doc = DOMUtils.readXml(new ByteArrayInputStream(wresult));
el = doc.getDocumentElement();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to parse wresult: " + e.getMessage());
throw new ProcessingException(TYPE.INVALID_REQUEST);
if ("RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection".equals(el.getLocalName())) {
el = DOMUtils.getFirstElement(el);
if (!"RequestSecurityTokenResponse".equals(el.getLocalName())) {
LOG.warn("Unexpected root element of wresult: '" + el.getLocalName() + "'");
throw new ProcessingException(TYPE.INVALID_REQUEST);
el = DOMUtils.getFirstElement(el);
Element rst = null;
Element lifetimeElem = null;
String tt = null;
while (el != null) {
String ln = el.getLocalName();
if (FederationConstants.WS_TRUST_13_NS.equals(el.getNamespaceURI())
|| FederationConstants.WS_TRUST_2005_02_NS.equals(el.getNamespaceURI())) {
if ("Lifetime".equals(ln)) {
lifetimeElem = el;
} else if ("RequestedSecurityToken".equals(ln)) {
rst = DOMUtils.getFirstElement(el);
} else if ("TokenType".equals(ln)) {
tt = DOMUtils.getContent(el);
el = DOMUtils.getNextElement(el);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("RST: " + ((rst != null) ? rst.toString() : "null"));
LOG.debug("Lifetime: "
+ ((lifetimeElem != null) ? lifetimeElem.toString()
: "null"));
LOG.debug("Tokentype: " + ((tt != null) ? tt.toString() : "null"));
if (rst == null) {
LOG.warn("RequestedSecurityToken element not found in wresult");
throw new ProcessingException(TYPE.BAD_REQUEST);
LifeTime lifeTime = null;
if (lifetimeElem != null) {
lifeTime = processLifeTime(lifetimeElem);
if (config.isDetectExpiredTokens() && lifeTime != null) {
Date currentDate = new Date();
if (currentDate.after(lifeTime.getExpires())) {
LOG.warn("RSTR Lifetime expired");
throw new ProcessingException(TYPE.TOKEN_EXPIRED);
DateTime currentTime = new DateTime();
DateTime validFrom = new DateTime(lifeTime.created);
currentTime = currentTime.plusSeconds(config.getMaximumClockSkew().intValue());
if (validFrom.isAfter(currentTime)) {
LOG.debug("RSTR Lifetime not yet valid");
throw new ProcessingException(TYPE.TOKEN_INVALID);
// Check to see if RST is encrypted
if ("EncryptedData".equals(rst.getLocalName())
&& WSConstants.ENC_NS.equals(rst.getNamespaceURI())) {
Element decryptedRST = decryptEncryptedRST(rst, config);
if (decryptedRST != null) {
rst = decryptedRST;
TokenValidatorResponse validatorResponse = null;
List<TokenValidator> validators = ((FederationProtocol)config.getProtocol()).getTokenValidators();
for (TokenValidator validator : validators) {
boolean canHandle = false;
if (tt != null) {
canHandle = validator.canHandleTokenType(tt);
} else {
canHandle = validator.canHandleToken(rst);
if (canHandle) {
try {
TokenValidatorRequest validatorRequest =
new TokenValidatorRequest(rst, request.getCerts());
validatorResponse = validator.validateAndProcessToken(validatorRequest, config);
} catch (ProcessingException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.warn("Failed to validate token", ex);
throw new ProcessingException(TYPE.TOKEN_INVALID);
} else {
LOG.warn("No security token validator found for '" + tt + "'");
throw new ProcessingException(TYPE.BAD_REQUEST);
// Check whether token already used for signin
if (validatorResponse.getUniqueTokenId() != null
&& config.isDetectReplayedTokens()) {
// Check whether token has already been processed once, prevent
// replay attack
if (config.getTokenReplayCache().getId(validatorResponse.getUniqueTokenId()) == null) {
// not cached
Date expires = null;
if (lifeTime != null && lifeTime.getExpires() != null) {
expires = lifeTime.getExpires();
} else {
expires = validatorResponse.getExpires();
if (expires != null) {
Date currentTime = new Date();
long ttl = expires.getTime() - currentTime.getTime();
config.getTokenReplayCache().putId(validatorResponse.getUniqueTokenId(), ttl / 1000L);
} else {
} else {
LOG.error("Replay attack with token id: " + validatorResponse.getUniqueTokenId());
throw new ProcessingException("Replay attack with token id: "
+ validatorResponse.getUniqueTokenId(), TYPE.TOKEN_REPLAY);
FederationResponse fedResponse = new FederationResponse(