* @throws OpenLdapSchemaFileImportException
* if an error occurrs when importing the schema
public static Schema getSchema( InputStream inputStream, String path ) throws OpenLdapSchemaFileImportException
OpenLdapSchemaParser parser = null;
parser = new OpenLdapSchemaParser();
catch ( IOException e )
throw new OpenLdapSchemaFileImportException( "The file '" + path + "' can not be read correctly." );
parser.parse( inputStream );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new OpenLdapSchemaFileImportException( "The file '" + path + "' can not be read correctly." );
catch ( ParseException e )
ExceptionMessage exceptionMessage = parseExceptionMessage( e.getMessage() );
throw new OpenLdapSchemaFileImportException( "The file '"
+ path
+ "' can not be read correctly."
+ ( exceptionMessage == null ? "" : "\nLine: " + exceptionMessage.lineNumber + ", Column: "
+ exceptionMessage.columnNumber + ", Cause: " + exceptionMessage.cause ) );
String schemaName = getNameFromPath( path );
Schema schema = new SchemaImpl( schemaName );
List<?> ats = parser.getAttributeTypes();
for ( int i = 0; i < ats.size(); i++ )
AttributeTypeImpl at = convertAttributeType( ( AttributeTypeLiteral ) ats.get( i ) );
at.setSchema( schemaName );
schema.addAttributeType( at );
List<?> ocs = parser.getObjectClassTypes();
for ( int i = 0; i < ocs.size(); i++ )
ObjectClassImpl oc = convertObjectClass( ( ObjectClassLiteral ) ocs.get( i ) );
oc.setSchema( schemaName );
schema.addObjectClass( oc );