues[0] * scaling);
            for (int i = 0; i < nWidths; i++)
            // Encoding singleton to have acces to the chglyph name to
            // unicode cpoint point mapping of Adobe's glyphlist.txt
            Encoding glyphlist = WinAnsiEncoding.INSTANCE;

            // A character code is mapped to a glyph name via the provided
            // font encoding. Afterwards, the glyph name is translated to a
            // glyph ID.
            // For details, see PDFReference16.pdf, Section 5.5.5, p.401
            for (Entry<Integer, String> e : codeToName.entrySet())
                String name = e.getValue();
                // pdf code to unicode by glyph list.
                String c = glyphlist.getCharacter(name);
                int charCode = c.codePointAt(0);
                int gid = uniMap.getGlyphId(charCode);
                if (gid != 0)
                    if (isMonospaced)
                        widths.set(e.getKey().intValue() - firstChar, (float)defaultWidth);
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            //this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
            fd.setStemV( (fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f) );

            CMAPTable cmapTable = ttf.getCMAP();
            CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            CMAPEncodingEntry uniMap = null;
            for( int i=0; i<cmaps.length; i++ )
                if( cmaps[i].getPlatformId() == CMAPTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
                    int platformEncoding = cmaps[i].getPlatformEncodingId();
                    if ( CMAPTable.ENCODING_UNICODE == platformEncoding )
                        uniMap = cmaps[i];

            Map<Integer, String> codeToName = this.getFontEncoding().getCodeToNameMap();
            int firstChar = Collections.min(codeToName.keySet());
            int lastChar = Collections.max(codeToName.keySet());
            HorizontalMetricsTable hMet = ttf.getHorizontalMetrics();
            int[] widthValues = hMet.getAdvanceWidth();
            // some monospaced fonts provide only one value for the width
            // instead of an array containing the same value for every glyphid
            boolean isMonospaced = fd.isFixedPitch();
            int nWidths=lastChar-firstChar+1;
            List<Float> widths = new ArrayList<Float>(nWidths);
            // use the first width as default
            // proportional fonts -> width of the .notdef character
            // monospaced-fonts -> the first width
            int defaultWidth = Math.round(widthValues[0] * scaling);
            for (int i = 0; i < nWidths; i++)
            // Encoding singleton to have acces to the chglyph name to
            // unicode cpoint point mapping of Adobe's glyphlist.txt
            Encoding glyphlist = WinAnsiEncoding.INSTANCE;

            // A character code is mapped to a glyph name via the provided
            // font encoding. Afterwards, the glyph name is translated to a
            // glyph ID.
            // For details, see PDFReference16.pdf, Section 5.5.5, p.401
            for (Entry<Integer, String> e : codeToName.entrySet())
                String name = e.getValue();
                // pdf code to unicode by glyph list.
                String c = glyphlist.getCharacter(name);
                int charCode = c.codePointAt(0);
                int gid = uniMap.getGlyphId(charCode);
                if (gid != 0)
                    if (isMonospaced)
                        widths.set(e.getKey().intValue() - firstChar, (float)defaultWidth);
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        CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmap.getCmaps();

        CMAPEncodingEntry uc = null;

        for (CMAPEncodingEntry e : cmaps)
            if (e.getPlatformId() == NameRecord.PLATFORM_WINDOWS
                    && e.getPlatformEncodingId() == NameRecord.PLATFORM_ENCODING_WINDOWS_UNICODE)
                uc = e;


        PostScriptTable post = arial.getPostScript();

        String[] glyphNames = arial.getPostScript().getGlyphNames();

        Encoding enc = new WinAnsiEncoding();

        int[] charCodes = uc.getGlyphIdToCharacterCode();

        for (int gid = 0; gid < charCodes.length; ++gid)
            int charCode = charCodes[gid];
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            //this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
            fd.setStemV( (fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f) );

            CMAPTable cmapTable = ttf.getCMAP();
            CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            CMAPEncodingEntry uniMap = null;
            for( int i=0; i<cmaps.length; i++ )
                if( cmaps[i].getPlatformId() == CMAPTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
                    int platformEncoding = cmaps[i].getPlatformEncodingId();
                    if ( CMAPTable.ENCODING_UNICODE == platformEncoding )
                        uniMap = cmaps[i];

            Map<Integer, String> codeToName = this.getFontEncoding().getCodeToNameMap();
            int firstChar = Collections.min(codeToName.keySet());
            int lastChar = Collections.max(codeToName.keySet());
            HorizontalMetricsTable hMet = ttf.getHorizontalMetrics();
            int[] widthValues = hMet.getAdvanceWidth();
            int nWidths=lastChar-firstChar+1;
            List<Float> widths = new ArrayList<Float>(nWidths);
            // width of the .notdef character.
            Float zero = Float.valueOf(widthValues[0]*scaling);
            for( int i=0; i<nWidths; i++ )
                widths.add( zero );
            // Encoding singleton to have acces to the chglyph name to
            // unicode cpoint point mapping of Adobe's glyphlist.txt
            Encoding glyphlist = WinAnsiEncoding.INSTANCE;

