
Examples of

            // Add the referrals if necessary
            if ( e instanceof LdapReferralException )
                InternalReferral referrals = new ReferralImpl();
                    String ref = ((LdapReferralException)e).getReferralInfo();
                    referrals.addLdapUrl( ref );
                while ( ((LdapReferralException)e).skipReferral() );
                result.setReferral( referrals );
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        LOG.debug( "Inside getReferralOnAncestor()" );
        ServerAttribute refAttr = ( ServerAttribute ) referralAncestor.getOriginalEntry()
            .get( SchemaConstants.REF_AT );
        InternalReferral referral = new ReferralImpl();

        for ( Value<?> value : refAttr )
            String ref = value.getString();

            LOG.debug( "Calculating LdapURL for referrence value {}", ref );

            // need to add non-ldap URLs as-is
            if ( ! ref.startsWith( "ldap" ) )
                referral.addLdapUrl( ref );
            // parse the ref value and normalize the DN 
            LdapURL ldapUrl = new LdapURL();
                ldapUrl.parse( ref.toCharArray() );
            catch ( LdapURLEncodingException e )
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_165, ref, referralAncestor ) );
            DN urlDn = new DN( ldapUrl.getDn().getName() );
            urlDn.normalize( session.getCoreSession().getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager()
                .getNormalizerMapping() );
            if ( urlDn.getNormName().equals( referralAncestor.getDn().getNormName() ) )
                // according to the protocol there is no need for the dn since it is the same as this request
                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
                buf.append( ldapUrl.getScheme() );
                buf.append( ldapUrl.getHost() );

                if ( ldapUrl.getPort() > 0 )
                    buf.append( ":" );
                    buf.append( ldapUrl.getPort() );

                referral.addLdapUrl( buf.toString() );
             * If we get here then the DN of the referral was not the same as the
             * DN of the ref LDAP URL.  We must calculate the remaining (difference)
             * name past the farthest referral DN which the target name extends.
            int diff = reqTargetDn.size() - referralAncestor.getDn().size();
            DN extra = new DN();

            // TODO - fix this by access unormalized RDN values
            // seems we have to do this because get returns normalized rdns
            DN reqUnnormalizedDn = new DN( reqTargetDn.getName() );
            for ( int jj = 0; jj < diff; jj++ )
                extra.add( reqUnnormalizedDn.get( referralAncestor.getDn().size() + jj ) );

            urlDn.addAll( extra );

            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            buf.append( ldapUrl.getScheme() );
            buf.append( ldapUrl.getHost() );

            if ( ldapUrl.getPort() > 0 )
                buf.append( ":" );
                buf.append( ldapUrl.getPort() );

            buf.append( "/" );
            buf.append( LdapURL.urlEncode( urlDn.getName(), false ) );
            referral.addLdapUrl( buf.toString() );
        return referral;
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        LOG.debug( "Inside getReferralOnAncestor()" );
        ServerAttribute refAttr = ( ServerAttribute ) referralAncestor.getOriginalEntry()
            .get( SchemaConstants.REF_AT );
        InternalReferral referral = new ReferralImpl();

        for ( Value<?> value : refAttr )
            String ref = value.getString();

            LOG.debug( "Calculating LdapURL for referrence value {}", ref );

            // need to add non-ldap URLs as-is
            if ( ! ref.startsWith( "ldap" ) )
                referral.addLdapUrl( ref );
            // Parse the ref value  
            LdapURL ldapUrl = new LdapURL();
                ldapUrl.parse( ref.toCharArray() );
            catch ( LdapURLEncodingException e )
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_165, ref, referralAncestor ) );
            // Normalize the DN to check for same dn
            DN urlDn = new DN( ldapUrl.getDn().getName() );
            urlDn.normalize( session.getCoreSession().getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager()
                .getNormalizerMapping() );
            if ( urlDn.getNormName().equals( req.getBase().getNormName() ) )
                ldapUrl.setForceScopeRendering( true );
                ldapUrl.setAttributes( req.getAttributes() );
                ldapUrl.setScope( req.getScope().getScope() );
                referral.addLdapUrl( ldapUrl.toString() );
             * If we get here then the DN of the referral was not the same as the
             * DN of the ref LDAP URL.  We must calculate the remaining (difference)
             * name past the farthest referral DN which the target name extends.
            int diff = req.getBase().size() - referralAncestor.getDn().size();
            DN extra = new DN();

