public void updateRecord(DBRecord rec, Connection conn)
// check updateable
if (isUpdateable()==false)
throw new NotSupportedException(this, "updateRecord");
// check params
if (rec == null)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("record", null);
if (conn == null)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("conn", null);
// Has record been modified?
if (rec.isModified() == false)
return; // Nothing to update
// Must have key Columns
DBColumn[] keyColumns = getKeyColumns();
if (keyColumns==null)
throw new NoPrimaryKeyException(this);
// Get the fields and the flags
Object[] fields = rec.getFields();
// Get all Update Commands
Map<DBRowSet, DBCommand> updCmds = new HashMap<DBRowSet, DBCommand>(3);
for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++)
{ // get the table
DBColumn col = columns.get(i);
if (col == null)
DBRowSet table = col.getRowSet();
DBCommand updCmd = updCmds.get(table);
if (updCmd == null)
{ // Add a new Command
updCmd = db.createCommand();
updCmds.put(table, updCmd);
* if (updateTimestampColumns.contains( col ) ) { // Check the update timestamp cmd.set( col.to( DBDatabase.SYSDATE ) ); }
// Set the field Value
boolean modified = rec.wasModified(i);
if (modified == true)
{ // Update a field
if (col.isReadOnly() && log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("updateRecord: Read-only column '" + col.getName() + " has been modified!");
// Check the value
// Set
// the commands
DBCommand cmd = getCommandFromExpression();
Object[] keys = (Object[]) rec.getRowSetData();
DBRowSet table= null;
DBCommand upd = null;
for(Entry<DBRowSet,DBCommand> entry:updCmds.entrySet())
int i = 0;
// Iterate through options
table = entry.getKey();
upd = entry.getValue();
// Is there something to update
if (upd.set == null)
continue; // nothing to do for this table!
// Evaluate Joins
for (i = 0; cmd.joins != null && i < cmd.joins.size(); i++)
DBJoinExpr join = cmd.joins.get(i);
DBColumn left = join.getLeft() .getUpdateColumn();
DBColumn right = join.getRight().getUpdateColumn();
if (left.getRowSet()==table && table.isKeyColumn(left))
if (!addJoinRestriction(upd, left, right, keyColumns, rec))
throw new ItemNotFoundException(left.getFullName());
if (right.getRowSet()==table && table.isKeyColumn(right))
if (!addJoinRestriction(upd, right, left, keyColumns, rec))
throw new ItemNotFoundException(right.getFullName());
// Evaluate Existing restrictions
for (i = 0; cmd.where != null && i < cmd.where.size(); i++)
DBCompareExpr cmp = cmd.where.get(i);
if (cmp instanceof DBCompareColExpr)
{ // Check whether constraint belongs to update table
DBCompareColExpr cmpExpr = (DBCompareColExpr) cmp;
DBColumn col = cmpExpr.getColumnExpr().getUpdateColumn();
if (col!=null && col.getRowSet() == table)
{ // add the constraint
if (cmpExpr.getValue() instanceof DBCmdParam)
{ // Create a new command param
DBColumnExpr colExpr = cmpExpr.getColumnExpr();
DBCmdParam param =(DBCmdParam)cmpExpr.getValue();
DBCmdParam value = upd.addParam(colExpr, param.getValue());
cmp = new DBCompareColExpr(colExpr, cmpExpr.getCmpop(), value);
{ // other constraints are not supported
throw new NotSupportedException(this, "updateRecord with "+cmp.getClass().getName());
// Add Restrictions
for (i = 0; i < keyColumns.length; i++)