Package org.apache.cxf.aegis.type

Examples of org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.AegisType

        if (null == typeName && !readToDocument) {
            throw new DatabindingException("Missing 'xsi:type' attribute value");

        AegisType type = null;
        QName typeQName = null;

        if (typeName != null) {
            typeName = typeName.trim();
            typeQName = extractQName(reader, typeName);
        } else {
            typeQName = reader.getName();

        TypeMapping tm = context.getTypeMapping();
        if (tm == null) {
            tm = getTypeMapping();

        type = tm.getType(typeQName);

        if (type == null) {
            type = tm.getType(getSchemaType());

        if (type == this) {
            throw new DatabindingException("Could not determine how to read type: " + typeQName);

        if (type == null && readToDocument) {
            type = getTypeMapping().getType(Document.class);

        if (null == type) {
            // TODO should check namespace as well..
            if (serializedWhenUnknown && "serializedJavaObject".equals(typeName)) {
                return reconstituteJavaObject(reader);

            throw new DatabindingException("No mapped type for '" + typeName + "' (" + typeQName + ")");

        return type.readObject(reader, context);
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        } else {
            AegisType type = determineType(context, object.getClass());

            if (null == type) {
                TypeMapping tm = context.getTypeMapping();
                if (tm == null) {
                    tm = getTypeMapping();

                type = tm.getTypeCreator().createType(object.getClass());

            boolean nextIsBeanType = type instanceof BeanType;
            if (nextIsBeanType) {
                ((BeanType)type).writeObjectFromObjectType(object, writer, context, true);
            } else {
                type.writeObject(object, writer, context);
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    public AegisType determineType(Context context, Class<?> clazz) {
        TypeMapping tm = context.getTypeMapping();
        if (tm == null) {
            tm = getTypeMapping();
        AegisType type = tm.getType(clazz);

        if (null != type) {
            return type;
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        if (genericType == null) {
            genericType = type;
        AegisContext context = getAegisContext(type, genericType);
        AegisType aegisType = context.getTypeMapping().getType(genericType);
        AegisWriter<XMLStreamWriter> aegisWriter = context.createXMLStreamWriter();
        try {
            W3CDOMStreamWriter w3cStreamWriter = new W3CDOMStreamWriter();
            XMLStreamWriter spyingWriter = new PrefixCollectingXMLStreamWriter(w3cStreamWriter,
            // use type qname as element qname?
            aegisWriter.write(obj, aegisType.getSchemaType(), false, spyingWriter, aegisType);
            Document dom = w3cStreamWriter.getDocument();
            // ok, now the namespace map has all the prefixes.
            String enc = HttpUtils.getSetEncoding(m, headers, "UTF-8");
            XMLStreamWriter xmlStreamWriter = createStreamWriter(aegisType.getSchemaType(), enc, os);
            StaxUtils.copy(dom, xmlStreamWriter);
            // Jettison needs, and StaxUtils.copy doesn't do it.
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        if (type == null) {
            type = messyCastToRawType(genericType);

        AegisContext context = getAegisContext(type, genericType);
        AegisType typeToRead = context.getTypeMapping().getType(genericType);
        AegisReader<XMLStreamReader> aegisReader = context.createXMLStreamReader();
        XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader = null;
        try {
            xmlStreamReader = createStreamReader(typeToRead, is);
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        if (genericType == null) {
            genericType = type;
        AegisContext context = getAegisContext(type, genericType);
        AegisType aegisType = context.getTypeMapping().getType(genericType);
        AegisWriter<XMLStreamWriter> aegisWriter = context.createXMLStreamWriter();
        try {
            String enc = HttpUtils.getSetEncoding(m, headers, "UTF-8");
            XMLStreamWriter xmlStreamWriter = createStreamWriter(aegisType.getSchemaType(), enc, os);
            // use type qname as element qname?
            aegisWriter.write(obj, aegisType.getSchemaType(), false, xmlStreamWriter, aegisType);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw ExceptionUtils.toInternalServerErrorException(e, null);
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        if (isFlat()) {
            // the reader does some really confusing things.
            XMLStreamReader xmlReader = reader.getXMLStreamReader();
            while (xmlReader.getName().equals(flatElementName)) {
                AegisType compType = TypeUtil.getReadType(reader.getXMLStreamReader(),
                                                     context.getGlobalContext(), getComponentType());
                // gosh, what about message readers of some other type?
                ElementReader thisItemReader = new ElementReader(xmlReader);
                collectOneItem(context, values, thisItemReader, compType);
        } else {
            while (reader.hasMoreElementReaders()) {
                MessageReader creader = reader.getNextElementReader();
                AegisType compType = TypeUtil.getReadType(creader.getXMLStreamReader(),
                                                     context.getGlobalContext(), getComponentType());
                collectOneItem(context, values, creader, compType);
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        if (values instanceof Collection) {
            Collection<?> c = (Collection<?>)values;
            values = c.toArray();

        AegisType type = getComponentType();
        if (type == null) {
            throw new DatabindingException("Couldn't find type for array.");
        if (XmlSchemaConstants.ANY_TYPE_QNAME.equals(type.getSchemaType())) {
            forceXsiWrite = true;

        String ns = null;
        if (type.isAbstract()) {
            ns = getSchemaType().getNamespaceURI();
        } else {
            ns = type.getSchemaType().getNamespaceURI();

         * This is not the right name in the 'flat' case. In the flat case,
         * we need the element name that would have been attached
         * one level out.
        String name;

        if (isFlat()) {
            name = flatElementName.getLocalPart();
            ns = flatElementName.getNamespaceURI(); // override the namespace.
        } else {
            name = type.getSchemaType().getLocalPart();

        Class<?> arrayType = type.getTypeClass();

        boolean oldXsiWrite = context.getGlobalContext().isWriteXsiTypes();
        try {
            if (forceXsiWrite) {
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        XmlSchemaSequence seq = new XmlSchemaSequence();

        AegisType componentType = getComponentType();
        XmlSchemaElement element = new XmlSchemaElement(root, false);


        if (componentType.isNillable()) {

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     * @return
    public AegisType getComponentType() {
        Class<?> compType = getTypeClass().getComponentType();

        AegisType type;

        if (componentName == null) {
            type = getTypeMapping().getType(compType);
        } else {
            type = getTypeMapping().getType(componentName);
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Related Classes of org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.AegisType

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