Package org.apache.flink.compiler

Examples of org.apache.flink.compiler.CompilerPostPassException

      if (sorting != null) {
        addOrderingToSchema(sorting, schema);
    } catch (ConflictingFieldTypeInfoException ex) {
      throw new CompilerPostPassException("Conflicting information found when adding data sink types. " +
          "Probable reason is contradicting type infos for partitioning and sorting ordering.");
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      throws CompilerPostPassException, ConflictingFieldTypeInfoException
    // check that we got the right types
    SingleInputOperator<?, ?, ?> contract = (SingleInputOperator<?, ?, ?>) node.getSingleInputNode().getPactContract();
    if (! (contract instanceof RecordOperator)) {
      throw new CompilerPostPassException("Error: Operator is not a Record based contract. Wrong compiler invokation.");
    RecordOperator recContract = (RecordOperator) contract;
    // add the information to the schema
    int[] localPositions = contract.getKeyColumns(0);
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      throws CompilerPostPassException, ConflictingFieldTypeInfoException
    // add the nodes local information. this automatically consistency checks
    DualInputOperator<?, ?, ?, ?> contract = node.getTwoInputNode().getPactContract();
    if (! (contract instanceof RecordOperator)) {
      throw new CompilerPostPassException("Error: Operator is not a Pact Record based contract. Wrong compiler invokation.");
    RecordOperator recContract = (RecordOperator) contract;
    int[] localPositions1 = contract.getKeyColumns(0);
    int[] localPositions2 = contract.getKeyColumns(1);
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      for (Channel channel : node.getInputs()) {
    else {
      throw new CompilerPostPassException("Unknown node type encountered: " + node.getClass().getName());
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      // add the sinks information to the schema
      try {
        getSinkSchema(sn, schema);
      catch (ConflictingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
        throw new CompilerPostPassException("Conflicting type infomation for the data sink '" +
            sn.getSinkNode().getPactContract().getName() + "'.");
      // descend to the input channel
      try {
        propagateToChannel(schema, inchannel, createUtilities);
      catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException ex) {
        throw new CompilerPostPassException("Missing type infomation for the channel that inputs to the data sink '" +
            sn.getSinkNode().getPactContract().getName() + "'.");
    else if (node instanceof SourcePlanNode) {
      if (createUtilities) {
        ((SourcePlanNode) node).setSerializer(createSerializer(parentSchema, node));
        // nothing else to be done here. the source has no input and no strategy itself
    else if (node instanceof BulkIterationPlanNode) {
      BulkIterationPlanNode iterationNode = (BulkIterationPlanNode) node;
      // get the nodes current schema
      T schema;
      if (iterationNode.postPassHelper == null) {
        schema = createEmptySchema();
        iterationNode.postPassHelper = schema;
      } else {
        schema = (T) iterationNode.postPassHelper;
      // add the parent schema to the schema
      if (propagateParentSchemaDown) {
        addSchemaToSchema(parentSchema, schema, iterationNode.getPactContract().getName());
      // check whether all outgoing channels have not yet contributed. come back later if not.
      if (schema.getNumConnectionsThatContributed() < iterationNode.getOutgoingChannels().size()) {
      if (iterationNode.getRootOfStepFunction() instanceof NAryUnionPlanNode) {
        throw new CompilerException("Optimizer cannot compile an iteration step function where next partial solution is created by a Union node.");
      // traverse the termination criterion for the first time. create schema only, no utilities. Needed in case of intermediate termination criterion
      if (iterationNode.getRootOfTerminationCriterion() != null) {
        SingleInputPlanNode addMapper = (SingleInputPlanNode) iterationNode.getRootOfTerminationCriterion();
        traverse(addMapper.getInput().getSource(), createEmptySchema(), false);
        try {
        } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
      // traverse the step function for the first time. create schema only, no utilities
      traverse(iterationNode.getRootOfStepFunction(), schema, false);
      T pss = (T) iterationNode.getPartialSolutionPlanNode().postPassHelper;
      if (pss == null) {
        throw new CompilerException("Error in Optimizer Post Pass: Partial solution schema is null after first traversal of the step function.");
      // traverse the step function for the second time, taking the schema of the partial solution
      traverse(iterationNode.getRootOfStepFunction(), pss, createUtilities);
      if (iterationNode.getRootOfTerminationCriterion() != null) {
        SingleInputPlanNode addMapper = (SingleInputPlanNode) iterationNode.getRootOfTerminationCriterion();
        traverse(addMapper.getInput().getSource(), createEmptySchema(), createUtilities);
        try {
        } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
      // take the schema from the partial solution node and add its fields to the iteration result schema.