            // TODO - fix this by access unormalized RDN values
            // seems we have to do this because get returns normalized rdns
            DN reqUnnormalizedDn = new DN( req.getBase().getName() );
            for ( int jj = 0; jj < diff; jj++ )
                extra.add( reqUnnormalizedDn.get( referralAncestor.getDn().size() + jj ) );

            ldapUrl.getDn().addAll( extra );
            ldapUrl.setForceScopeRendering( true );
            ldapUrl.setAttributes( req.getAttributes() );
            ldapUrl.setScope( req.getScope().getScope() );
            referral.addLdapUrl( ldapUrl.toString() );
        return referral;
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        if ( ( ref != null ) && ! hasManageDsaItControl )
            // The entry is a referral.
            InternalSearchResponseReference respRef;
            respRef = new SearchResponseReferenceImpl( req.getMessageId() );
            respRef.setReferral( new ReferralImpl() );
            for ( Value<?> val : ref )
                String url = val.getString();
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    private void handleReferralEntryForSearch( LdapSession session, InternalSearchRequest req, ClonedServerEntry entry )
        throws Exception
        InternalLdapResult result = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();
        ReferralImpl referral = new ReferralImpl();
        result.setReferral( referral );
        result.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
        result.setErrorMessage( "Encountered referral attempting to handle request." );
        result.setMatchedDn( req.getBase() );

        EntryAttribute refAttr = entry.getOriginalEntry().get( SchemaConstants.REF_AT );
        for ( Value<?> refval : refAttr )
            String refstr = refval.getString();
            // need to add non-ldap URLs as-is
            if ( ! refstr.startsWith( "ldap" ) )
                referral.addLdapUrl( refstr );
            // parse the ref value and normalize the DN 
            LdapURL ldapUrl = new LdapURL();
                ldapUrl.parse( refstr.toCharArray() );
            catch ( LdapURLEncodingException e )
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_165, refstr, entry ) );
            ldapUrl.setForceScopeRendering( true );
            ldapUrl.setAttributes( req.getAttributes() );
            ldapUrl.setScope( req.getScope().getScope() );
            referral.addLdapUrl( ldapUrl.toString() );

        session.getIoSession().write( req.getResultResponse() );
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        LOG.debug( "Inside getReferralOnAncestor()" );
        EntryAttribute refAttr = referralAncestor.getOriginalEntry()
            .get( SchemaConstants.REF_AT );
        InternalReferral referral = new ReferralImpl();

        for ( Value<?> value : refAttr )
            String ref = value.getString();

            LOG.debug( "Calculating LdapURL for referrence value {}", ref );

            // need to add non-ldap URLs as-is
            if ( ! ref.startsWith( "ldap" ) )
                referral.addLdapUrl( ref );
            // Parse the ref value  
            LdapURL ldapUrl = new LdapURL();
                ldapUrl.parse( ref.toCharArray() );
            catch ( LdapURLEncodingException e )
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_165, ref, referralAncestor ) );
            // Normalize the DN to check for same dn
            DN urlDn = new DN( ldapUrl.getDn().getName() );
            urlDn.normalize( session.getCoreSession().getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager()
                .getNormalizerMapping() );
            if ( urlDn.getNormName().equals( req.getBase().getNormName() ) )
                ldapUrl.setForceScopeRendering( true );
                ldapUrl.setAttributes( req.getAttributes() );
                ldapUrl.setScope( req.getScope().getScope() );
                referral.addLdapUrl( ldapUrl.toString() );
             * If we get here then the DN of the referral was not the same as the
             * DN of the ref LDAP URL.  We must calculate the remaining (difference)
             * name past the farthest referral DN which the target name extends.
            int diff = req.getBase().size() - referralAncestor.getDn().size();
            DN extra = new DN();

