public void testRegistrationAndListener() {
ComponentInstance im = new FakeComponent();
ComponentInstance im2 = new FakeComponent();
ServiceRegistry registry = new ServiceRegistry(getContext());
assertNotNull("Assert registry not null", registry);
svcListener all = new svcListener();
try {
assertNull("Check that there is no available service", registry.getServiceReferences(null, null));
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
fail("Cannot query the registry : " + e.getMessage());
ServiceRegistration reg1 = registry.registerService(im, BarService.class.getName(), new barProvider(), null);
try {
assertEquals("Check number of registred service", 1, registry.getServiceReferences(null, null).length);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
fail("Cannot query the registry : " + e.getMessage());
ServiceRegistration reg2 = registry.registerService(im2, BarService.class.getName(), new barProvider(), null);
try {
assertEquals("Check number of registred service", 2, registry.getServiceReferences(null, null).length);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
fail("Cannot query the registry : " + e.getMessage());
assertEquals("Check the number of registration", 2, all.registration);
Dictionary<String, String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>();
props.put("foo", "bar");
assertEquals("Check the number of modification", 1, all.modification);
assertEquals("Check the number of unregistration", 1, all.unregistration);
assertEquals("Check the number of modification", 2, all.modification);
assertEquals("Check the number of unregistration", 2, all.unregistration);