Package org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary

Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary

    ** Grab the compiler context each time we bind just
    ** to make sure we have the write one (even though
    ** we are caching it).
    DataDictionary dd = getDataDictionary();

    String schemaName = name.getSchemaName();
    SchemaDescriptor sd = getSchemaDescriptor(name.getSchemaName());
    if (schemaName == null)

    if (sd.getUUID() != null)
      spsd = dd.getSPSDescriptor(name.getTableName(), sd);

    if (spsd == null)
      throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, "STATEMENT", name);
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      String indexOrConstraintName = indexName;
      // now get table name, and constraint name if needed
      LanguageConnectionContext lcc =
      DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
      //get the descriptors
      ConglomerateDescriptor cd = dd.getConglomerateDescriptor(indexCID);

      UUID tableID = cd.getTableID();
      TableDescriptor td = dd.getTableDescriptor(tableID);
      String tableName = td.getName();
      if (indexOrConstraintName == null) // no index name passed in
        ConstraintDescriptor conDesc = dd.getConstraintDescriptor(td,
        indexOrConstraintName = conDesc.getConstraintName();

      StandardException se =
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      ResultColumn        rowLocationColumn = null;
      CurrentRowLocationNode    rowLocationNode;
      TableName          cursorTargetTableName = null;
      CurrentOfNode           currentOfNode = null;
      DataDictionary dataDictionary = getDataDictionary();

      // wait to bind named target table until the underlying
      // cursor is bound, so that we can get it from the
      // cursor if this is a positioned delete.
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  protected void storeConstraintDependenciesOnPrivileges(
      Activation activation, Dependent dependent, UUID refTableUUID)
  throws StandardException
    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = activation.getLanguageConnectionContext();
    DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
    DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
    //If the Database Owner is creating this constraint, then no need to
    //collect any privilege dependencies because the Database Owner can  
    //access any objects without any restrictions
    if (!(lcc.getAuthorizationId().equals(dd.getAuthorizationDatabaseOwner())))
      PermissionsDescriptor permDesc;
      //Now, it is time to add into dependency system, constraint's
      //dependency on REFERENCES privilege. If the REFERENCES privilege is
      //revoked from the constraint owner, the constraint will get
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  protected void storeViewTriggerDependenciesOnPrivileges(
      Activation activation, Dependent dependent)
  throws StandardException
    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = activation.getLanguageConnectionContext();
    DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
    DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
    //If the Database Owner is creating this view/triiger, then no need to 
    //collect any privilege dependencies because the Database Owner can 
    //access any objects without any restrictions
    if (!(lcc.getAuthorizationId().equals(dd.getAuthorizationDatabaseOwner())))
      PermissionsDescriptor permDesc;
      List requiredPermissionsList = activation.getPreparedStatement().getRequiredPermissionsList();
      if (requiredPermissionsList != null && ! requiredPermissionsList.isEmpty())
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    TableDescriptor        td;
    UUID              indexId = null;
    String            indexUUIDString;

    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = activation.getLanguageConnectionContext();
    DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
    DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
    TransactionController tc = lcc.getTransactionExecute();

    ** Inform the data dictionary that we are about to write to it.
    ** There are several calls to data dictionary "get" methods here
    ** that might be done in "read" mode in the data dictionary, but
    ** it seemed safer to do this whole operation in "write" mode.
    ** We tell the data dictionary we're done writing at the end of
    ** the transaction.

    td = dd.getTableDescriptor(tableId);

    if (td == null)
      throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_TABLE_NOT_FOUND_DURING_EXECUTION, tableName);

    /* Table gets locked in AlterTableConstantAction */

    ** If the schema descriptor is null, then
    ** we must have just read ourselves in. 
    ** So we will get the corresponding schema
    ** descriptor from the data dictionary.

