
Examples of

            ( ( SearchOperationContext ) opContext ).setTypesOnlytypesOnly );
            if ( result )
                ServerEntry emptyEntry = new DefaultServerEntry( service.getSchemaManager(), DN.EMPTY_DN );
                return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( new SingletonCursor<ServerEntry>( emptyEntry ), (SearchOperationContext)opContext );
                return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( new EmptyCursor<ServerEntry>(), (SearchOperationContext)opContext );
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    public void testNoDeleteOnAdminByNonAdmin() throws Exception
        LdifEntry akarasulu = getUserAddLdif();

            new DefaultServerEntry( service.getSchemaManager(), akarasulu.getEntry() ) );

            service.getAdminSession().delete( new DN( "uid=admin,ou=system") );
            fail( "User 'admin' should not be able to delete his account" );
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    public void testNoRdnChangesOnAdminByNonAdmin() throws Exception
        LdifEntry akarasulu = getUserAddLdif();

            new DefaultServerEntry( service.getSchemaManager(), akarasulu.getEntry() ) );

                new DN( "uid=admin,ou=system" ),
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    public void testModifyOnAdminByNonAdmin() throws Exception
        LdifEntry akarasulu = getUserAddLdif();
            new DefaultServerEntry( service.getSchemaManager(), akarasulu.getEntry() ) );
        // Read the entry we just created using the akarasuluSession
        Entry readEntry = service.getAdminSession().lookup( akarasulu.getDn(), new String[]{ "userPassword"} );
        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( akarasulu.get( "userPassword" ).getBytes(), readEntry.get( "userPassword" ).getBytes() ) );
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    public void testNoSearchByNonAdmin() throws Exception
        LdifEntry akarasulu = getUserAddLdif();
            new DefaultServerEntry( service.getSchemaManager(), akarasulu.getEntry() ) );

            ExprNode filter = FilterParser.parse( "(objectClass=*)" );
            service.getAdminSession().search( new DN( "ou=system" ), SearchScope.SUBTREE, filter , AliasDerefMode.DEREF_ALWAYS, null );
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        assertEquals( 10, store.count() );

        // add an alias and delete to test dropAliasIndices method
        DN dn = new DN( "commonName=Jack Daniels,ou=Apache,ou=Board of Directors,o=Good Times Co." );
        dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        DefaultServerEntry entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, dn );
        entry.add( "objectClass", "top", "alias", "extensibleObject" );
        entry.add( "ou", "Apache" );
        entry.add( "commonName", "Jack Daniels" );
        entry.add( "aliasedObjectName", "cn=Jack Daniels,ou=Engineering,o=Good Times Co." );
        entry.add( "entryCSN", new CsnFactory( 1 ).newInstance().toString() );
        entry.add( "entryUUID", UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
        store.add( entry );

        store.delete( 12L ); // drops the alias indices

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        assertFalse( );

        // dn id 12
        DN martinDn = new DN( "cn=Marting King,ou=Sales,o=Good Times Co." );
        martinDn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        DefaultServerEntry entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, martinDn );
        entry.add( "objectClass", "top", "person", "organizationalPerson" );
        entry.add( "ou", "Sales" );
        entry.add( "cn", "Martin King" );
        entry.add( "entryCSN", new CsnFactory( 1 ).newInstance().toString() );
        entry.add( "entryUUID", UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
        store.add( entry );

        cursor = idx.forwardCursor( 2L );
        assertTrue( cursor.previous() );
        assertEquals( 12, ( long ) cursor.get().getId() );

        DN newParentDn = new DN( "ou=Board of Directors,o=Good Times Co." );
        newParentDn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );

        store.move( martinDn, newParentDn );
        cursor = idx.forwardCursor( 3L );
        assertTrue( cursor.previous() );
        assertEquals( 12, ( long ) cursor.get().getId() );