      // input and output schema need to be identical, so this is essentially a sanity check
      addSchemaToSchema(pss, schema, iterationNode.getPactContract().getName());
      // set the serializer
      if (createUtilities) {
        iterationNode.setSerializerForIterationChannel(createSerializer(pss, iterationNode.getPartialSolutionPlanNode()));
      // done, we can now propagate our info down
      try {
        propagateToChannel(schema, iterationNode.getInput(), createUtilities);
      } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
        throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for input channel to node '"
          + iterationNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for key field " +
    else if (node instanceof WorksetIterationPlanNode) {
      WorksetIterationPlanNode iterationNode = (WorksetIterationPlanNode) node;
      // get the nodes current schema
      T schema;
      if (iterationNode.postPassHelper == null) {
        schema = createEmptySchema();
        iterationNode.postPassHelper = schema;
      } else {
        schema = (T) iterationNode.postPassHelper;
      // add the parent schema to the schema (which refers to the solution set schema)
      if (propagateParentSchemaDown) {
        addSchemaToSchema(parentSchema, schema, iterationNode.getPactContract().getName());
      // check whether all outgoing channels have not yet contributed. come back later if not.
      if (schema.getNumConnectionsThatContributed() < iterationNode.getOutgoingChannels().size()) {
      if (iterationNode.getNextWorkSetPlanNode() instanceof NAryUnionPlanNode) {
        throw new CompilerException("Optimizer cannot compile a workset iteration step function where the next workset is produced by a Union node.");
      if (iterationNode.getSolutionSetDeltaPlanNode() instanceof NAryUnionPlanNode) {
        throw new CompilerException("Optimizer cannot compile a workset iteration step function where the solution set delta is produced by a Union node.");
      // traverse the step function
      // pass an empty schema to the next workset and the parent schema to the solution set delta
      // these first traversals are schema only
      traverse(iterationNode.getNextWorkSetPlanNode(), createEmptySchema(), false);
      traverse(iterationNode.getSolutionSetDeltaPlanNode(), schema, false);
      T wss = (T) iterationNode.getWorksetPlanNode().postPassHelper;
      T sss = (T) iterationNode.getSolutionSetPlanNode().postPassHelper;
      if (wss == null) {
        throw new CompilerException("Error in Optimizer Post Pass: Workset schema is null after first traversal of the step function.");
      if (sss == null) {
        throw new CompilerException("Error in Optimizer Post Pass: Solution set schema is null after first traversal of the step function.");
      // make the second pass and instantiate the utilities
      traverse(iterationNode.getNextWorkSetPlanNode(), wss, createUtilities);
      traverse(iterationNode.getSolutionSetDeltaPlanNode(), sss, createUtilities);
      // add the types from the solution set schema to the iteration's own schema. since
      // the solution set input and the result must have the same schema, this acts as a sanity check.