    SchemaDescriptor tdSd = td.getSchemaDescriptor();
    SchemaDescriptor constraintSd =
      constraintSchemaName == null ? tdSd : dd.getSchemaDescriptor(constraintSchemaName, tc, true);

    /* Get the constraint descriptor for the index, along
     * with an exclusive row lock on the row in sys.sysconstraints
     * in order to ensure that no one else compiles against the
     * index.
    if (constraintName == null// this means "alter table drop primary key"
      conDesc = dd.getConstraintDescriptors(td).getPrimaryKey();
      conDesc = dd.getConstraintDescriptorByName(td, constraintSd, constraintName, true);

    // Error if constraint doesn't exist
    if (conDesc == null)
      String errorName = constraintName == null ? "PRIMARY KEY" :
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    RowLocationRetRowSource      rowSource;
    long            sortId;
    int              maxBaseColumnPosition = -1;

    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = activation.getLanguageConnectionContext();
    DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
    DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
    TransactionController tc = lcc.getTransactionExecute();

    /* Remember whether or not we are doing a create table */
    forCreateTable = activation.getForCreateTable();

    ** Inform the data dictionary that we are about to write to it.
    ** There are several calls to data dictionary "get" methods here
    ** that might be done in "read" mode in the data dictionary, but
    ** it seemed safer to do this whole operation in "write" mode.
    ** We tell the data dictionary we're done writing at the end of
    ** the transaction.

    ** If the schema descriptor is null, then
    ** we must have just read ourselves in. 
    ** So we will get the corresponding schema
    ** descriptor from the data dictionary.
    SchemaDescriptor sd = dd.getSchemaDescriptor(schemaName, tc, true) ;

    /* Get the table descriptor. */
    /* See if we can get the TableDescriptor
     * from the Activation.  (Will be there
     * for backing indexes.)
    td = activation.getDDLTableDescriptor();

    if (td == null)
      /* tableId will be non-null if adding an index to
       * an existing table (as opposed to creating a
       * table with a constraint with a backing index).
      if (tableId != null)
        td = dd.getTableDescriptor(tableId);
        td = dd.getTableDescriptor(tableName, sd);

    if (td == null)
      throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_CREATE_INDEX_NO_TABLE,
            indexName, tableName);

    if (td.getTableType() == TableDescriptor.SYSTEM_TABLE_TYPE)
      throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_CREATE_SYSTEM_INDEX_ATTEMPTED,
            indexName, tableName);

    /* Get a shared table lock on the table. We need to lock table before
     * invalidate dependents, otherwise, we may interfere with the
     * compilation/re-compilation of DML/DDL.  See beetle 4325 and $WS/
     * docs/language/SolutionsToConcurrencyIssues.txt (point f).
    lockTableForDDL(tc, td.getHeapConglomerateId(), false);

    // invalidate any prepared statements that
    // depended on this table (including this one)
    if (! forCreateTable)
      dm.invalidateFor(td, DependencyManager.CREATE_INDEX, lcc);

    // Translate the base column names to column positions
    baseColumnPositions = new int[columnNames.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++)
      // Look up the column in the data dictionary
      columnDescriptor = td.getColumnDescriptor(columnNames[i]);
      if (columnDescriptor == null)
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND_IN_TABLE,

      TypeId typeId = columnDescriptor.getType().getTypeId();

      // Don't allow a column to be created on a non-orderable type
      ClassFactory cf = lcc.getLanguageConnectionFactory().getClassFactory();
      boolean isIndexable = typeId.orderable(cf);

      if (isIndexable && typeId.userType()) {
        String userClass = typeId.getCorrespondingJavaTypeName();

        // Don't allow indexes to be created on classes that
        // are loaded from the database. This is because recovery
        // won't be able to see the class and it will need it to
        // run the compare method.
        try {
          if (cf.isApplicationClass(cf.loadApplicationClass(userClass)))
            isIndexable = false;
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
          // shouldn't happen as we just check the class is orderable
          isIndexable = false;

      if (!isIndexable) {
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_COLUMN_NOT_ORDERABLE_DURING_EXECUTION,

      // Remember the position in the base table of each column
      baseColumnPositions[i] = columnDescriptor.getPosition();

      if (maxBaseColumnPosition < baseColumnPositions[i])
        maxBaseColumnPosition = baseColumnPositions[i];

