Reads RDF triples and filters on the foaf:knows RDF predicate. The triples elements must be separated by whitespaces. The foaf:knows RDF predicate indicates that the RDF subject knows the object (typically of type foaf:person). The connections between people are extracted and handles as graph edges. For the Pairwise Shortest Path algorithm the connection is interpreted as a directed edge, i.e. subject knows object, but the object does not necessarily know the subject. The RDFTripleInFormat filters all RDF triples with foaf:knows predicates. For each triple with foaf:knows predicate, a record is emitted with - from-node being the RDF subject at field position 0, - to-node being the RDF object at field position 1, - length being 1 at field position 2, and - hopList being an empty string at field position 3.
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