public void testDeltaIteration() {
try {
ExecutionEnvironment env = new CollectionEnvironment();
DataSet<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> solInput = env.fromElements(
new Tuple2<Integer, Integer>(1, 0),
new Tuple2<Integer, Integer>(2, 0),
new Tuple2<Integer, Integer>(3, 0),
new Tuple2<Integer, Integer>(4, 0));
DataSet<Tuple1<Integer>> workInput = env.fromElements(
new Tuple1<Integer>(1),
new Tuple1<Integer>(2),
new Tuple1<Integer>(3),
new Tuple1<Integer>(4));
// Perform a delta iteration where we add those values to the workset where
// the second tuple field is smaller than the first tuple field.
// At the end both tuple fields must be the same.
DeltaIteration<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Tuple1<Integer>> iteration =
solInput.iterateDelta(workInput, 10, 0);
DataSet<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> solDelta = iteration.getSolutionSet().join(
new JoinFunction<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Tuple1<Integer>, Tuple2<Integer, Integer>>() {
public Tuple2<Integer, Integer> join(Tuple2<Integer, Integer> first,
Tuple1<Integer> second) throws Exception {
return new Tuple2<Integer, Integer>(first.f0, first.f1 + 1);
DataSet<Tuple1<Integer>> nextWorkset = solDelta.flatMap(
new FlatMapFunction<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Tuple1<Integer>>() {
public void flatMap(Tuple2<Integer, Integer> in, Collector<Tuple1<Integer>>
out) throws Exception {
if (in.f1 < in.f0) {
out.collect(new Tuple1<Integer>(in.f0));
List<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> collected = new ArrayList<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>>();
iteration.closeWith(solDelta, nextWorkset)
.output(new LocalCollectionOutputFormat<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>>(collected));
// verify that both tuple fields are now the same
for (Tuple2<Integer, Integer> t: collected) {
assertEquals(t.f0, t.f1);