Package org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.scenarios.lfc.service

Examples of org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.scenarios.lfc.service.CheckService

        under = Utils.getComponentInstance(getContext(), "LFC-Test-Immediate", props);
        // The conf is correct, the PS must be provided
        ServiceReference ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNotNull("Check service availability -1", ref);
        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(ref);
        assertTrue("Check state 1", cs.check());
        cs = null;
        // Reconfigure the instance with a bad configuration
        props.put("conf", "bar"); // Bar is a bad conf
        try {
        } catch(Exception e) {
            fail("The reconfiguration is not unacceptable and seems unacceptable : " + props);
        // The instance should now be invalid
        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNull("Check service availability -2", ref);
        // Reconfigure the instance with a valid configuration
        props.put("conf", "foo"); // Bar is a bad conf
        try {
        } catch(Exception e) {
            fail("The reconfiguration is not unacceptable and seems unacceptable (2) : " + props);
        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNotNull("Check service availability -3", ref);
        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(ref);
        assertTrue("Check state 2", cs.check());
        cs = null;
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            fail("The reconfiguration is not unacceptable and seems unacceptable : " + props);
        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under2");
        assertNotNull("Check service availability -2", ref);
        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(ref);
        assertTrue("Check state ", cs.check());
        cs = null;
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        under = factory.createComponentInstance(props);

        // The conf is correct, the PS must be provided
        ServiceReference ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNotNull("Check service availability -1", ref);
        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(ref);
        assertTrue("Check state 1", cs.check());
        cs = null;

        // Reconfigure the instance
        props.put("state", "false"); // Bar is a bad conf
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("The reconfiguration is not unacceptable and seems unacceptable : " + props);

        // The instance should now be invalid
        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNull("Check service availability -2", ref);

        // Reconfigure the instance with a valid configuration
        props.put("state", "true");
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("The reconfiguration is not unacceptable and seems unacceptable (2) : " + props);

        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNotNull("Check service availability -3", ref);
        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(ref);
        assertTrue("Check state 2", cs.check());
        cs = null;

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//          System.out.println(a.getInstanceDescription().getDescription());
//        }

        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNotNull("Check service availability -1", ref);
        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(ref);
        assertTrue("Check state 1", cs.check());
        cs = null;

        // Reconfigure the instance
        props.put("state", "false"); // Bar is a bad conf
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("The reconfiguration is not unacceptable and seems unacceptable : " + props);

        // The instance should now be invalid
        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNull("Check service availability -2", ref);

        // Reconfigure the instance with a valid configuration
        props.put("state", "true");
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("The reconfiguration is not unacceptable and seems unacceptable (2) : " + props);

        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNotNull("Check service availability -3", ref);
        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(ref);
        assertTrue("Check state 2", cs.check());
        cs = null;

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        under = Utils.getComponentInstance(getContext(), "LFC-Test", props);

        // The conf is correct, the PS must be provided
        ServiceReference ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNotNull("Check service availability -1", ref);
        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(ref);
        assertTrue("Check state 1", cs.check());
        cs = null;

        // Reconfigure the instance with a bad configuration
        props.put("conf", "bar"); // Bar is a bad conf
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("The reconfiguration is not unacceptable and seems unacceptable : " + props);

        // The instance should now be invalid
        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNull("Check service availability -2", ref);

        // Reconfigure the instance with a valid configuration
        props.put("conf", "foo"); // Bar is a bad conf
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("The reconfiguration is not unacceptable and seems unacceptable (2) : " + props);

        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under1");
        assertNotNull("Check service availability -3", ref);
        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(ref);
        assertTrue("Check state 2", cs.check());
        cs = null;

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        // The conf is incorrect, but the test can appears only when the object is created : the PS must be provided
        ServiceReference ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under2");
        assertNotNull("Check service availability -1", ref);

        System.out.println("CS received : " + getContext().getService(ref));
        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(ref);
        assertNotNull("Assert CS not null", cs);
        try {
            assertFalse("Check state (false)", cs.check());
        } catch (Throwable e) {

        // As soon as the instance is created, the service has to disappear :
        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under2");
        assertNull("Check service availability -2", ref);

        // Reconfigure the instance with a correct configuration
        props.put("conf", "foo");
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("The reconfiguration is not unacceptable and seems unacceptable : " + props);

        ref = Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), CheckService.class.getName(), "under2");
        assertNotNull("Check service availability -3", ref);
        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(ref);
        assertTrue("Check state ", cs.check());
        cs = null;

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Related Classes of org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.scenarios.lfc.service.CheckService

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