protected ISyntaxTreeRequestResult handleSyntaxTreeRequest() throws InterruptedException
// Fulfill other requests before profiling this request.
final IFileScopeRequestResult fileScopeRequestResult = getFileScopeRequest().get();
final MXMLFileScope fileScope = (MXMLFileScope)fileScopeRequestResult.getScopes()[0];
final IMXMLData mxmlData = getMXMLData();
final Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems = new HashSet<ICompilerProblem>();
// Create an MXMLTreeBuilder to store all the contextual information
// that we need to build an MXML tree.
final MXMLTreeBuilder builder =
new MXMLTreeBuilder(this, getFileSpecificationGetter(), qname, mxmlData, fileScope, problems);
// Use the MXMLTreeBuilder to build an MXMLFileNode (the root of an MXML AST)
// from the MXMLData (the MXML DOM) and the MXMLFileScope.
final IMXMLFileNode fileNode = builder.build();
// TODO This belongs in MXMLDocumentNode.
MXMLDocumentNode documentNode = (MXMLDocumentNode)fileNode.getDocumentNode();
if (documentNode != null)
ClassDefinition mainClassDefinition = fileScope.getMainClassDefinition();
if (mainClassDefinition != null)
TypeScope mainClassScope = (TypeScope)mainClassDefinition.getContainedScope();
// Start CSS semantic analysis.
final Function<IMXMLStyleNode, ICSSDocument> parseMXMLStyleNode = new Function<IMXMLStyleNode, ICSSDocument>()
public ICSSDocument apply(IMXMLStyleNode mxmlStyleNode)
// This method will trigger the CSS parser to parse the CSS fragment.
return mxmlStyleNode.getCSSDocument(problems);
final Collection<ICSSDocument> cssDocumentList =
transform(fileNode.getStyleNodes(), parseMXMLStyleNode);
// This method will resolve dependencies introduced by the CSS fragment, and add the
// dependee's to the dependency graph. This is done at the last step in MXML tree
// building phase.
// - It can't be done in MXML semantic analysis, because MXML code generation doesn't
// depend on MXML semantic analysis;
// - It can't be done in MXML code generation either, because the "problems" in that phase are
// generated from inside ABCGenerator.
catch (Throwable e)
//something went wrong, so log it.
problems.add(new UnexpectedExceptionProblem(e));
return new SyntaxTreeRequestResult(fileNode, ImmutableSet.<String>copyOf(fileScope.getSourceDependencies()), fileNode.getIncludeTreeLastModified(), problems);