Package org.apache.commons.imaging.palette

Examples of org.apache.commons.imaging.palette.Palette

            // iCCP chunk should not be present.

            // charles

        Palette palette = null;
        if (colorType == ColorType.INDEXED_COLOR) {
            // PLTE No Before first IDAT

            final int maxColors = hasAlpha ? 255 : 256;

            final PaletteFactory paletteFactory = new PaletteFactory();
            palette = paletteFactory.makeQuantizedRgbPalette(src, maxColors);
            // Palette palette2 = new PaletteFactory().makePaletteSimple(src,
            // maxColors);

            // palette.dump();

            if (hasAlpha) {
                palette = new TransparentPalette(palette);
                writeChunkPLTE(os, palette);               
                writeChunkTRNS(os, new SimplePalette(new int[] { 0x00000000 }));
            } else {
                writeChunkPLTE(os, palette);

        final Object pixelDensityObj = params.get(ImagingConstants.PARAM_KEY_PIXEL_DENSITY);
        if (pixelDensityObj instanceof PixelDensity) {
            final PixelDensity pixelDensity = (PixelDensity) pixelDensityObj;
            if (pixelDensity.isUnitless()) {
                writeChunkPHYS(os, (int) Math.round(pixelDensity
                        (int) Math.round(pixelDensity.getRawVerticalDensity()),
                        (byte) 0);
            } else {
                writeChunkPHYS(os, (int) Math.round(pixelDensity
                        (int) Math.round(pixelDensity.verticalDensityMetres()),
                        (byte) 1);

        if (params.containsKey(ImagingConstants.PARAM_KEY_XMP_XML)) {
            final String xmpXml = (String) params.get(ImagingConstants.PARAM_KEY_XMP_XML);
            writeChunkXmpiTXt(os, xmpXml);

        if (params.containsKey(PngConstants.PARAM_KEY_PNG_TEXT_CHUNKS)) {
            final List<?> outputTexts = (List<?>) params.get(PngConstants.PARAM_KEY_PNG_TEXT_CHUNKS);
            for (Object outputText : outputTexts) {
                final PngText text = (PngText) outputText;
                if (text instanceof PngText.Text) {
                    writeChunktEXt(os, (PngText.Text) text);
                } else if (text instanceof PngText.Ztxt) {
                    writeChunkzTXt(os, (PngText.Ztxt) text);
                } else if (text instanceof PngText.Itxt) {
                    writeChunkiTXt(os, (PngText.Itxt) text);
                } else {
                    throw new ImageWriteException(
                            "Unknown text to embed in PNG: " + text);

            // Debug.debug("writing IDAT");

            // IDAT Yes Multiple IDAT chunks shall be consecutive

            byte[] uncompressed;
                final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

                final boolean useAlpha = colorType == ColorType.GREYSCALE_WITH_ALPHA
                        || colorType == ColorType.TRUE_COLOR_WITH_ALPHA;

                final int[] row = new int[width];
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                    // Debug.debug("y", y + "/" + height);
                    src.getRGB(0, y, width, 1, row, 0, width);

                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                        final int argb = row[x];

                        if (palette != null) {
                            if (hasAlpha && (argb >>> 24) == 0x00) {
                            } else {
                                final int index = palette.getPaletteIndex(argb);
                                baos.write(0xff & index);
                        } else {
                            final int alpha = 0xff & (argb >> 24);
                            final int red = 0xff & (argb >> 16);
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        final boolean hasAlpha = new PaletteFactory().hasTransparency(src);

        final int maxColors = hasAlpha ? 255 : 256;

        Palette palette2 = new PaletteFactory().makeExactRgbPaletteSimple(src, maxColors);
        // int palette[] = new PaletteFactory().makePaletteSimple(src, 256);
        // Map palette_map = paletteToMap(palette);

        if (palette2 == null) {
            palette2 = new PaletteFactory().makeQuantizedRgbPalette(src, maxColors);
            if (verbose) {
        } else if (verbose) {
            System.out.println("exact palette");

        if (palette2 == null) {
            throw new ImageWriteException("Gif: can't write images with more than 256 colors");
        final int paletteSize = palette2.length() + (hasAlpha ? 1 : 0);

        final BinaryOutputStream bos = new BinaryOutputStream(os, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);

        // write Header
        os.write(0x47); // G magic numbers
        os.write(0x49); // I
        os.write(0x46); // F

        os.write(0x38); // 8 version magic numbers
        os.write(0x39); // 9
        os.write(0x61); // a

        // Logical Screen Descriptor.


