Package org.apache.commons.scxml

Examples of org.apache.commons.scxml.Evaluator

     * @param scInstance
     *            The state chart instance
    public void initiateInvokes(final Step step, final ErrorReporter errRep,
            final SCInstance scInstance) {
        Evaluator eval = scInstance.getEvaluator();
        Collection internalEvents = step.getAfterStatus().getEvents();
        for (Iterator iter = step.getAfterStatus().getStates().iterator();
                iter.hasNext();) {
            State s = (State);
            Context ctx = scInstance.getContext(s);
            Invoke i = s.getInvoke();
            if (i != null && scInstance.getInvoker(s) == null) {
                String src = i.getSrc();
                if (src == null) {
                    String srcexpr = i.getSrcexpr();
                    Object srcObj = null;
                    try {
                        ctx.setLocal(NAMESPACES_KEY, i.getNamespaces());
                        srcObj = eval.eval(ctx, srcexpr);
                        ctx.setLocal(NAMESPACES_KEY, null);
                        src = String.valueOf(srcObj);
                    } catch (SCXMLExpressionException see) {
                            see.getMessage(), i);
                String source = src;
                PathResolver pr = i.getPathResolver();
                if (pr != null) {
                    source = i.getPathResolver().resolvePath(src);
                String ttype = i.getTargettype();
                Invoker inv = null;
                try {
                    inv = scInstance.newInvoker(ttype);
                } catch (InvokerException ie) {
                    TriggerEvent te = new TriggerEvent(s.getId()
                        + ".invoke.failed", TriggerEvent.ERROR_EVENT);
                List params = i.params();
                Map args = new HashMap();
                for (Iterator pIter = params.iterator(); pIter.hasNext();) {
                    Param p = (Param);
                    String argExpr = p.getExpr();
                    Object argValue = null;
                    ctx.setLocal(NAMESPACES_KEY, p.getNamespaces());
                    // Do we have an "expr" attribute?
                    if (argExpr != null && argExpr.trim().length() > 0) {
                        // Yes, evaluate and store as parameter value
                        try {
                            argValue = eval.eval(ctx, argExpr);
                        } catch (SCXMLExpressionException see) {
                                see.getMessage(), i);
                    } else {
                        // No. Does value of "name" attribute refer to a valid
                        // location in the data model?
                        try {
                            argValue = eval.evalLocation(ctx, p.getName());
                            if (argValue == null) {
                                // Generate error, 4.3.1 in WD-scxml-20080516
                                TriggerEvent te = new TriggerEvent(s.getId()
                                    + ERR_ILLEGAL_ALLOC,
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            final ErrorReporter errRep, final SCInstance scInstance,
            final Log appLog, final Collection derivedEvents)
    throws ModelException, SCXMLExpressionException {
        TransitionTarget parentTarget = getParentTransitionTarget();
        Context ctx = scInstance.getContext(parentTarget);
        Evaluator eval = scInstance.getEvaluator();
        ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), getNamespaces());
        // "location" gets preference over "name"
        if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(location)) {
            Node oldNode = eval.evalLocation(ctx, location);
            if (oldNode != null) {
                //// rvalue may be ...
                // a Node, if so, import it at location
                Node newNode = null;
                try {
                    if (src != null && src.trim().length() > 0) {
                        newNode = getSrcNode();
                    } else {
                        newNode = eval.evalLocation(ctx, expr);
                    // Remove all children
                    Node removeChild = oldNode.getFirstChild();
                    while (removeChild != null) {
                        Node nextChild = removeChild.getNextSibling();
                        removeChild = nextChild;
                    if (newNode != null) {
                        // Adopt new children
                        for (Node child = newNode.getFirstChild();
                                child != null;
                                child = child.getNextSibling()) {
                            Node importedNode = oldNode.getOwnerDocument().
