
Examples of

    private void parseSchemaRecord( LdifContentRecord schemaRecord ) throws Exception
        setSchemaRecord( schemaRecord );
        setDn( new Dn( schemaRecord.getDnLine().getValueAsString() ) );

        ObjectClassDescriptionSchemaParser ocdPparser = new ObjectClassDescriptionSchemaParser();
        ocdPparser.setQuirksMode( true );
        AttributeTypeDescriptionSchemaParser atdParser = new AttributeTypeDescriptionSchemaParser();
        atdParser.setQuirksMode( true );
        LdapSyntaxDescriptionSchemaParser lsdParser = new LdapSyntaxDescriptionSchemaParser();
        lsdParser.setQuirksMode( true );
        MatchingRuleDescriptionSchemaParser mrdParser = new MatchingRuleDescriptionSchemaParser();
        mrdParser.setQuirksMode( true );
        MatchingRuleUseDescriptionSchemaParser mrudParser = new MatchingRuleUseDescriptionSchemaParser();
        mrudParser.setQuirksMode( true );

        LdifAttrValLine[] lines = schemaRecord.getAttrVals();
        for ( int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ )
            LdifAttrValLine line = lines[i];
            String attributeName = line.getUnfoldedAttributeDescription();
            String value = line.getValueAsString();
            List<String> ldifValues = new ArrayList<String>( 1 );
            ldifValues.add( value );

                if ( attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASSES_AT ) )
                    MutableObjectClass ocd = ocdPparser.parseObjectClassDescription( value );
                    ocd.addExtension( RAW_SCHEMA_DEFINITION_LDIF_VALUE, ldifValues );
                    addObjectClass( ocd );
                else if ( attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase( SchemaConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPES_AT ) )
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                    String value = ( String ) ne.nextElement();

                        ObjectClassDescriptionSchemaParser parser = new ObjectClassDescriptionSchemaParser();
                        parser.setQuirksMode( true );
                        ObjectClass ocd = parser.parseObjectClassDescription( value );

                        MutableObjectClass impl = new MutableObjectClass( ocd.getOid() );
                        impl.setNames( ocd.getNames().toArray( new String[0] ) );
                        impl.setDescription( ocd.getDescription() );
                        impl.setSuperiorOids( ocd.getSuperiorOids() );
                        impl.setType( ocd.getType() );
                        impl.setObsolete( ocd.isObsolete() );
                        impl.setMustAttributeTypeOids( ocd.getMustAttributeTypeOids() );
                        impl.setMayAttributeTypeOids( ocd.getMayAttributeTypeOids() );
                        impl.setSchemaName( schema.getSchemaName() );

                        schema.addObjectClass( impl );
                    catch ( ParseException e )
                        // Logging the exception and incrementing the counter
                        PluginUtils.logError( "Unable to parse the object class.", e );

        Attribute ldapSyntaxesAttribute = searchResult.getAttributes().get( "ldapSyntaxes" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if ( ldapSyntaxesAttribute != null )
            NamingEnumeration<?> ne = ldapSyntaxesAttribute.getAll();
            if ( ne != null )
                while ( ne.hasMoreElements() )
                    String value = ( String ) ne.nextElement();

                        LdapSyntaxDescriptionSchemaParser parser = new LdapSyntaxDescriptionSchemaParser();
                        parser.setQuirksMode( true );
                        LdapSyntax lsd = parser.parseLdapSyntaxDescription( value );

                        LdapSyntax impl = new LdapSyntax( lsd.getOid() );
                        impl.setDescription( lsd.getDescription() );
                        impl.setNames( new String[]
                            { lsd.getDescription() } );
                        //impl.setObsolete( lsd.isObsolete() );
                        impl.setHumanReadable( true );
                        impl.setSchemaName( schema.getSchemaName() );

                        schema.addSyntax( impl );
                    catch ( ParseException e )
                        // Logging the exception and incrementing the counter
                        PluginUtils.logError( "Unable to parse the syntax.", e );

        // if online: assume all received syntaxes in attributes are valid -> create dummy syntaxes if missing
        for ( AttributeType at : schema.getAttributeTypes() )
            String syntaxOid = at.getSyntaxOid();
            if ( syntaxOid != null && schema.getSyntax( syntaxOid ) == null )
                LdapSyntax impl = new LdapSyntax( syntaxOid );
                impl.setSchemaName( schema.getSchemaName() );
                String oidDescription = Utils.getOidDescription( syntaxOid );
                impl.setDescription( oidDescription != null ? oidDescription : "Dummy" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
                impl.setNames( new String[]
                    { impl.getDescription() } );
                schema.addSyntax( impl );

        Attribute matchingRulesAttribute = searchResult.getAttributes().get( "matchingRules" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if ( matchingRulesAttribute != null )
            NamingEnumeration<?> ne = matchingRulesAttribute.getAll();
            if ( ne != null )
                while ( ne.hasMoreElements() )
                    String value = ( String ) ne.nextElement();

                        MatchingRuleDescriptionSchemaParser parser = new MatchingRuleDescriptionSchemaParser();
                        parser.setQuirksMode( true );
                        MatchingRule mrd = parser.parseMatchingRuleDescription( value );

                        MutableMatchingRule impl = new MutableMatchingRule( mrd.getOid() );
                        impl.setDescription( mrd.getDescription() );
                        impl.setNames( mrd.getNames().toArray( new String[0] ) );
                        impl.setObsolete( mrd.isObsolete() );
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    public void setUp() throws Exception
        parser = new ObjectClassDescriptionSchemaParser();
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    private void testSubschemSubentryRendererAndParserRoundtrip( ObjectClass original ) throws ParseException
        String renderedOriginal = SchemaObjectRenderer.SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_RENDERER.render( original );
        ObjectClass parsed = new ObjectClassDescriptionSchemaParser().parse( renderedOriginal );
        String renderedParsed = SchemaObjectRenderer.SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_RENDERER.render( parsed );

        assertTrue( original.equals( parsed ) );
        assertTrue( renderedOriginal.equals( renderedParsed ) );
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