            // A character code is mapped to a glyph name via the provided
            // font encoding. Afterwards, the glyph name is translated to a
            // glyph ID.
            // For details, see PDFReference16.pdf, Section 5.5.5, p.401
            for (Entry<Integer, String> e : codeToName.entrySet())
                String name = e.getValue();
                // pdf code to unicode by glyph list.
                String c = glyphlist.getCharacter(name);
                int charCode = c.codePointAt(0);
                int gid = uniMap.getGlyphId(charCode);
                if (gid != 0)
                    widths.set( e.getKey().intValue()-firstChar,widthValues[gid]*scaling );
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            //this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
            fd.setStemV( (fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f) );

            CMAPTable cmapTable = ttf.getCMAP();
            CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            CMAPEncodingEntry uniMap = null;
            for( int i=0; i<cmaps.length; i++ )
                if( cmaps[i].getPlatformId() == CMAPTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
                    int platformEncoding = cmaps[i].getPlatformEncodingId();
                    if ( CMAPTable.ENCODING_UNICODE == platformEncoding )
                        uniMap = cmaps[i];

            Map<Integer, String> codeToName = this.getFontEncoding().getCodeToNameMap();
            int firstChar = Collections.min(codeToName.keySet());
            int lastChar = Collections.max(codeToName.keySet());
            HorizontalMetricsTable hMet = ttf.getHorizontalMetrics();
            int[] widthValues = hMet.getAdvanceWidth();
            int nWidths=lastChar-firstChar+1;
            List<Float> widths = new ArrayList<Float>(nWidths);
            // width of the .notdef character.
            Float zero = Float.valueOf(widthValues[0]*scaling);
            for( int i=0; i<nWidths; i++ )
                widths.add( zero );
            // Encoding singleton to have acces to the chglyph name to
            // unicode cpoint point mapping of Adobe's glyphlist.txt
            Encoding glyphlist = WinAnsiEncoding.INSTANCE;

            // A character code is mapped to a glyph name via the provided
            // font encoding. Afterwards, the glyph name is translated to a
            // glyph ID.
            // For details, see PDFReference16.pdf, Section 5.5.5, p.401
            for (Entry<Integer, String> e : codeToName.entrySet())
                String name = e.getValue();
                // pdf code to unicode by glyph list.
                String c = glyphlist.getCharacter(name);
                int charCode = c.codePointAt(0);
                int gid = uniMap.getGlyphId(charCode);
                if (gid != 0)
                    widths.set( e.getKey().intValue()-firstChar,widthValues[gid]*scaling );
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            //this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
            fd.setStemV( (fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f) );

            CMAPTable cmapTable = ttf.getCMAP();
            CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            CMAPEncodingEntry uniMap = null;
            for( int i=0; i<cmaps.length; i++ )
                if( cmaps[i].getPlatformId() == CMAPTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
                    int platformEncoding = cmaps[i].getPlatformEncodingId();
                    if ( CMAPTable.ENCODING_UNICODE == platformEncoding )
                        uniMap = cmaps[i];

            Map<Integer, String> codeToName = this.getFontEncoding().getCodeToNameMap();
            int firstChar = Collections.min(codeToName.keySet());
            int lastChar = Collections.max(codeToName.keySet());
            HorizontalMetricsTable hMet = ttf.getHorizontalMetrics();
            int[] widthValues = hMet.getAdvanceWidth();
            // some monospaced fonts provide only one value for the width
            // instead of an array containing the same value for every glyphid
            boolean isMonospaced = fd.isFixedPitch();
            int nWidths=lastChar-firstChar+1;
            List<Float> widths = new ArrayList<Float>(nWidths);
            // use the first width as default
            // proportional fonts -> width of the .notdef character
            // monospaced-fonts -> the first width
            int defaultWidth = Math.round(widthValues[0] * scaling);
            for (int i = 0; i < nWidths; i++)
            // Encoding singleton to have acces to the chglyph name to
            // unicode cpoint point mapping of Adobe's glyphlist.txt
            Encoding glyphlist = WinAnsiEncoding.INSTANCE;

