// create the component to handle source resolution
final SourceResolverImpl resolver = new SourceResolverImpl();
resolver.enableLogging( logger );
// create the context argument and set the root directory and
// contextualize the resolver
// NOTE: javadoc needed on contextualize method
final DefaultContext context = new DefaultContext();
context.put( "context-root", new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) ) );
resolver.contextualize( context );
// create a service selector to be included in a service manager
// to be supplied to the resolver
final ResourceSourceFactory factory = new ResourceSourceFactory();
factory.enableLogging( logger.getChildLogger( "factory" ) );
// create a selector and add the factory to the selector,
// add the selector to the manager, and service the resolver
// NOTE: javadoc missing on the serviceable method
final DefaultServiceSelector selector = new DefaultServiceSelector();
selector.put( "resource", factory );
final DefaultServiceManager manager = new DefaultServiceManager();
manager.put( SourceFactory.ROLE + "Selector", selector );
resolver.service( manager );
logger.debug( "resolver created - but is this correct ?" );