                                importNode(child, true);
                } catch (SCXMLExpressionException see) {
                    // or something else, stuff toString() into lvalue
                    Object valueObject = eval.eval(ctx, expr);
                    SCXMLHelper.setNodeValue(oldNode, valueObject.toString());
                if (appLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    appLog.debug("<assign>: data node '" + oldNode.getNodeName()
                        + "' updated");
                TriggerEvent ev = new TriggerEvent(name + ".change",
            } else {
                appLog.error("<assign>: location does not point to"
                    + " a <data> node");
        } else {
            // lets try "name" (usage as in Sep '05 WD, useful with <var>)
            if (!ctx.has(name)) {
                errRep.onError(ErrorConstants.UNDEFINED_VARIABLE, name
                    + " = null", parentTarget);
            } else {
                Object varObj = null;
                if (src != null && src.trim().length() > 0) {
                    varObj = getSrcNode();
                } else {
                    varObj = eval.eval(ctx, expr);
                ctx.set(name, varObj);
                if (appLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    appLog.debug("<assign>: Set variable '" + name + "' to '"
                        + String.valueOf(varObj) + "'");
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    throws ModelException, SCXMLExpressionException {
        // Send attributes evaluation
        TransitionTarget parentTarget = getParentTransitionTarget();
        Context ctx = scInstance.getContext(parentTarget);
        ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), getNamespaces());
        Evaluator eval = scInstance.getEvaluator();
        // Most attributes of <send> are expressions so need to be
        // evaluated before the EventDispatcher callback
        Object hintsValue = null;
        if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(hints)) {
            hintsValue = eval.eval(ctx, hints);
        String targetValue = target;
        if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(target)) {
            targetValue = (String) eval.eval(ctx, target);
            if (SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(targetValue)
                    && appLog.isWarnEnabled()) {
                appLog.warn("<send>: target expression \"" + target
                    + "\" evaluated to null or empty String");
        String targettypeValue = targettype;
        if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(targettype)) {
            targettypeValue = (String) eval.eval(ctx, targettype);
            if (SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(targettypeValue)
                    && appLog.isWarnEnabled()) {
                appLog.warn("<send>: targettype expression \"" + targettype
                    + "\" evaluated to null or empty String");
        } else {
            // must default to 'scxml' when unspecified
            targettypeValue = TARGETTYPE_SCXML;
        Map params = null;
        if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(namelist)) {
            StringTokenizer tkn = new StringTokenizer(namelist);
            params = new HashMap(tkn.countTokens());
            while (tkn.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String varName = tkn.nextToken();
                Object varObj = ctx.get(varName);
                if (varObj == null) {
                    //considered as a warning here
                            varName + " = null", parentTarget);
                params.put(varName, varObj);
        long wait = 0L;
        if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(delay)) {
            Object delayValue = eval.eval(ctx, delay);
            if (delayValue != null) {
                String delayString = delayValue.toString();
                wait = parseDelay(delayString, appLog);
        String eventValue = event;
        if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(event)) {
            eventValue = (String) eval.eval(ctx, event);
            if (SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(eventValue)
                    && appLog.isWarnEnabled()) {
                appLog.warn("<send>: event expression \"" + event
                    + "\" evaluated to null or empty String");
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            final ErrorReporter errRep, final SCInstance scInstance,
            final org.apache.commons.logging.Log appLog,
            final Collection derivedEvents)
    throws ModelException, SCXMLExpressionException {
        Context ctx = scInstance.getContext(getParentTransitionTarget());
        Evaluator eval = scInstance.getEvaluator();
        ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), getNamespaces()); + ": " + String.valueOf(eval.eval(ctx, expr)));
        ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), null);
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    public void execute(final EventDispatcher evtDispatcher,
            final ErrorReporter errRep, final SCInstance scInstance,
            final Log appLog, final Collection derivedEvents)
    throws ModelException, SCXMLExpressionException {
        Context ctx = scInstance.getContext(getParentTransitionTarget());
        Evaluator eval = scInstance.getEvaluator();
        ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), getNamespaces());
        Object varObj = eval.eval(ctx, expr);
        ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), null);
        ctx.setLocal(name, varObj);
        if (appLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
            appLog.debug("<var>: Defined variable '" + name
                + "' with initial value '" + String.valueOf(varObj) + "'");
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            final ErrorReporter errRep, final SCInstance scInstance,
            final Log appLog, final Collection derivedEvents)
    throws ModelException, SCXMLExpressionException {
        TransitionTarget parentTarget = getParentTransitionTarget();
        Context ctx = scInstance.getContext(parentTarget);
        Evaluator eval = scInstance.getEvaluator();
        ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), getNamespaces());
        execute = eval.evalCond(ctx, cond).booleanValue();
        ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), null);
        // The "if" statement is a "container"
        for (Iterator ifiter = actions.iterator(); ifiter.hasNext();) {
            Action aa = (Action);
            if (execute && !(aa instanceof ElseIf)
                    && !(aa instanceof Else)) {
                aa.execute(evtDispatcher, errRep, scInstance, appLog,
            } else if (execute
                    && (aa instanceof ElseIf || aa instanceof Else)) {
            } else if (aa instanceof Else) {
                execute = true;
            } else if (aa instanceof ElseIf) {
                ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), getNamespaces());
                execute = eval.evalCond(ctx, ((ElseIf) aa).getCond())
                ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), null);
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        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new InvokerException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe.getCause());
        } catch (SAXException se) {
            throw new InvokerException(se.getMessage(), se.getCause());
        Evaluator eval = parentSCInstance.getEvaluator();
        executor = new SCXMLExecutor(eval,
            new SimpleDispatcher(), new SimpleErrorReporter());
        Context rootCtx = eval.newContext(null);
        for (Iterator iter = params.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            rootCtx.setLocal((String) entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
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    throws ModelException, SCXMLExpressionException {
        // Send attributes evaluation
        State parentState = getParentState();
        Context ctx = scInstance.getContext(parentState);
        ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), getNamespaces());
        Evaluator eval = scInstance.getEvaluator();
        // Most attributes of <send> are expressions so need to be
        // evaluated before the EventDispatcher callback
        Object hintsValue = null;
        if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(hints)) {
            hintsValue = eval.eval(ctx, hints);
        String targetValue = target;
        if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(target)) {
            targetValue = (String) eval.eval(ctx, target);
            if (SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(targetValue)
                    && appLog.isWarnEnabled()) {
                appLog.warn("<send>: target expression \"" + target
                    + "\" evaluated to null or empty String");
        String targettypeValue = targettype;
        if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(targettype)) {
            targettypeValue = (String) eval.eval(ctx, targettype);
            if (SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(targettypeValue)
                    && appLog.isWarnEnabled()) {
                appLog.warn("<send>: targettype expression \"" + targettype
                    + "\" evaluated to null or empty String");
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            final ErrorReporter errRep, final SCInstance scInstance,
            final Log appLog, final Collection derivedEvents)
    throws ModelException, SCXMLExpressionException {
        State parentState = getParentState();
        Context ctx = scInstance.getContext(parentState);
        Evaluator eval = scInstance.getEvaluator();
        ctx.setLocal(getNamespacesKey(), getNamespaces());
        // "location" gets preference over "name"
        if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(location)) {
            Node oldNode = eval.evalLocation(ctx, location);
            if (oldNode != null) {
                //// rvalue may be ...
