private void createAdministrativePoints( Attribute adminPoint, Dn dn, String uuid ) throws LdapException
if ( isAAP( adminPoint ) )
// The AC AAP
AccessControlAdministrativePoint acAap = new AccessControlAAP( dn, uuid );
directoryService.getAccessControlAPCache().add( dn, acAap );
// The CA AAP
CollectiveAttributeAdministrativePoint caAap = new CollectiveAttributeAAP( dn, uuid );
directoryService.getCollectiveAttributeAPCache().add( dn, caAap );
// The TE AAP
TriggerExecutionAdministrativePoint teAap = new TriggerExecutionAAP( dn, uuid );
directoryService.getTriggerExecutionAPCache().add( dn, teAap );
// The SS AAP
SubschemaAdministrativePoint ssAap = new SubschemaAAP( dn, uuid );
directoryService.getSubschemaAPCache().add( dn, ssAap );
// TODO : Here, we have to update the children, removing any
// reference to any other underlying AP
// If it's an AAP, we can get out immediately
for ( Value<?> value : adminPoint )
String role = value.getString();
// Deal with AccessControl AP
if ( isAccessControlSpecificRole( role ) )
AccessControlAdministrativePoint sap = new AccessControlSAP( dn, uuid );
directoryService.getAccessControlAPCache().add( dn, sap );
// TODO : Here, we have to update the children, removing any
// reference to any other underlying AccessControl IAP or SAP
if ( isAccessControlInnerRole( role ) )
AccessControlAdministrativePoint iap = new AccessControlIAP( dn, uuid );
directoryService.getAccessControlAPCache().add( dn, iap );