private <X> TypeInformation<X> privateGetForObject(X value) {
// check if we can extract the types from tuples, otherwise work with the class
if (value instanceof Tuple) {
Tuple t = (Tuple) value;
int numFields = t.getArity();
if(numFields != countFieldsInClass(value.getClass())) {
// not a tuple since it has more fields.
return analyzePojo((Class<X>) value.getClass(), new ArrayList<Type>(), null); // we immediately call analyze Pojo here, because
// there is currently no other type that can handle such a class.
TypeInformation<?>[] infos = new TypeInformation[numFields];
for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
Object field = t.getField(i);
if (field == null) {
throw new InvalidTypesException("Automatic type extraction is not possible on candidates with null values. "
+ "Please specify the types directly.");