public static LdapJndiProperties getLdapJndiProperties( Hashtable env ) throws NamingException
if ( env == null )
throw new LdapConfigurationException( "environment cannot be null" );
LdapJndiProperties props = new LdapJndiProperties();
Object principal = env.get( Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL );
Object credobj = env.get( Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS );
Object authentication = env.get( Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// check for the provider URL property
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( !env.containsKey( Context.PROVIDER_URL ) )
String msg = "Expected property " + Context.PROVIDER_URL;
msg += " but could not find it in env!";
throw new LdapConfigurationException( msg );
String url = ( String ) env.get( Context.PROVIDER_URL );
if ( url == null )
String msg = "Expected value for property " + Context.PROVIDER_URL;
msg += " but it was set to null in env!";
throw new LdapConfigurationException( msg );
if ( url.trim().equals( "" ) )
props.providerDn = LdapDN.EMPTY_LDAPDN;
props.providerDn = new LdapDN( url );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Figure out and set the authentication level and mechanisms
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( authentication == null )
// if the property is not set but Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS is then SIMPLE
if ( credobj == null )
props.level = AuthenticationLevel.NONE;
props.level = AuthenticationLevel.SIMPLE;
else if ( !( authentication instanceof String ) )
throw new LdapConfigurationException( "Don't know how to interpret " + authentication.getClass()
+ " objects for environment property " + Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION );
if ( AuthenticationLevel.NONE.toString().equals( authentication ) )
props.level = AuthenticationLevel.NONE;
else if ( AuthenticationLevel.SIMPLE.toString().equals( authentication ) )
props.level = AuthenticationLevel.SIMPLE;
props.level = AuthenticationLevel.STRONG;
props.saslMechanism = ( String ) authentication;
// String[] mechList = ( ( String ) authentication ).trim().split( " " );
// for ( String mech : mechList )
// {
// if ( !mech.trim().equals( "" ) )
// {
// props.mechanisms.add( mech );
// }
// }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Figure out and set the security principal bindDn and saslAuthId
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( principal == null && props.level == AuthenticationLevel.SIMPLE )
throw new LdapConfigurationException( Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL + " cannot be null." );
else if ( principal == null && props.level == AuthenticationLevel.NONE )
props.bindDn = LdapDN.EMPTY_LDAPDN;
else if ( !( principal instanceof String ) )
throw new LdapConfigurationException( "Don't know how to interpret " + principal.getClass()
+ " objects for environment property " + Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL );
else if ( ( ( String ) principal ).trim().equals( "" ) )
props.bindDn = LdapDN.EMPTY_LDAPDN;
props.bindDn = new LdapDN( ( String ) principal );
if ( env.get( SASL_AUTHID ) != null && props.level == AuthenticationLevel.STRONG )
Object obj = env.get( SASL_AUTHID );
if ( obj instanceof String )
props.saslAuthId = ( String ) obj;
throw new LdapConfigurationException( "Don't know how to interpret " + obj.getClass()
+ " objects for environment property " + SASL_AUTHID );
props.saslAuthId = ( String ) principal;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Figure out the credentials
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( props.level == AuthenticationLevel.SIMPLE && credobj == null )
throw new LdapConfigurationException( "cannot specify simple authentication with supplying credentials" );
else if ( credobj != null )
if ( credobj instanceof String )
props.credentials = StringTools.getBytesUtf8( ( String ) credobj );
else if ( credobj instanceof byte[] )
props.credentials = ( byte[] ) credobj;
throw new LdapConfigurationException( "Don't know how to interpret " + credobj.getClass()
+ " objects for environment property " + Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS );
return props;