params = rawParams;
final int width = src.getWidth();
final int height = src.getHeight();
final boolean hasAlpha = new PaletteFactory().hasTransparency(src);
if (verbose) {
Debug.debug("hasAlpha: " + hasAlpha);
// int transparency = new PaletteFactory().getTransparency(src);
boolean isGrayscale = new PaletteFactory().isGrayscale(src);
if (verbose) {
Debug.debug("isGrayscale: " + isGrayscale);
ColorType colorType;
final boolean forceIndexedColor = Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.get(PngConstants.PARAM_KEY_PNG_FORCE_INDEXED_COLOR));
final boolean forceTrueColor = Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.get(PngConstants.PARAM_KEY_PNG_FORCE_TRUE_COLOR));
if (forceIndexedColor && forceTrueColor) {
throw new ImageWriteException(
"Params: Cannot force both indexed and true color modes");
} else if (forceIndexedColor) {
colorType = ColorType.INDEXED_COLOR;
} else if (forceTrueColor) {
colorType = (hasAlpha ? ColorType.TRUE_COLOR_WITH_ALPHA : ColorType.TRUE_COLOR);
isGrayscale = false;
} else {
colorType = ColorType.getColorType(hasAlpha, isGrayscale);
if (verbose) {
Debug.debug("colorType: " + colorType);
final byte bitDepth = getBitDepth(colorType, params);
if (verbose) {
Debug.debug("bitDepth: " + bitDepth);
int sampleDepth;
if (colorType == ColorType.INDEXED_COLOR) {
sampleDepth = 8;
} else {
sampleDepth = bitDepth;
if (verbose) {
Debug.debug("sampleDepth: " + sampleDepth);
// IHDR must be first
final byte compressionMethod = PngConstants.COMPRESSION_TYPE_INFLATE_DEFLATE;
final byte filterMethod = PngConstants.FILTER_METHOD_ADAPTIVE;
final InterlaceMethod interlaceMethod = InterlaceMethod.NONE;
final ImageHeader imageHeader = new ImageHeader(width, height, bitDepth,
colorType, compressionMethod, filterMethod, interlaceMethod);
writeChunkIHDR(os, imageHeader);
// sRGB No Before PLTE and IDAT. If the sRGB chunk is present, the
// iCCP chunk should not be present.
// charles
Palette palette = null;
if (colorType == ColorType.INDEXED_COLOR) {
// PLTE No Before first IDAT
final int maxColors = hasAlpha ? 255 : 256;
final PaletteFactory paletteFactory = new PaletteFactory();
palette = paletteFactory.makeQuantizedRgbPalette(src, maxColors);
// Palette palette2 = new PaletteFactory().makePaletteSimple(src,
// maxColors);
// palette.dump();