      try {
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, X> entry : sss) {
          Integer pos = entry.getKey();
          schema.addType(pos, entry.getValue());
      } catch (ConflictingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
        throw new CompilerPostPassException("Conflicting type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber()
          + " in node '" + iterationNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Contradicting types between the " +
          "result of the iteration and the solution set schema: " + e.getPreviousType() +
          " and " + e.getNewType() + ". Most probable cause: Invalid constant field annotations.");
      // set the serializers and comparators
      if (createUtilities) {
        WorksetIterationNode optNode = iterationNode.getIterationNode();
        iterationNode.setWorksetSerializer(createSerializer(wss, iterationNode.getWorksetPlanNode()));
        iterationNode.setSolutionSetSerializer(createSerializer(sss, iterationNode.getSolutionSetPlanNode()));
        try {
          iterationNode.setSolutionSetComparator(createComparator(optNode.getSolutionSetKeyFields(), null, sss));
        } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException ex) {
          throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up the solution set for workset iteration '" +
              optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for key field " + ex.getFieldNumber() + '.');
      // done, we can now propagate our info down
      try {
        propagateToChannel(schema, iterationNode.getInitialSolutionSetInput(), createUtilities);
        propagateToChannel(wss, iterationNode.getInitialWorksetInput(), createUtilities);
      } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException ex) {
        throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for input channel to node '"
          + iterationNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for key field " +
    else if (node instanceof SingleInputPlanNode) {
      SingleInputPlanNode sn = (SingleInputPlanNode) node;
      // get the nodes current schema
      T schema;
      if (sn.postPassHelper == null) {
        schema = createEmptySchema();
        sn.postPassHelper = schema;
      } else {
        schema = (T) sn.postPassHelper;
      SingleInputNode optNode = sn.getSingleInputNode();
      // add the parent schema to the schema
      if (propagateParentSchemaDown) {
        addSchemaToSchema(parentSchema, schema, optNode, 0);
      // check whether all outgoing channels have not yet contributed. come back later if not.
      if (schema.getNumConnectionsThatContributed() < sn.getOutgoingChannels().size()) {
      // add the nodes local information
      try {
        getSingleInputNodeSchema(sn, schema);
      } catch (ConflictingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
        throw new CompilerPostPassException(getConflictingTypeErrorMessage(e, optNode.getPactContract().getName()));
      if (createUtilities) {
        // parameterize the node's driver strategy
        for(int i=0;i<sn.getDriverStrategy().getNumRequiredComparators();i++) {
          try {
            sn.setComparator(createComparator(sn.getKeys(i), sn.getSortOrders(i), schema),i);
          } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
            throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for node '" +
                optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for key field " +
      // done, we can now propagate our info down
      try {
        propagateToChannel(schema, sn.getInput(), createUtilities);
      } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
        throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for input channel to node '" +
          optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
      // don't forget the broadcast inputs
      for (Channel c: sn.getBroadcastInputs()) {
        try {
          propagateToChannel(createEmptySchema(), c, createUtilities);
        } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
          throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for broadcast channel in node '" +
            optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
    else if (node instanceof DualInputPlanNode) {
      DualInputPlanNode dn = (DualInputPlanNode) node;
      // get the nodes current schema
      T schema1;
      T schema2;
      if (dn.postPassHelper1 == null) {
        schema1 = createEmptySchema();
        schema2 = createEmptySchema();
        dn.postPassHelper1 = schema1;
        dn.postPassHelper2 = schema2;
      } else {
        schema1 = (T) dn.postPassHelper1;
        schema2 = (T) dn.postPassHelper2;

      TwoInputNode optNode = dn.getTwoInputNode();
      // add the parent schema to the schema
      if (propagateParentSchemaDown) {
        addSchemaToSchema(parentSchema, schema1, optNode, 0);
        addSchemaToSchema(parentSchema, schema2, optNode, 1);
      // check whether all outgoing channels have not yet contributed. come back later if not.
