SyncInfoValueDecorator decorator = new SyncInfoValueDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService() );
SyncInfoValue syncInfoValue = ( SyncInfoValue ) decorator.decode( syncInfoBytes );
byte[] cookie = syncInfoValue.getCookie();
if ( CONSUMER_LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Received a SyncInfoValue from producer {} : {}", config.getProducer(),
syncInfoValue );
int replicaId = -1;
if ( cookie != null )
CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "setting the cookie from the sync info: " + Strings.utf8ToString( cookie ) );
CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "setting the cookie from the sync info: " + Strings.utf8ToString( cookie ) );
syncCookie = cookie;
String cookieString = Strings.utf8ToString( syncCookie );
replicaId = LdapProtocolUtils.getReplicaId( cookieString );
CONSUMER_LOG.info( "refreshDeletes: " + syncInfoValue.isRefreshDeletes() );
List<byte[]> uuidList = syncInfoValue.getSyncUUIDs();
// if refreshDeletes set to true then delete all the entries with entryUUID
// present in the syncIdSet
if ( syncInfoValue.isRefreshDeletes() )
deleteEntries( uuidList, false, replicaId );
deleteEntries( uuidList, true, replicaId );
CONSUMER_LOG.info( "refreshDone: " + syncInfoValue.isRefreshDone() );
catch ( Exception de )