BookSoapService service =
new BookSoapService(new URL(wsdlAddress),
new QName("", "BookService"));
BookStoreJaxrsJaxws store = service.getBookPort();
TransformOutInterceptor out = new TransformOutInterceptor();
Map<String, String> mapOut = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Book content (id, name) is unqualified, thus the following works
// because JAXB will report
// - {}Book
// - id
// - name
// and only the qualified top-level Book tag gets matched by the following
// mapping
mapOut.put("{}*", "*");
TransformInInterceptor in = new TransformInInterceptor();
Map<String, String> mapIn = new HashMap<String, String>();
// mapIn.put("*", "{}*");
// won't work for a case where a totally unqualified getBookResponse needs to be