Package org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.parser

Examples of org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.parser.XPathParser$JJCalls

        // Creating the element at the xpath location
        // Walk the XPath from the start until the end or the start of a filter
        // expression.
        // Collect element namespace prefix and name, check element exist and
        // create them according to schema definition.
        final XPathParser xpathParser = new XPathParser(new StringReader(clonedMetadata.getQualifiedName()+"/"+result.two()));

        // Start from the root of the metadata document
        Token currentToken = xpathParser.getNextToken();
        Token previousToken = currentToken;

        int depth = 0;
        Element currentNode = clonedMetadata;
        boolean existingElement = true;
        boolean isAttribute = false;
        String currentElementName = "";
        String currentElementNamespacePrefix = "";

        // Stop when token is null, start of an expression is found ie. "["
        // Stop when an expression [ starts
        // The expression is supposed to be part of the XML snippet to insert
        // If an existing element needs to be updated use the _Xref_replace mode
        // this mode is more precise with the geonet:element/@ref.
        while (currentToken != null &&
               currentToken.kind != 0 &&
               currentToken.kind != XPathParserLocalConstants.SQBRACKET_OPEN) {

            // TODO : check no .., descendant, ... are in the xpath
            // Only full xpath are supported.
            if (XPathParserLocalConstants.ILLEGAL_KINDS.contains(currentToken.kind)) {
                return false;

            // build element name as the parser progress into the xpath ...
            if (currentToken.kind == XPathParserLocalConstants.ATTRIBUTE ) {
                isAttribute = true;
            // Match namespace prefix
            if (currentToken.kind == XPathParserLocalConstants.TEXT && previousToken.kind == XPathParserConstants.SLASH) {
                // get element namespace if element is text and previous was /
                // means qualified name only is supported
                currentElementNamespacePrefix = currentToken.image;
            } else if (currentToken.kind == XPathParserLocalConstants.TEXT &&
                       previousToken.kind == XPathParserLocalConstants.NAMESPACE_SEP) {
                // get element name if element is text and previous was /
                currentElementName = currentToken.image;

                // Do not change anything to the root of the
                // metadata record which MUST be the root of
                // the xpath
                if (depth > 0) {
                    // If an element name is created
                    // Check the element exist in the metadata
                    // and create it if needed.
                    String qualifiedName = currentElementNamespacePrefix + ":" + currentElementName;
                    if(Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.EDITORADDELEMENT)) {
                                "Check if " + qualifiedName + " exists in " + currentNode.getName());

                    Element nodeToCheck = currentNode.getChild(currentElementName,

                    if (nodeToCheck != null) {
                        if(Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.EDITORADDELEMENT)) {
                            Log.debug(Geonet.EDITORADDELEMENT, " > " + qualifiedName + " found");
                        // Element found, no need to create it, continue walking the xpath.
                        currentNode = nodeToCheck;
                        existingElement &= true;
                    } else {
                        if(Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.EDITORADDELEMENT)) {
                            Log.debug(Geonet.EDITORADDELEMENT, " > add new node " +
                                                               qualifiedName + " inserted in " + currentNode.getName());

                        if (metadataSchema.getElementValues(qualifiedName, currentNode.getQualifiedName()) != null) {
                            currentNode = addElement(metadataSchema, currentNode, qualifiedName);
                            existingElement = false;
                        } else {
                            // element not in schema so stop!
                            return false;

                depth ++;
                // Reset current element props
                currentElementName = "";
                currentElementNamespacePrefix = "";

            previousToken = currentToken;
            currentToken = xpathParser.getNextToken();

        // The current node is an existing node or newly created one
        // Insert the XML value
        // TODO: deal with attribute ?
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.parser.XPathParser$JJCalls

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