    // check if we have similar indices already for this table
    ConglomerateDescriptor[] congDescs = td.getConglomerateDescriptors();
    boolean duplicate = false;
        long conglomId = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < congDescs.length; i++)
      ConglomerateDescriptor cd = congDescs[i];
      if ( ! cd.isIndex())
      IndexRowGenerator irg = cd.getIndexDescriptor();
      int[] bcps = irg.baseColumnPositions();
      boolean[] ia = irg.isAscending();
      int j = 0;

      /* For an index to be considered a duplicate of already existing index, the
       * following conditions have to be satisfied:
       * 1. the set of columns (both key and include columns) and their
       *  order in the index is the same as that of an existing index AND
       * 2. the ordering attributes are the same AND
       * 3. both the previously existing index and the one being created
       *  are non-unique OR the previously existing index is unique

      if ((bcps.length == baseColumnPositions.length) &&
          (irg.isUnique() || !unique) &&
        for (; j < bcps.length; j++)
          if ((bcps[j] != baseColumnPositions[j]) || (ia[j] != isAscending[j]))

      if (j == baseColumnPositions.length// duplicate
         * Don't allow users to create a duplicate index. Allow if being done internally
         * for a constraint
        if (!isConstraint)


        //Duplicate indexes share the physical conglomerate underneath
        conglomId = cd.getConglomerateNumber();
        indexRowGenerator = cd.getIndexDescriptor();
        //DERBY-655 and DERBY-1343 
        //Duplicate indexes will have unqiue logical conglomerate UUIDs. 
        conglomerateUUID = dd.getUUIDFactory().createUUID();
        duplicate = true;

    /* If this index already has an essentially same one, we share the
     * conglomerate with the old one, and just simply add a descriptor
     * entry into SYSCONGLOMERATES.
    DataDescriptorGenerator ddg = dd.getDataDescriptorGenerator();
    if (duplicate)
      ConglomerateDescriptor cgd =
        ddg.newConglomerateDescriptor(conglomId, indexName, true,
                      indexRowGenerator, isConstraint,
                      conglomerateUUID, td.getUUID(), sd.getUUID() );
      dd.addDescriptor(cgd, sd, DataDictionary.SYSCONGLOMERATES_CATALOG_NUM, false, tc);
      // add newly added conglomerate to the list of conglomerate
      // descriptors in the td.
      ConglomerateDescriptorList cdl =

      // can't just return yet, need to get member "indexTemplateRow"
      // because create constraint may use it

    // Describe the properties of the index to the store using Properties
    // RESOLVE: The following properties assume a BTREE index.
    Properties  indexProperties;
    if (properties != null)
      indexProperties = properties;
      indexProperties = new Properties();

    // Tell it the conglomerate id of the base table

    // All indexes are unique because they contain the RowLocation.
    // The number of uniqueness columns must include the RowLocation
    // if the user did not specify a unique index.
          Integer.toString(unique ? baseColumnPositions.length :
                        baseColumnPositions.length + 1)

    // By convention, the row location column is the last column

    // For now, all columns are key fields, including the RowLocation
              Integer.toString(baseColumnPositions.length + 1));

    // For now, assume that all index columns are ordered columns
    if (! duplicate)
      indexRowGenerator = new IndexRowGenerator(indexType, unique,

    /* Now add the rows from the base table to the conglomerate.
     * We do this by scanning the base table and inserting the
     * rows into a sorter before inserting from the sorter
     * into the index.  This gives us better performance
     * and a more compact index.

    rowSource = null;
    sortId = 0;
    boolean needToDropSort = false// set to true once the sorter is created

    /* bulkFetchSIze will be 16 (for now) unless
     * we are creating the table in which case it
     * will be 1.  Too hard to remove scan when
     * creating index on new table, so minimize
     * work where we can.
    int bulkFetchSize = (forCreateTable) ? 1 : 16
    int numColumns = td.getNumberOfColumns();
    int approximateRowSize = 0;

    // Create the FormatableBitSet for mapping the partial to full base row
    FormatableBitSet bitSet = new FormatableBitSet(numColumns+1);
    for (int index = 0; index < baseColumnPositions.length; index++)
    FormatableBitSet zeroBasedBitSet = RowUtil.shift(bitSet, 1);

    // Start by opening a full scan on the base table.
    scan = tc.openGroupFetchScan(
              false,  // hold
              0// open base table read only
              zeroBasedBitSet,    // all fields as objects
              (DataValueDescriptor[]) null,  // startKeyValue
              0,    // not used when giving null start posn.
              null,  // qualifier
              (DataValueDescriptor[]) null,  // stopKeyValue
              0);    // not used when giving null stop posn.

