private static void commandParamsSample(Connection conn, int idProdDep, int idDevDep)
// create a command
DBCommand cmd = db.createCommand();
// Create cmd parameters
DBCmdParam curDepParam = cmd.addParam(); // Current Department
DBCmdParam genderParam = cmd.addParam(); // Gender ('M' or 'F')
// Define the query;
cmd.where (;
cmd.where (;
System.out.println("Perfoming two queries using a the same command with different parameter values.");
DBReader r = new DBReader();
try {
// Query all females currently working in the Production department
System.out.println("1. Query all females currently working in the production department");
// Set command parameter values
genderParam.setValue('F'); // set gender to female
curDepParam.setValue(idProdDep); // set department id to production department
// Open reader using a prepared statement (due to command parameters!), conn);
// print all results
System.out.println("Females working in the production department are:");
while (r.moveNext())
System.out.println(" " + r.getString(T_EMP.C_FULLNAME));
// Second query
// Now query all males currently working in the development department
System.out.println("2. Query all males currently working in the development department");
// Set command parameter values
genderParam.setValue('M'); // set gender to female
curDepParam.setValue(idDevDep); // set department id to production department
// Open reader using a prepared statement (due to command parameters!), conn);
// print all results
System.out.println("Males currently working in the development department are:");