      if (schema1.getNumConnectionsThatContributed() < dn.getOutgoingChannels().size()) {
      // add the nodes local information
      try {
        getDualInputNodeSchema(dn, schema1, schema2);
      } catch (ConflictingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
        throw new CompilerPostPassException(getConflictingTypeErrorMessage(e, optNode.getPactContract().getName()));
      // parameterize the node's driver strategy
      if (createUtilities) {
        if (dn.getDriverStrategy().getNumRequiredComparators() > 0) {
          // set the individual comparators
          try {
            dn.setComparator1(createComparator(dn.getKeysForInput1(), dn.getSortOrders(), schema1));
            dn.setComparator2(createComparator(dn.getKeysForInput2(), dn.getSortOrders(), schema2));
          } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
            throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for node '" +
                optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
          // set the pair comparator
          try {
            dn.setPairComparator(createPairComparator(dn.getKeysForInput1(), dn.getKeysForInput2(),
              dn.getSortOrders(), schema1, schema2));
          } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
            throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for node '" +
                optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
      // done, we can now propagate our info down
      try {
        propagateToChannel(schema1, dn.getInput1(), createUtilities);
      } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
        throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for the first input channel to node '"
          + optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
      try {
        propagateToChannel(schema2, dn.getInput2(), createUtilities);
      } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
        throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for the second input channel to node '"
          + optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
      // don't forget the broadcast inputs
      for (Channel c: dn.getBroadcastInputs()) {
        try {
          propagateToChannel(createEmptySchema(), c, createUtilities);
        } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
          throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for broadcast channel in node '" +
            optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
    else if (node instanceof NAryUnionPlanNode) {
      // only propagate the info down
      try {
        for (Channel channel : node.getInputs()) {
          propagateToChannel(parentSchema, channel, createUtilities);
      } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException ex) {
        throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for the input channel to " +
            " a union node. Missing type information for field " + ex.getFieldNumber());
    // catch the sources of the iterative step functions
    else if (node instanceof BulkPartialSolutionPlanNode ||
        node instanceof SolutionSetPlanNode ||
        node instanceof WorksetPlanNode)
      // get the nodes current schema
      T schema;
      String name;
      if (node instanceof BulkPartialSolutionPlanNode) {
        BulkPartialSolutionPlanNode psn = (BulkPartialSolutionPlanNode) node;
        if (psn.postPassHelper == null) {
          schema = createEmptySchema();
          psn.postPassHelper = schema;
        } else {
          schema = (T) psn.postPassHelper;
        name = "partial solution of bulk iteration '" +
          psn.getPartialSolutionNode().getIterationNode().getPactContract().getName() + "'";
      else if (node instanceof SolutionSetPlanNode) {
        SolutionSetPlanNode ssn = (SolutionSetPlanNode) node;
        if (ssn.postPassHelper == null) {
          schema = createEmptySchema();
          ssn.postPassHelper = schema;
        } else {
          schema = (T) ssn.postPassHelper;
        name = "solution set of workset iteration '" +
            ssn.getSolutionSetNode().getIterationNode().getPactContract().getName() + "'";
      else if (node instanceof WorksetPlanNode) {
        WorksetPlanNode wsn = (WorksetPlanNode) node;
        if (wsn.postPassHelper == null) {
          schema = createEmptySchema();
          wsn.postPassHelper = schema;
        } else {
          schema = (T) wsn.postPassHelper;
        name = "workset of workset iteration '" +
            wsn.getWorksetNode().getIterationNode().getPactContract().getName() + "'";
      } else {
        throw new CompilerException();
      // add the parent schema to the schema
      addSchemaToSchema(parentSchema, schema, name);
    else {
      throw new CompilerPostPassException("Unknown node type encountered: " + node.getClass().getName());
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      for (Map.Entry<Integer, X> entry : sourceSchema) {
        Integer pos = entry.getKey();
        targetSchema.addType(pos, entry.getValue());
    } catch (ConflictingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
      throw new CompilerPostPassException("Conflicting type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber()
        + " in node '" + opName + "' propagated from successor node. " +
        "Conflicting types: " + e.getPreviousType() + " and " + e.getNewType() +
        ". Most probable cause: Invalid constant field annotations.");
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        if (optNode.isFieldConstant(input, pos)) {
          targetSchema.addType(pos, entry.getValue());
    } catch (ConflictingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
      throw new CompilerPostPassException("Conflicting type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber()
        + " in node '" + optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "' propagated from successor node. " +
        "Conflicting types: " + e.getPreviousType() + " and " + e.getNewType() +
        ". Most probable cause: Invalid constant field annotations.");
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  private TypeSerializerFactory<?> createSerializer(T schema, PlanNode node) {
    try {
      return createSerializer(schema);
    } catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
      throw new CompilerPostPassException("Missing type information while creating serializer for '" +
          node.getPactContract().getName() + "'.");
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Related Classes of org.apache.flink.compiler.CompilerPostPassException

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