    // Create an array to put base row template
    baseRows = new ExecRow[bulkFetchSize];
    indexRows = new ExecIndexRow[bulkFetchSize];
    compactBaseRows = new ExecRow[bulkFetchSize];

      // Create the array of base row template
      for (int i = 0; i < bulkFetchSize; i++)
        // create a base row template
        baseRows[i] = activation.getExecutionFactory().getValueRow(maxBaseColumnPosition);

        // create an index row template
        indexRows[i] = indexRowGenerator.getIndexRowTemplate();

        // create a compact base row template
        compactBaseRows[i] = activation.getExecutionFactory().getValueRow(

      indexTemplateRow = indexRows[0];

      // Fill the partial row with nulls of the correct type
      ColumnDescriptorList cdl = td.getColumnDescriptorList();
      int           cdlSize = cdl.size();
      for (int index = 0, numSet = 0; index < cdlSize; index++)
        if (! zeroBasedBitSet.get(index))
        ColumnDescriptor cd = (ColumnDescriptor) cdl.elementAt(index);
        DataTypeDescriptor dts = cd.getType();

        for (int i = 0; i < bulkFetchSize; i++)
          // Put the column in both the compact and sparse base rows
          baseRows[i].setColumn(index + 1,
                  baseRows[i].getColumn(index + 1));

        // Calculate the approximate row size for the index row
        approximateRowSize += dts.getTypeId().getApproximateLengthInBytes(dts);

      // Get an array of RowLocation template
      RowLocation rl[] = new RowLocation[bulkFetchSize];
      for (int i = 0; i < bulkFetchSize; i++)
        rl[i] = scan.newRowLocationTemplate();

        // Get an index row based on the base row
        indexRowGenerator.getIndexRow(compactBaseRows[i], rl[i], indexRows[i], bitSet);

      /* now that we got indexTemplateRow, done for duplicate index
      if (duplicate)

      /* For non-unique indexes, we order by all columns + the RID.
       * For unique indexes, we just order by the columns.
       * We create a unique index observer for unique indexes
       * so that we can catch duplicate key.
       * We create a basic sort observer for non-unique indexes
       * so that we can reuse the wrappers during an external
       * sort.
      int numColumnOrderings;
      SortObserver sortObserver = null;
      if (unique)
        numColumnOrderings = baseColumnPositions.length;
        // if the index is a constraint, use constraintname in possible error messagge
        String indexOrConstraintName = indexName;
        if  (conglomerateUUID != null)
          ConglomerateDescriptor cd = dd.getConglomerateDescriptor(conglomerateUUID);
          if ((isConstraint) && (cd != null && cd.getUUID() != null && td != null))
            ConstraintDescriptor conDesc = dd.getConstraintDescriptor(td,
            indexOrConstraintName = conDesc.getConstraintName();
        sortObserver = new UniqueIndexSortObserver(true, isConstraint,
        numColumnOrderings = baseColumnPositions.length + 1;
        sortObserver = new BasicSortObserver(true, false,

      ColumnOrdering[]  order = new ColumnOrdering[numColumnOrderings];
      for (int i=0; i < numColumnOrderings; i++)
        order[i] =
                    new IndexColumnOrder(
                        unique || i < numColumnOrderings - 1 ?
                            isAscending[i] : true);

      // create the sorter
      sortId = tc.createSort((Properties)null,
          false,      // not in order
          approximateRowSize  // est row size, -1 means no idea 

      needToDropSort = true;

      // Populate sorter and get the output of the sorter into a row
      // source.  The sorter has the indexed columns only and the columns
      // are in the correct order.
      rowSource = loadSorter(baseRows, indexRows, tc,
                   scan, sortId, rl);

      conglomId =
          indexTemplateRow.getRowArray()// index row template
          order, //colums sort order
          TransactionController.IS_DEFAULT, // not temporary
          (long[]) null);

      /* close the table scan */
      if (scan != null)

      /* close the sorter row source before throwing exception */
      if (rowSource != null)

      ** drop the sort so that intermediate external sort run can be
      ** removed from disk
      if (needToDropSort)

    ConglomerateController indexController =
                conglomId, false, 0, TransactionController.MODE_TABLE,

    // Check to make sure that the conglomerate can be used as an index
    if ( ! indexController.isKeyed())
      throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_NON_KEYED_INDEX, indexName,

    // Create a conglomerate descriptor with the conglomId filled in and
    // add it.

