Implements the Visitor pattern for the Service model. The visit order is as follows:
1) Begin the overall service info. 2) Begin the service's interface. 3) For each operation, begin the operation. 3.1) begin the input message. 3.1.1) begin and end each part of the input message. 3.2) end the input message. 3.3) begin the output message. 3.3.1) begin and end each part of the output message. 3.4) end the output message 3.5) begin each fault. (3.5-3.6 repeated for each fault) 3.5.1) begin and end each part of each fault 3.6) end each fault. 3.7) if a wrapped operation, begin the corresponding unwrapped operation. 3.8) process the entire unwrapped operation starting at (3). 3.9) end the unwrapped operation. 4) end the operation. 5) end the interface. 6) For each endpoint (= port) begin and end the EndpointInfo 7) For each binding (= BindingInfo) begin and end the BindingInfo. 8) end the service info.
Unwrapped operations
share messages with their corresponding wrapped messages, so beware of processing the same messages twice as if unique.