// the non-wrapper style will get the type info from the part directly
public static String getFullClzName(Part part, ToolContext env,
ClassCollector collector, boolean boxify) {
DataBindingGenerator dataBindingGenerator = (DataBindingGenerator)env
String jtype = null;
QName xmlTypeName = getElementName(part);
if (xmlTypeName == null) {
xmlTypeName = part.getTypeName();
// if this flag is true , mapping to java Type first;
// if not found , findd the primitive type : int ,long
// if not found, find in the generated class
if (boxify && dataBindingGenerator != null) {
jtype = dataBindingGenerator.getJavaType(xmlTypeName, true);
if (boxify && dataBindingGenerator == null) {
Class holderClass = JAXBUtils.holderClass(xmlTypeName.getLocalPart());
jtype = holderClass == null ? null : holderClass.getName();
if (jtype == null) {
jtype = JAXBUtils.builtInTypeToJavaType(xmlTypeName.getLocalPart());
if (!boxify && dataBindingGenerator != null) {
jtype = dataBindingGenerator.getJavaType(xmlTypeName, false);
if (!boxify && dataBindingGenerator == null) {
jtype = JAXBUtils.builtInTypeToJavaType(xmlTypeName.getLocalPart());