This basic function of this class is to return a Method object for a particular class given the name of a method and the parameters to the method in the form of an Object[] The first time the Introspector sees a class it creates a class method map for the class in question. Basically the class method map is a Hastable where Method objects are keyed by a concatenation of the method name and the names of classes that make up the parameters. For example, a method with the following signature: public void method(String a, StringBuffer b) would be mapped by the key: "method" + "java.lang.String" + "java.lang.StringBuffer" This mapping is performed for all the methods in a class and stored for
Jason van Zyl
Bob McWhirter
Attila Szegedi
Paulo Gaspar
@version $Id:,v 2004/03/03 23:23:08 geirm Exp $