        // dn id 13
        DN marketingDn = new DN( "ou=Marketing,ou=Sales,o=Good Times Co." );
        marketingDn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, marketingDn );
        entry.add( "objectClass", "top", "organizationalUnit" );
        entry.add( "ou", "Marketing" );
        entry.add( "entryCSN", new CsnFactory( 1 ).newInstance().toString() );
        entry.add( "entryUUID", UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
        store.add( entry );

        // dn id 14
        DN jimmyDn = new DN( "cn=Jimmy Wales,ou=Marketing, ou=Sales,o=Good Times Co." );
        jimmyDn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, jimmyDn );
        entry.add( "objectClass", "top", "person", "organizationalPerson" );
        entry.add( "ou", "Marketing" );
        entry.add( "cn", "Jimmy Wales" );
        entry.add( "entryCSN", new CsnFactory( 1 ).newInstance().toString() );
        entry.add( "entryUUID", UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
        store.add( entry );

        store.move( marketingDn, newParentDn );

        cursor = idx.forwardCursor( 3L );
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        // Add root context entry for system partition
        DN systemSuffixDn = new DN( ServerDNConstants.SYSTEM_DN );
        systemSuffixDn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        ServerEntry systemEntry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, systemSuffixDn );

        // Add the ObjectClasses
        systemEntry.put( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT,
        // Add some operational attributes
        systemEntry.put( SchemaConstants.CREATORS_NAME_AT, ServerDNConstants.ADMIN_SYSTEM_DN );
        systemEntry.put( SchemaConstants.CREATE_TIMESTAMP_AT, DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );
        systemEntry.add( SchemaConstants.ENTRY_CSN_AT, directoryService.getCSN().toString() );
        systemEntry.add( SchemaConstants.ENTRY_UUID_AT, UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
        systemEntry.put( NamespaceTools.getRdnAttribute( ServerDNConstants.SYSTEM_DN ),
            NamespaceTools.getRdnValue( ServerDNConstants.SYSTEM_DN ) );
        DN adminDn = new DN( ServerDNConstants.ADMIN_SYSTEM_DN_NORMALIZED );
        adminDn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        CoreSession adminSession = new DefaultCoreSession(
            new LdapPrincipal( adminDn, AuthenticationLevel.STRONG ), directoryService );
        AddOperationContext addOperationContext = new AddOperationContext( adminSession, systemEntry );
        if ( !system.hasEntry( new EntryOperationContext( adminSession, systemEntry.getDn() ) ) )
            system.add( addOperationContext );
        String key = system.getSuffixDn().getName();
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    @Test(expected = LdapNameNotFoundException.class)
    public void testAddWithoutParentId() throws Exception
        DN dn = new DN( "cn=Marting King,ou=Not Present,o=Good Times Co." );
        dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
        DefaultServerEntry entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, dn );
        entry.add( "objectClass", "top", "person", "organizationalPerson" );
        entry.add( "ou", "Not Present" );
        entry.add( "cn", "Martin King" );
        store.add( entry );
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        // return nothing
        if ( noAttribute )
            ServerEntry serverEntry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, DN.EMPTY_DN );
            return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( new SingletonCursor<ServerEntry>( serverEntry ), searchOperationContext );
        // return everything
        if ( allUserAttributes && allOperationalAttributes )
            ServerEntry rootDSE = (ServerEntry)getRootDSE( null ).clone();
            return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( new SingletonCursor<ServerEntry>( rootDSE ), searchOperationContext );
        ServerEntry serverEntry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, DN.EMPTY_DN );
        ServerEntry rootDSE = getRootDSE( new GetRootDSEOperationContext( searchOperationContext.getSession() ) );
        for ( EntryAttribute attribute:rootDSE )
            AttributeType type = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( attribute.getUpId() );
            if ( realIds.contains( type.getOid() ) )
                serverEntry.put( attribute );
            else if ( allUserAttributes && ( type.getUsage() == UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS ) )
                serverEntry.put( attribute );
            else if ( allOperationalAttributes && ( type.getUsage() != UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS ) )
                serverEntry.put( attribute );

        return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( new SingletonCursor<ServerEntry>( serverEntry ), searchOperationContext );
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