                // a Node, if so, import it at location
                Node newNode = null;
                try {
                    if (src != null && src.trim().length() > 0) {
                        newNode = getSrcNode();
                    } else {
                        newNode = eval.evalLocation(ctx, expr);
                    if (newNode != null) {
                        // adopt children, possible spec clarification needed
                        for (Node child = newNode.getFirstChild();
                                child != null;
                                child = child.getNextSibling()) {
                            Node importedNode = oldNode.getOwnerDocument().
                                importNode(child, true);
                } catch (SCXMLExpressionException see) {
                    // or something else, stuff toString() into lvalue
                    Object valueObject = eval.eval(ctx, expr);
                    SCXMLHelper.setNodeValue(oldNode, valueObject.toString());
                if (appLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    appLog.debug("<assign>: data node '" + oldNode.getNodeName()
                        + "' updated");
                TriggerEvent ev = new TriggerEvent(name + ".change",
            } else {
                appLog.error("<assign>: location does not point to"
                    + " a <data> node");
        } else {
            // lets try "name" (usage as in Sep '05 WD, useful with <var>)
            if (!ctx.has(name)) {
                errRep.onError(ErrorConstants.UNDEFINED_VARIABLE, name
                    + " = null", parentState);
            } else {
                Object varObj = null;
                if (src != null && src.trim().length() > 0) {
                    varObj = getSrcNode();
                } else {
                    varObj = eval.eval(ctx, expr);
                ctx.set(name, varObj);
                if (appLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    appLog.debug("<assign>: Set variable '" + name + "' to '"
                        + String.valueOf(varObj) + "'");
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     * @param scInstance
     *            The state chart instance
    public void initiateInvokes(final Step step, final ErrorReporter errRep,
            final SCInstance scInstance) {
        Evaluator eval = scInstance.getEvaluator();
        Collection internalEvents = step.getAfterStatus().getEvents();
        for (Iterator iter = step.getAfterStatus().getStates().iterator();
                iter.hasNext();) {
            State s = (State);
            Context ctx = scInstance.getContext(s);
            Invoke i = s.getInvoke();
            if (i != null && scInstance.getInvoker(s) == null) {
                String src = i.getSrc();
                if (src == null) {
                    String srcexpr = i.getSrcexpr();
                    Object srcObj = null;
                    try {
                        ctx.setLocal(NAMESPACES_KEY, i.getNamespaces());
                        srcObj = eval.eval(ctx, srcexpr);
                        ctx.setLocal(NAMESPACES_KEY, null);
                        src = String.valueOf(srcObj);
                    } catch (SCXMLExpressionException see) {
                            see.getMessage(), i);
                String source = src;
                PathResolver pr = i.getPathResolver();
                if (pr != null) {
                    source = i.getPathResolver().resolvePath(src);
                String ttype = i.getTargettype();
                Invoker inv = null;
                try {
                    inv = scInstance.newInvoker(ttype);
                } catch (InvokerException ie) {
                    TriggerEvent te = new TriggerEvent(s.getId()
                        + ".invoke.failed", TriggerEvent.ERROR_EVENT);
                List params = i.params();
                Map args = new HashMap();
                for (Iterator pIter = params.iterator(); pIter.hasNext();) {
                    Param p = (Param);
                    String argExpr = p.getExpr();
                    Object argValue = null;
                    if (argExpr != null && argExpr.trim().length() > 0) {
                        try {
                            ctx.setLocal(NAMESPACES_KEY, p.getNamespaces());
                            argValue = eval.eval(ctx, argExpr);
                            ctx.setLocal(NAMESPACES_KEY, null);
                        } catch (SCXMLExpressionException see) {
                                see.getMessage(), i);
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.scxml.Evaluator

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