        final int colorTableScaleLessOne = (paletteSize > 128) ? 7
                : (paletteSize > 64) ? 6 : (paletteSize > 32) ? 5
                        : (paletteSize > 16) ? 4 : (paletteSize > 8) ? 3
                                : (paletteSize > 4) ? 2
                                        : (paletteSize > 2) ? 1 : 0;

        final int colorTableSizeInFormat = 1 << (colorTableScaleLessOne + 1);
            final byte colorResolution = (byte) colorTableScaleLessOne; // TODO:

            final boolean globalColorTableFlag = false;
            final boolean sortFlag = false;
            final int globalColorTableFlagMask = 1 << 7;
            final int sortFlagMask = 8;
            final int sizeOfGlobalColorTable = 0;

            final int packedFields = ((globalColorTableFlag ? globalColorTableFlagMask
                    : 0)
                    | (sortFlag ? sortFlagMask : 0)
                    | ((7 & colorResolution) << 4) | (7 & sizeOfGlobalColorTable));
            bos.write(packedFields); // one byte
            final byte backgroundColorIndex = 0;
            final byte pixelAspectRatio = 0;

            // write Global Color Table.


        { // ALWAYS write GraphicControlExtension
            bos.write((byte) 0xf9);
            // bos.write(0xff & (kGraphicControlExtension >> 8));
            // bos.write(0xff & (kGraphicControlExtension >> 0));

            bos.write((byte) 4); // block size;
            final int packedFields = hasAlpha ? 1 : 0; // transparency flag
            bos.write((byte) packedFields);
            bos.write((byte) 0); // Delay Time
            bos.write((byte) 0); // Delay Time
            bos.write((byte) (hasAlpha ? palette2.length() : 0)); // Transparent
            // Color
            // Index
            bos.write((byte) 0); // terminator

        if (null != xmpXml) {

            bos.write(XMP_APPLICATION_ID_AND_AUTH_CODE.length); // 0x0B

            final byte[] xmpXmlBytes = xmpXml.getBytes("utf-8");

            // write "magic trailer"
            for (int magic = 0; magic <= 0xff; magic++) {
                bos.write(0xff - magic);

            bos.write((byte) 0); // terminator


        { // Image Descriptor.
            bos.write2Bytes(0); // Image Left Position
            bos.write2Bytes(0); // Image Top Position
            bos.write2Bytes(width); // Image Width
            bos.write2Bytes(height); // Image Height

                final boolean localColorTableFlag = true;
                // boolean LocalColorTableFlag = false;
                final boolean interlaceFlag = false;
                final boolean sortFlag = false;
                final int sizeOfLocalColorTable = colorTableScaleLessOne;

                // int SizeOfLocalColorTable = 0;

                final int packedFields;
                if (localColorTableFlag) {
                    packedFields = (LOCAL_COLOR_TABLE_FLAG_MASK
                            | (interlaceFlag ? INTERLACE_FLAG_MASK : 0)
                            | (sortFlag ? SORT_FLAG_MASK : 0)
                            | (7 & sizeOfLocalColorTable));
                } else {
                    packedFields = (0
                            | (interlaceFlag ? INTERLACE_FLAG_MASK : 0)
                            | (sortFlag ? SORT_FLAG_MASK : 0)
                            | (7 & sizeOfLocalColorTable));
                bos.write(packedFields); // one byte

        { // write Local Color Table.
            for (int i = 0; i < colorTableSizeInFormat; i++) {
                if (i < palette2.length()) {
                    final int rgb = palette2.getEntry(i);

                    final int red = 0xff & (rgb >> 16);
                    final int green = 0xff & (rgb >> 8);
                    final int blue = 0xff & (rgb >> 0);

                } else {

        { // get Image Data.
//            int image_data_total = 0;

            int lzwMinimumCodeSize = colorTableScaleLessOne + 1;
            // LZWMinimumCodeSize = Math.max(8, LZWMinimumCodeSize);
            if (lzwMinimumCodeSize < 2) {
                lzwMinimumCodeSize = 2;

            // TODO:
            // make
            // better
            // choice
            // here.

            final MyLzwCompressor compressor = new MyLzwCompressor(
                    lzwMinimumCodeSize, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, false); // GIF
            // Mode);

            final byte[] imagedata = new byte[width * height];
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                    final int argb = src.getRGB(x, y);
                    final int rgb = 0xffffff & argb;
                    int index;

                    if (hasAlpha) {
                        final int alpha = 0xff & (argb >> 24);
                        final int alphaThreshold = 255;
                        if (alpha < alphaThreshold) {
                            index = palette2.length(); // is transparent
                        } else {
                            index = palette2.getPaletteIndex(rgb);
                    } else {
                        index = palette2.getPaletteIndex(rgb);

                    imagedata[y * width + x] = (byte) index;
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.imaging.palette.Palette

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