if (monitor.isCanceled())
return null;
/* Select Newsgroup */
String newsgroup = link.getPath().replace("/", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
NewsgroupInfo groupInfo = new NewsgroupInfo();
boolean selected = client.selectNewsgroup(newsgroup, groupInfo);
/* Check Authentication Required */
checkAuthenticationRequired(client, link);
/* Check Newsgroup Selected */
if (!selected)
throwConnectionException(Messages.NewsGroupHandler_ERROR_SELECT_NEWSGROUP, client);
/* Support early cancellation */
if (monitor.isCanceled())
return null;
boolean downloadWithoutPointer = (lastArticleId == null); //Last article servers as pointer
/* Subsequent reload: Set pointer to last retrieved News and go from there */
if (lastArticleId != null) {
/* Set Article Pointer to last retrieved News */
int status = client.stat(lastArticleId);
if (status == NO_SUCH_ARTICLE_ERROR)
downloadWithoutPointer = true; //This can happen if the last article id was not found, grab the latest news then
else if (status != STATUS_ARTICLE_POINTER_OK)
throwConnectionException(Messages.NewsGroupHandler_ERROR_RETRIEVE_NEWS, client);
/* Retrieve all the following News */
if (!downloadWithoutPointer) {
while (client.next() == STATUS_ARTICLE_POINTER_OK && !monitor.isCanceled())
createNews(client.retrieveArticle(), feed, monitor);
/* Retrieve the last 50 News of the group */
if (downloadWithoutPointer) {
/* Set Article Pointer to last Article */
int status = client.stat(groupInfo.getLastArticle());
throwConnectionException(Messages.NewsGroupHandler_ERROR_RETRIEVE_NEWS, client);
/* Retrieve initial news */
for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_NEWS && !monitor.isCanceled(); i++) {
createNews(client.retrieveArticle(), feed, monitor);
/* Goto previous news if provided */
int result = client.last();
/* Remember last article's ID */
lastArticleId = groupInfo.getLastArticle();
/* Wrap Exceptions */
catch (IOException e) {
throw new ConnectionException(Activator.createErrorStatus(e.getMessage(), e));