* {@inheritDoc}
public void insert(Connection connection, Database model, DynaBean dynaBean) throws DatabaseOperationException
SqlDynaClass dynaClass = model.getDynaClassFor(dynaBean);
SqlDynaProperty[] properties = getPropertiesForInsertion(model, dynaClass, dynaBean);
Column[] autoIncrColumns = getRelevantIdentityColumns(model, dynaClass, dynaBean);
if ((properties.length == 0) && (autoIncrColumns.length == 0))
_log.warn("Cannot insert instances of type " + dynaClass + " because it has no usable properties");
String insertSql = createInsertSql(model, dynaClass, properties, null);
String queryIdentitySql = null;
if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
_log.debug("About to execute SQL: " + insertSql);
if (autoIncrColumns.length > 0)
if (!getPlatformInfo().isLastIdentityValueReadable())
_log.warn("The database does not support querying for auto-generated column values");
queryIdentitySql = createSelectLastInsertIdSql(model, dynaClass);
boolean autoCommitMode = false;
PreparedStatement statement = null;
if (!getPlatformInfo().isAutoCommitModeForLastIdentityValueReading())
autoCommitMode = connection.getAutoCommit();
beforeInsert(connection, dynaClass.getTable());
statement = connection.prepareStatement(insertSql);
for (int idx = 0; idx < properties.length; idx++ )
setObject(statement, idx + 1, dynaBean, properties[idx]);
int count = statement.executeUpdate();
afterInsert(connection, dynaClass.getTable());
if (count != 1)
_log.warn("Attempted to insert a single row " + dynaBean +
" in table " + dynaClass.getTableName() +
" but changed " + count + " row(s)");
catch (SQLException ex)