// exception if be go beyond readable bytes (as opposed to blocking).
final ByteBufInputStream is = new ByteBufInputStream(buffer, buffer.readableBytes());
// read the rpc header, saved in delimited format.
checkTag(is, RpcEncoder.HEADER_TAG);
final RpcHeader header = RpcHeader.parseDelimitedFrom(is);
if (RpcConstants.EXTRA_DEBUGGING) {
logger.debug(" post header read index {}", buffer.readerIndex());
// read the protobuf body into a buffer.
checkTag(is, RpcEncoder.PROTOBUF_BODY_TAG);
final int pBodyLength = readRawVarint32(is);
final ByteBuf pBody = buffer.slice(buffer.readerIndex(), pBodyLength);
if (RpcConstants.EXTRA_DEBUGGING) {
logger.debug("Read protobuf body of length {} into buffer {}.", pBodyLength, pBody);
if (RpcConstants.EXTRA_DEBUGGING) {
logger.debug("post protobufbody read index {}", buffer.readerIndex());
ByteBuf dBody = null;
int dBodyLength = 0;
// read the data body.
if (buffer.readableBytes() > 0) {
if (RpcConstants.EXTRA_DEBUGGING) {
logger.debug("Reading raw body, buffer has {} bytes available, is available {}.", buffer.readableBytes(), is.available());
checkTag(is, RpcEncoder.RAW_BODY_TAG);
dBodyLength = readRawVarint32(is);
if (buffer.readableBytes() != dBodyLength) {
throw new CorruptedFrameException(String.format("Expected to receive a raw body of %d bytes but received a buffer with %d bytes.", dBodyLength, buffer.readableBytes()));
dBody = buffer.slice();
if (RpcConstants.EXTRA_DEBUGGING) {
logger.debug("Read raw body of {}", dBody);
if (RpcConstants.EXTRA_DEBUGGING) {
logger.debug("No need to read raw body, no readable bytes left.");
// return the rpc message.
InboundRpcMessage m = new InboundRpcMessage(header.getMode(), header.getRpcType(), header.getCoordinationId(),
pBody, dBody);
// move the reader index forward so the next rpc call won't try to work with it.