            // TODO - fix this by access unormalized RDN values
            // seems we have to do this because get returns normalized rdns
            DN reqUnnormalizedDn = new DN( req.getBase().getName() );
            for ( int jj = 0; jj < diff; jj++ )
                extra.add( reqUnnormalizedDn.get( referralAncestor.getDn().size() + jj ) );

            ldapUrl.getDn().addAll( extra );
            ldapUrl.setForceScopeRendering( true );
            ldapUrl.setAttributes( req.getAttributes() );
            ldapUrl.setScope( req.getScope().getScope() );
            referral.addLdapUrl( ldapUrl.toString() );
        return referral;
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        if ( ( ref != null ) && ! hasManageDsaItControl )
            // The entry is a referral.
            InternalSearchResponseReference respRef;
            respRef = new SearchResponseReferenceImpl( req.getMessageId() );
            respRef.setReferral( new ReferralImpl() );
            for ( Value<?> val : ref )
                String url = val.getString();
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    private void handleReferralEntryForSearch( LdapSession session, InternalSearchRequest req, ClonedServerEntry entry )
        throws Exception
        InternalLdapResult result = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();
        ReferralImpl referral = new ReferralImpl();
        result.setReferral( referral );
        result.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
        result.setErrorMessage( "Encountered referral attempting to handle request." );
        result.setMatchedDn( req.getBase() );

        EntryAttribute refAttr = entry.getOriginalEntry().get( SchemaConstants.REF_AT );
        for ( Value<?> refval : refAttr )
            String refstr = refval.getString();
            // need to add non-ldap URLs as-is
            if ( ! refstr.startsWith( "ldap" ) )
                referral.addLdapUrl( refstr );
            // parse the ref value and normalize the DN 
            LdapURL ldapUrl = new LdapURL();
                ldapUrl.parse( refstr.toCharArray() );
            catch ( LdapURLEncodingException e )
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_165, refstr, entry ) );
            ldapUrl.setForceScopeRendering( true );
            ldapUrl.setAttributes( req.getAttributes() );
            ldapUrl.setScope( req.getScope().getScope() );
            referral.addLdapUrl( ldapUrl.toString() );

        session.getIoSession().write( req.getResultResponse() );
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            // Add the referrals if necessary
            if ( e instanceof LdapReferralException )
                InternalReferral referrals = new ReferralImpl();
                    String ref = ((LdapReferralException)e).getReferralInfo();
                    referrals.addLdapUrl( ref );
                while ( ((LdapReferralException)e).skipReferral() );
                result.setReferral( referrals );
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        LOG.debug( "Inside getReferralOnAncestor()" );
        EntryAttribute refAttr =referralAncestor.getOriginalEntry()
            .get( SchemaConstants.REF_AT );
        InternalReferral referral = new ReferralImpl();

        for ( Value<?> value : refAttr )
            String ref = value.getString();

            LOG.debug( "Calculating LdapURL for referrence value {}", ref );

            // need to add non-ldap URLs as-is
            if ( ! ref.startsWith( "ldap" ) )
                referral.addLdapUrl( ref );
            // parse the ref value and normalize the DN 
            LdapURL ldapUrl = new LdapURL();
                ldapUrl.parse( ref.toCharArray() );
            catch ( LdapURLEncodingException e )
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_165, ref, referralAncestor ) );
            DN urlDn = new DN( ldapUrl.getDn().getName() );
            urlDn.normalize( session.getCoreSession().getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager()
                .getNormalizerMapping() );
            if ( urlDn.getNormName().equals( referralAncestor.getDn().getNormName() ) )
                // according to the protocol there is no need for the dn since it is the same as this request
                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
                buf.append( ldapUrl.getScheme() );
                buf.append( ldapUrl.getHost() );

                if ( ldapUrl.getPort() > 0 )
                    buf.append( ":" );
                    buf.append( ldapUrl.getPort() );

                referral.addLdapUrl( buf.toString() );
             * If we get here then the DN of the referral was not the same as the
             * DN of the ref LDAP URL.  We must calculate the remaining (difference)
             * name past the farthest referral DN which the target name extends.
            int diff = reqTargetDn.size() - referralAncestor.getDn().size();
            DN extra = new DN();

            // TODO - fix this by access unormalized RDN values
            // seems we have to do this because get returns normalized rdns
            DN reqUnnormalizedDn = new DN( reqTargetDn.getName() );
            for ( int jj = 0; jj < diff; jj++ )
                extra.add( reqUnnormalizedDn.get( referralAncestor.getDn().size() + jj ) );

            urlDn.addAll( extra );

            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            buf.append( ldapUrl.getScheme() );
            buf.append( ldapUrl.getHost() );

            if ( ldapUrl.getPort() > 0 )
                buf.append( ":" );
                buf.append( ldapUrl.getPort() );

            buf.append( "/" );
            buf.append( LdapURL.urlEncode( urlDn.getName(), false ) );
            referral.addLdapUrl( buf.toString() );
        return referral;
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