            // A character code is mapped to a glyph name via the provided
            // font encoding. Afterwards, the glyph name is translated to a
            // glyph ID.
            // For details, see PDFReference16.pdf, Section 5.5.5, p.401
            for (Entry<Integer, String> e : codeToName.entrySet())
                String name = e.getValue();
                // pdf code to unicode by glyph list.
                String c = glyphlist.getCharacter(name);
                int charCode = c.codePointAt(0);
                int gid = uniMap.getGlyphId(charCode);
                if (gid != 0)
                    if (isMonospaced)
                        widths.set(e.getKey().intValue() - firstChar, (float)defaultWidth);
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            //this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
            fd.setStemV( (fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f) );

            CMAPTable cmapTable = ttf.getCMAP();
            CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            CMAPEncodingEntry uniMap = null;
            for( int i=0; i<cmaps.length; i++ )
                if( cmaps[i].getPlatformId() == CMAPTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
                    int platformEncoding = cmaps[i].getPlatformEncodingId();
                    if ( CMAPTable.ENCODING_UNICODE == platformEncoding )
                        uniMap = cmaps[i];

            Map<Integer, String> codeToName = this.getFontEncoding().getCodeToNameMap();
            int firstChar = Collections.min(codeToName.keySet());
            int lastChar = Collections.max(codeToName.keySet());
            HorizontalMetricsTable hMet = ttf.getHorizontalMetrics();
            int[] widthValues = hMet.getAdvanceWidth();
            // some monospaced fonts provide only one value for the width
            // instead of an array containing the same value for every glyphid
            boolean isMonospaced = fd.isFixedPitch() || widthValues.length == 1;
            int nWidths=lastChar-firstChar+1;
            List<Float> widths = new ArrayList<Float>(nWidths);
            // use the first width as default
            // proportional fonts -> width of the .notdef character
            // monospaced-fonts -> the first width
            int defaultWidth = Math.round(widthValues[0] * scaling);
            for (int i = 0; i < nWidths; i++)
            // Encoding singleton to have acces to the chglyph name to
            // unicode cpoint point mapping of Adobe's glyphlist.txt
            Encoding glyphlist = WinAnsiEncoding.INSTANCE;

            // A character code is mapped to a glyph name via the provided
            // font encoding. Afterwards, the glyph name is translated to a
            // glyph ID.
            // For details, see PDFReference16.pdf, Section 5.5.5, p.401
            for (Entry<Integer, String> e : codeToName.entrySet())
                String name = e.getValue();
                // pdf code to unicode by glyph list.
                String c = glyphlist.getCharacter(name);
                int charCode = c.codePointAt(0);
                int gid = uniMap.getGlyphId(charCode);
                if (gid != 0)
                    if (isMonospaced)
                        widths.set(e.getKey().intValue() - firstChar, (float)defaultWidth);
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            //this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
            fd.setStemV( (fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f) );

            CMAPTable cmapTable = ttf.getCMAP();
            CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            CMAPEncodingEntry uniMap = null;
            for( int i=0; i<cmaps.length; i++ )
                if( cmaps[i].getPlatformId() == CMAPTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
                    int platformEncoding = cmaps[i].getPlatformEncodingId();
                    if ( CMAPTable.ENCODING_UNICODE == platformEncoding )
                        uniMap = cmaps[i];

            Map<Integer, String> codeToName = this.getFontEncoding().getCodeToNameMap();
            int firstChar = Collections.min(codeToName.keySet());
            int lastChar = Collections.max(codeToName.keySet());
            HorizontalMetricsTable hMet = ttf.getHorizontalMetrics();
            int[] widthValues = hMet.getAdvanceWidth();
            // some monospaced fonts provide only one value for the width
            // instead of an array containing the same value for every glyphid
            boolean isMonospaced = widthValues.length == 1;
            int nWidths=lastChar-firstChar+1;
            List<Float> widths = new ArrayList<Float>(nWidths);
            // width of the .notdef character.
            Float zero = Float.valueOf(widthValues[0]*scaling);
            for( int i=0; i<nWidths; i++ )
                widths.add( zero );
            // Encoding singleton to have acces to the chglyph name to
            // unicode cpoint point mapping of Adobe's glyphlist.txt
            Encoding glyphlist = WinAnsiEncoding.INSTANCE;

            // A character code is mapped to a glyph name via the provided
            // font encoding. Afterwards, the glyph name is translated to a
            // glyph ID.
            // For details, see PDFReference16.pdf, Section 5.5.5, p.401
            for (Entry<Integer, String> e : codeToName.entrySet())
                String name = e.getValue();
                // pdf code to unicode by glyph list.
                String c = glyphlist.getCharacter(name);
                int charCode = c.codePointAt(0);
                int gid = uniMap.getGlyphId(charCode);
                if (gid != 0)
                    if (isMonospaced)
                        widths.set( e.getKey().intValue()-firstChar,widthValues[0]*scaling );
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Related Classes of org.apache.fontbox.ttf.CMAPEncodingEntry

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