// and only the qualified top-level Book tag gets matched by the following
// mapping
mapOut.put("{http://jaxws.jaxrs.systest.cxf.apache.org/}*", "*");
TransformInInterceptor in = new TransformInInterceptor();
Map<String, String> mapIn = new HashMap<String, String>();
// mapIn.put("*", "{http://jaxws.jaxrs.systest.cxf.apache.org/}*");
// won't work for a case where a totally unqualified getBookResponse needs to be
// qualified such that only the top-level getBookResponse is processed because of '*'.
// Such a mapping would work nicely if we had say a package-info making both
// Book id & name qualified; otherwise we need to choose what tag we need to qualify
// mapIn.put("*", "{http://jaxws.jaxrs.systest.cxf.apache.org/}*");
// works too if the schema validation is disabled
mapIn.put("getBookResponse", "{http://jaxws.jaxrs.systest.cxf.apache.org/}getBookResponse");
Client cl = ClientProxy.getClient(store);