    ConglomerateDescriptor cgd =
      ddg.newConglomerateDescriptor(conglomId, indexName, true,
                      indexRowGenerator, isConstraint,
                      conglomerateUUID, td.getUUID(), sd.getUUID() );

    dd.addDescriptor(cgd, sd, DataDictionary.SYSCONGLOMERATES_CATALOG_NUM, false, tc);

    // add newly added conglomerate to the list of conglomerate descriptors
    // in the td.
    ConglomerateDescriptorList cdl = td.getConglomerateDescriptorList();

    CardinalityCounter cCount = (CardinalityCounter)rowSource;
    long numRows;
    if ((numRows = cCount.getRowCount()) > 0)
      long[] c = cCount.getCardinality();
      for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
        StatisticsDescriptor statDesc =
          new StatisticsDescriptor(dd, dd.getUUIDFactory().createUUID(),
                        cgd.getUUID(), td.getUUID(), "I", new StatisticsImpl(numRows, c[i]),
                        i + 1);
        dd.addDescriptor(statDesc, null,
                 true, tc);
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   * @see #addNewColumnsForAggregation
  private void addAggregateColumns() throws StandardException
    DataDictionary      dd = getDataDictionary();
    AggregateNode  aggregate = null;
    ColumnReference  newColumnRef;
    ResultColumn  newRC;
    ResultColumn  tmpRC;
    ResultColumn  aggInputRC;
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    TableDescriptor td;
    UUID tableID;

    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = activation.getLanguageConnectionContext();
    DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
    DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
    TransactionController tc = lcc.getTransactionExecute();

    ** Inform the data dictionary that we are about to write to it.
    ** There are several calls to data dictionary "get" methods here
    ** that might be done in "read" mode in the data dictionary, but
    ** it seemed safer to do this whole operation in "write" mode.
    ** We tell the data dictionary we're done writing at the end of
    ** the transaction.

    td = dd.getTableDescriptor(tableId);

    if (td == null)
      throw StandardException.newException(

    ** If the schema descriptor is null, then
    ** we must have just read ourselves in.
    ** So we will get the corresponding schema
    ** descriptor from the data dictionary.
    if (sd == null)
      sd = getAndCheckSchemaDescriptor(dd, schemaId, "RENAME TABLE");

    long heapId = td.getHeapConglomerateId();

    /* need to lock table, beetle 4271
    lockTableForDDL(tc, heapId, true);

    /* need to get td again, in case it's changed before lock acquired
    td = dd.getTableDescriptor(tableId);
    if (td == null)
      throw StandardException.newException(
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    ConstraintDescriptorList constraintDescriptorList;
    ConstraintDescriptor constraintDescriptor;

    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = activation.getLanguageConnectionContext();
    DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
    DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
    TransactionController tc = lcc.getTransactionExecute();
    dm.invalidateFor(td, DependencyManager.RENAME, lcc);

    /* look for foreign key dependency on the table. If found any,
    use dependency manager to pass the rename action to the
    dependents. */
    constraintDescriptorList = dd.getConstraintDescriptors(td);
    for(int index=0; index<constraintDescriptorList.size(); index++)
      constraintDescriptor = constraintDescriptorList.elementAt(index);
      if (constraintDescriptor instanceof ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor)
        dm.invalidateFor(constraintDescriptor, DependencyManager.RENAME, lcc);

    // Drop the table
    dd.dropTableDescriptor(td, sd, tc);
    // Change the table name of the table descriptor
    // add the table descriptor with new name
    dd.addDescriptor(td, sd, DataDictionary.SYSTABLES_CATALOG_NUM,
             false, tc);
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Related Classes of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary

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